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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by heatherbbb

  1. heatherbbb

    Treadmills for a obese beginner!!!

    I started with 10 minutes and added a minute a day, sometimes 2. At about 20 minutes, I started increasing the speed. Then I alternated increasing the speed and the time. I have a bad back, so cannot use the incline as it adds stress on the back. I was up to about 40 minutes a day walking faster, but then a bulging dicc started pressing on my spine. Now, I am lucky if I can tolerate 5 minutes on the treadmill. I am getting a corizone injection on Monday, so hopefully I will be able to start walking more. I'll probably do the same thing as before, increase the time and speed slowly. Also, resistance training or weight training is great to start as soon as you doctor allows. Again, start slow. With my back issues, I've been unable to do weight training. Can't wait to start again. Good luck and listen to your body. You want to push yourself without hurting yourself. Weightloss is not a race, but a journey.
  2. heatherbbb

    I refuse!!

    I am buying a little tight these days so the clothes will last longer. I have also bought some straps to cinch some of my looser tops. I bought a strap made to clip to your belt loops that helped me skip a size in buying pants. I only have a few pair of pants that fit at any given size too. Luckily, I have saved my skinnier clothes over the last decade so I've been able pull them out of storage as I've lost weight. I have a beautiful wardrobe awaiting me when I make it back to my goal weight. Good luck finding clothes without going broke!
  3. heatherbbb

    Lump in the throat

    Since my first fill two weeks ago, I have felt a lump in my throat and I have reflux. Has anyone else felt this? Does it go away? I do not feel like I am too tight as I have never gotten stuck. I try to eat small portions in keeping with the theory of the band. Currently, I am now losing about 2 to 3 lbs a week, so I am happy with my progress.
  4. heatherbbb

    Do you prefer biking, or walking/hiking?

    i bought a bike about 7 years ago. i love biking. i love the speed of it and the being outdoors. i bike on greenways - either asphalt or gravel paths along a river or through the woods. there are a lot of bike paths in my area. i also love the amount of calories i can burn in an hour. i find walking much more boring and harder to push myself. i do walk on my treadmill when there is bad weather. i also found that swimming with pool flippers adds speed which makes swimming more exciting.
  5. heatherbbb


    wonderful. what a great experience.
  6. heatherbbb

    Exercise advise please

    I love riding my bike and swimming. I use my treadmill at my house when the weather is bad. I'm hoping to start raquetball again soon as I love to play. If you can find something you enjoy, exercise will be something to look forward to. Next week, my family is going to visit and we are going to rent kayaks at the lake. I've always wanted to do that.
  7. heatherbbb

    Should I exercise or not?

    I did not suggest that she lost 15 lbs of fat. I only suggested that she should continue to exercise.
  8. Weesie - The You Tube Video won't play past 1:09 minutes on my computer. I went to the Dynamic-progress website, but must register. Have you registered? Is it worth it? Thanks.
  9. heatherbbb

    Should I exercise or not?

    I agree with the other posters. Don't stop exercising. You may need to eat more. I noticed less weight loss in the last week since I've reached my 6 week post op and started exercising more vigorously. I am not going to stop exercising because I know it will ultimately be for my benefit. Some people on this site have suggested that your body retains water when you exercise a lot. Good luck and congratulations on the 15 lbs. I doubt you would have lost 15 lbs in one week if you hadn't been exercising previously.
  10. heatherbbb

    calorie intake post surgery

    LBT Addict - My doctor did not give me a specific calorie goal. The nutritionist told me it wasn't unusual to eat less than 1000 calories in the liquid stage because it was hard to get the calories. I drank the juice to up my calorie intake because I didn't want to tank my metabolism. I just had my first fill last week. I am eating soft foods now. My doc didn't give me a calorie limit, but wants me to get 60 grams of Protein a week. I track my calories on livestrong.com. I've put 1400 calories as my target, although I'm usually under. I'm 6'-1" and 292 lbs. Lea3277 - I struggled with the desire to drink as well my first week. I couldn't get 2 shakes down a day because I felt so full, so I did one shake and then made up the protein with 1% milk and broth which was easier to drink. I upped my calorie intake with 100% grape juice because it's high calorie. I also drank 100% apple juice. It will get easier to drink with time. My nutritionist wanted me to get 8 cups of Fluid a day. Good luck!
  11. heatherbbb

    calorie intake post surgery

    I drank 100% grape juice and apple juice to increase my calories during the liquid stage. My Dr. allowed 100% juice except for orange juice because it had too much acid. I was still under 1000 calories. I tried to get 800 calories a day.
  12. heatherbbb

    Who is using a BodyBugg

    I really like the idea of the BodyBugg, but worry how many comments I will get at work. I'm not so concerned about the people I see everyday. I am more concerned with all the meetings I have outside the company. How have you guys dealt with the questions? I am tall ( 6'-1"), so none of my summer shirts will cover the arm band.
  13. heatherbbb


    My husband started P90X, but it was too intense for him. He was very overweight and out of shape. He found an older version P90 that is not quite as intense that worked better for him.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
