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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by grizzlyrider

  1. grizzlyrider


    I was also banded in August and have lost 55 lbs. I haven't even been exercising much. I have a bad knee and have only been able to swim which I do 4-5 times a week. I don't think you have to do anything different. Sounds like you're doing really well. I don't know why you think you have to start using shakes. They don't work with the band but slip through, I think you'd just be hungry all the time. Good luck, keep up the good work!
  2. grizzlyrider

    woo whoo!

    Well, another week has come and gone and 2 more lbs has come and gone. Every week it just keeps happening! It's kind of funny, when I'm bored, it still works, when I get down in the dumps, it still works. The consistancy of it is so very amazing to me and I think that is why I still think it is all a dream and when I wake up I'll be back to my old weight. In the past, when I dieted, it was so stressful, it was like pulling teeth to get even 1 lb off like I had to punish myself severely for it to come off. I think this is what I needed, this tool is perfect for me. I have always been a healthy eater but a high volume eater. My band has removed that anxiety that grows and grows in my until I have to eat something. I know it is not magic but a tool but I have to say it feels like magic to me. I'm loving my band!:thumbup:
  3. grizzlyrider

    woo whoo!

    Comment to myself, edit for errors before posting!
  4. grizzlyrider

    woo whoo!

    Well, another week has come and gone and 2 more lbs has come and gone. Every week it just keeps happening! It's kind of funny, when I'm bored, it still works, when I get down in the dumps, it still works. The consistancy of it is so very amazing to me and I think that is why I still think it is all a dream and when I wake up I'll be back to my old weight. In the past, when I dieted, it was so stressful, it was like pulling teeth to get even 1 lb off like I had to punish myself severely for it to come off. I think this is what I needed, this tool is perfect for me. I have always been a healthy eater but a high volume eater. My band has removed that anxiety that grows and grows in my until I have to eat something. I know it is not magic but a tool but I have to say it feels like magic to me. I'm loving my band!:sneaky::sad::crying:
  5. grizzlyrider

    Getting ready for Surgery

    Just follow the doc's instructions, don't try and eat food. Bring the pain meds home with you from the hosp, don't try and get them later. Have patience. Good luck!
  6. grizzlyrider

    New from PA

    I used to work at Community Progress Council for Head Start and I know a couple teachers there had Dr. Monk. They really liked him a lot and recommended him to me but my insurance wouldn't pay till after I moved from there. I think you'll be happy with him.
  7. grizzlyrider

    Little glitch last night.

    I have a mother in law like you do only she lives 1200 miles away from me - yay!!! Anything I didn't tell her either until 2 months after and I haven't seen her yet. I will in a couple of weeks, I know she has been talking about me and will continue to do so after she sees me. Well, she talks about everyone all the time and it is never anything good. Don't let people like that get to you, it is their flaw not anything to do with you. As far as the selfish thing, my husband and family were and are very supportive of me and yet I felt kind of selfish. But, I felt selfish in a proud way. I was doing something for myself, something necessary that would not directly benefit anyone but myself. I felt it was deserved and it was about time. Selfishness is not always a bad thing! Hang in there and do what you have to for yourself.
  8. What kind of patches did you use? I do swim but think I'd be able to strengthen my knees better if I could walk more.

  9. grizzlyrider

    Benefiber anyone?

    Actually I have the opposite problem. I'm having a bm 3 or 4 times a day. Seems weird, I sometimes wonder if it is the gummy vitamins I am taking? Right after surgery I was constipated but took Milk of Magnesia one time and after that - woooo boy, I'm going like crazy and that was 3 months ago! Wonder if anyone else is having these problems.
  10. grizzlyrider

    New from PA

    Good Luck! I noticed your Doc is Dr. Monk. Are you from York? I used to live there and knew several people that went to him. I'm in Minnesota now and was banded here! It's a long road to get your surgery but well worth it!
  11. HI Frank! I saw you mentioned knee pain in one of your posts. I have bad knee pain that I thought would get better but I'm down 53 lbs and it's not better at all. How bad was yours and how long did it take? I get cortisone ever 2-3 months and suffer in between. Right now I'm using a cane because of the pain. Even tried the series of 5 injections that did nothing. So, I'm just wondering about your experience.

