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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by grizzlyrider

  1. grizzlyrider

    1st Day of 2 Week Pre-Op Liquid Diet

    Can't you drink broth, tomatoe juice, etc. between the protein shakes? It helps to get a break from the sweet. I know it seems awful now but you'll be so proud of yourself when you've done the whole preop diet. It really sets you up good for continuing on after surgery. Success begets success (is that spelled right?) Anyway, you know what I mean!
  2. grizzlyrider

    Yep, the band is there and working :(

    Well, I have been wondering what you've been up to but didn't think it would be that! hahaha, don't know why these lessons don't happen to us when we are home alone and can slime and pb in private!
  3. grizzlyrider

    I made the Local Newspaper!

    Any way you could post the article? I'd love to read it. Sorry about your friend, life has a way of marching on doesn't it.
  4. grizzlyrider

    4 more days till my rebirth.

    On the morning of my surgery I remember telling myself "this is the first day of the rest of your life." I said it quietly like a little secret for just me. You'll never regret it - good luck on Mnday!
  5. grizzlyrider

    Crazy person?

    I freaked out when they called me with my surgery date. Unbelievable - when I had been bitching and moaning for months about how long it was taking to get the date. Anyway, I freaked out pretty good, I put them off for 2 weeks and then made up my mind and it has been nothing but good ever since. I have not regretted the decision for even 1 minute - I can honestly say it is the very best thing I have ever done for myself.
  6. grizzlyrider

    Half Way There - 88 Down?88 To Go

    Great news! Getting halfway to your goal before restruction is fabulous! I sometimes wonder if we should even call it restriction. To me it feels more like the body and the band is insync and working with each other. Restriction sounds like we are relying on the band to stop us. I don't know, just my opinion.
  7. grizzlyrider


    Well, I'm a little over 2 weeks out from my knee surgery and am recovering nicely. It was more intense than I had planned for but am glad it is over and I'm looking forward to the day when I can dash around the mall buying new clothes! I was a little worried about the time I would have to spend immobile while recovering from this, thought I'd gain weight but have not. Loving that band! Anyway, I was was watching my favorite show last night - Biggest Loser. It struck me how lucky I feel that I never have to feel deprived. One of the contestants picked up a plate of appetizers and waved it under her nose saying how it smelled sooo goood. Not only do we have the luxury of not having to completely eliminate any food, but food like that - greasy, heavy, unhealthy - does not have the appeal it once had. I truly look and feel about food in a totally different way than I did before the band. I'm not saying I never eat ice cream or unhealthy food. But, I am saying I rarely want to! Once again - loving my band!
  8. grizzlyrider


    It is like a gift. A gift that doesn't make us exercise for 6 hours a day to keep giving to us. That is one of the most magical parts of the whole lap band journey for me. We can devise a sensible plan that works for us and we don't have to be so "different" from everyone else in the world. Even though the BL is my favorite show, I also have problems with the things they make them do. I didn't watch the show for the first few seasons because I thought they were making fun of the contestants. But then I watched a results show and was blown away. I get a lot of inspiration seeing it even though I HATE the "game playing" and yelling. Well, it is TV!!!
  9. grizzlyrider


    Well, I'm a little over 2 weeks out from my knee surgery and am recovering nicely. It was more intense than I had planned for but am glad it is over and I'm looking forward to the day when I can dash around the mall buying new clothes! I was a little worried about the time I would have to spend immobile while recovering from this, thought I'd gain weight but have not. Loving that band! Anyway, I was was watching my favorite show last night - Biggest Loser. It struck me how lucky I feel that I never have to feel deprived. One of the contestants picked up a plate of appetizers and waved it under her nose saying how it smelled sooo goood. Not only do we have the luxury of not having to completely eliminate any food, but food like that - greasy, heavy, unhealthy - does not have the appeal it once had. I truly look and feel about food in a totally different way than I did before the band. I'm not saying I never eat ice cream or unhealthy food. But, I am saying I rarely want to! Once again - loving my band!
  10. grizzlyrider

    Tomorrow's the day!!

    Well, tomorrow I have my second surgery this year. I'll have a brand new knee before noon! I've decided I will look at this as the second part of my lap band surgery. The first one put in the lap band and took care of my eating issues, this surgery will take care of my exercise issues. I'm more nervous about this one but then I did not have 8 months of prep for it. So, I'll probably go through withdrawl since I won't be reading blogs for a while - even worse I won't be weighing myself for a while. Yikes! Anyway, next time I'm here I'll be on the mend and ready for the second half of my weight loss journey! :thumbup:
  11. grizzlyrider

    Tomorrow's the day!!

