Thak the lord, I went for my first fill on the 5th Aug,and weighed 214lbs, and although seveely restricting food intake weigh 208 today, which is only 2lbs a week, but haven't lost a thing in two weeks.
So confused with this talk about protein v carbs, as I used to have tuna before my fill, but now cannot eat it, only coping with soups and sauce foods, which is high carb. Outside of protein/ whey drinks what can I do to set up a low carb diet. My profile is available which shows that I am type 2 diabetic, and I was told to consume protein to keep my sugars in check, which worked at first but not so good now. I would say that I have about 1100cals per day.
I tend towards OCD, and it's bugging me, maybe I should trash the scales, keep the portions small and forget abot it for three months