  12. grizzlyrider

    Officially out of plus sizes!!! NSV

    No, size 16 pants aren't plus size, there are no X's in 16! Congratulations!!!
  13. grizzlyrider

    Veteran Bandsters - Hungry vs. Full

    When you are able to eat more foods you will not be so hungry. The feeling of satisfaction you will get is wwaaaayyy better than the feeling of fullness you used to get preband!:wink2:
  14. grizzlyrider

    How do you know?

    Yes, I have the problem that I don't really believe I look any different. I know my clothes feel loose but the nasty little voice in my head tells me they just are old and stretched. Logically I know this cannot be true but my head is just not there yet. My voice also tells me that it's not real and every morning I have to jump up out of bed and go to the scale (after the bathroom!). I'm sure this will all work out eventually but it's obviously a problem for me.:wink2:
  15. grizzlyrider

    12/3/09 The Monster Rears Its Ugly Head

    Oh yeah, one more thing, chocolate chips - yes I've eaten a lot of them!
  16. grizzlyrider

    12/3/09 The Monster Rears Its Ugly Head

    I've met your monster and am deathly afraid of him. Luckily the band will not allow this to defeat you. I think as time between these attacks get longer and longer they will eventually stop. Not getting enough sleep is a big trigger for me and I'm sure it was a part of your trigger also. Thinking back "before the band" I remember so many, many, many days like that, just eating and eating, never being satisfied and then hating myself. Yay for the band, we are released from that nightmare!
  17. grizzlyrider

    Psych up not out!

    Don't worry so much about what you will have to give up. You should be able to eat most foods. This isn't a diet and we don't have to deprive ourselves. You will just be eating much less - like a normal weight person. I also worried about the diet coke (well Pepsi One in my case) I started by reducing how many I drank and I suddenly realized one day that I hadn't had one in weeks. I was shocked! Wasn't so hard as I thought! You're obviously thinking hard and planning well for this change. When you actually get there you will be more than ready for it!
  18. I woke up during my C-section and felt like I was being murdered! No problem at all with this surgery. Don't worry, shortly after they wheel you into surgery you will drop off like you are off to another planet! Good luck!
  19. grizzlyrider

    Do you count calories?

    I don't count calories at all. I eat what I want except, of course, much smaller amounts. I never feel deprived and so far it is working for me.
  20. grizzlyrider

    Pre-New Year's Resolution...No Holiday Weight!

    You can do it MrRiceGuy, just ignore the first two obstacles, they are OVER! My plan is to totally ignore any and all goodies people bring in to work. I've had a lot of practice so far, they are bringing things in all the time. I just try and remember how bad I felt about myself when I ate that stuff. I didn't want to before and I did it anyway, I don't want to be that person any more so I refuse to let a lump of flour and sugar make me feel bad about myself ever again! Hang in there!
  21. grizzlyrider

    Confused and Feeling Defeated.

    Didn't they tell you this was the way it would be? I went to months of dietician visits and the pre and post op diets were practically beat into me! Don't just eat soup, get protein shakes, they really do help to keep the hunger away. My surgeon had me drink 5 carnation instant breakfast with additional protein powder every day. It really helps
  22. grizzlyrider

    I have decided to do it!

    Yes there are a lot of hoops to jump through but after I was banded I realized I was glad it took so long to get there. I fussed all the time about how long it took but when it did happen I was really ready and it was not a hard adjustment to change my eating. You'll never regret it!
  23. grizzlyrider

    12/1/09 Head Over Heels

    Fabulous! You're doing so great and I'm sure your great attitude has a lot to do with it!
  24. grizzlyrider


    Hey I don't know the docs but I used to live near York! Yeahhhh, PA!
  25. grizzlyrider

    One year anniversary

    Congratulations, must be a GREAT feeling!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