    Well, tomorrow I have my second surgery this year. I'll have a brand new knee before noon! I've decided I will look at this as the second part of my lap band surgery. The first one put in the lap band and took care of my eating issues, this surgery will take care of my exercise issues. I'm more nervous about this one but then I did not have 8 months of prep for it. So, I'll probably go through withdrawl since I won't be reading blogs for a while - even worse I won't be weighing myself for a while. Yikes! Anyway, next time I'm here I'll be on the mend and ready for the second half of my weight loss journey!
  12. grizzlyrider


    Way less pain than a c section!
  13. grizzlyrider

    Surgery News

    Haven't blogged in a while, I just have a hard time thinking of things to say - I'm basically a gal of few words. Anyway, I do have some news today. I've been having a lot of trouble with my knee for the past year and a half. Cortisone doesn't help it at all anymore and it is almost impossible to get much exercise other than swimming (which I do almost every day for an hour). Anyway, I'm going to have total knee replacement on my right knee. If you were to look at my full body pics you would see how crooked my leg has become - it is not an illusion. So, while I am a bit bummed out at having knee replacement surgery at age 56, I am really happy that I will finally be able to walk around again. I find it totally amazing that I have been able to lose 70 lbs when I can only walk (painfully):smile: 10 minutes at a time. I just keep telling myself that with the weight loss and the new knee, this summer you will not be able to see me at all I'll be moving so fast! Surgery is March 9, I took the earliest date I could so I can recover and get moving!
  14. grizzlyrider

    Surgery News

    Haven't blogged in a while, I just have a hard time thinking of things to say - I'm basically a gal of few words. Anyway, I do have some news today. I've been having a lot of trouble with my knee for the past year and a half. Cortisone doesn't help it at all anymore and it is almost impossible to get much exercise other than swimming (which I do almost every day for an hour). Anyway, I'm going to have total knee replacement on my right knee. If you were to look at my full body pics you would see how crooked my leg has become - it is not an illusion. So, while I am a bit bummed out at having knee replacement surgery at age 56, I am really happy that I will finally be able to walk around again. I find it totally amazing that I have been able to lose 70 lbs when I can only walk (painfully):tongue_smilie: 10 minutes at a time. I just keep telling myself that with the weight loss and the new knee, this summer you will not be able to see me at all I'll be moving so fast! Surgery is March 9, I took the earliest date I could so I can recover and get moving!
  15. grizzlyrider

    I'm overweight !

    Yay! At least for today happy dancing should count for you!
  16. grizzlyrider

    First vacation after surgery

    That is so darn exciting! I recently took my first post band air trip also and was so excited I could buckle easily. NOT as loose as you but I didn't have to force it closed! Yayyyyy for you! (and all of us getting there!)
  17. grizzlyrider

    On the final leg of my journey to bandom

    I remember I thought it was weird I was not excited or nervous at all on my surgery day. I think they mess you around for so long you are just plain READY when the day comes. I think the week after surgery was harder for me with the food because I knew the liquid diet was coming to an end. You're doing so good and I'm really excited for you. woowhoo next Tuesday!
  18. grizzlyrider

    Week 40...I Got A New Attitude & New Pics Too!

    Happy Birthday and have a great time with your friends, you deserve it!
  19. grizzlyrider

    Warmer Weather, and My spirits are lifting too!

    68 Degrees, I can't even imagine! It's good to hear you're losing good again, I remember you had a plateau not long ago. Sounds like you had a fantastic day and you deserve all those compliments!
  20. grizzlyrider

    2 months post-op and 2 fills later....

    Did you notice you ordered the pie right after your mom commented on how she thought you should have lost more weight. Do you maybe have ongoing issues with her and your weight? Could it be a subtle sabatoge on her part? Something to think about.
  21. grizzlyrider

    Im banded

    Welcome! You are going to be soooo glad you did this! Feel better soon!
  22. grizzlyrider

    Back on for March 2nd!

    So glad to hear your surgery is back on track. I think the pre surgery months with all the delays and surprises is harder than the actual surgery and aftermath. I know I got really tired of feeling like they were all running my life. Anyway, it won't be long now!
  23. grizzlyrider

    Did anyone have a hard time with the Medifast diet?

    I don't know if you have kids in the house or not but with just my husband here, I told him he would have to fend for himself while I was doing the liquids. He managed. I just decided it was time for me to be selfish and did what I had to do. We all have to learn to be selfish once in a while. Good luck!
  24. grizzlyrider

    Down 74.4 lbs! Yes I count the .4 lb~~~62% of Excess Weight Gone Forever!!

    Congratulations, I'm right behind you with 69 lbs gone in 6 months - what a miracle, right! What fun you're story will be in the medical journal. Amazing how life can change in just a few months. I'm sure your story will inspire people. I wish everyone with a weight problem could experience this and realize it really IS possible to get your life back!
  25. grizzlyrider

    Pre-op day 4 of 21

    Yes I can see a big difference in the two pictures. You look 10 years younger in the 2nd one! Quite a feat doing this presurgery, you're going to be really successful with the band!

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