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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by viking_girl

  1. I had my surgery in October (wow! 6 months, really??) From the sounds of things, you probably have some swelling inside.... once that goes down, you will find that things go down much easier. Immediately post-op, I lost quite a bit also, but that slowed WAY down after I healed. Then, it is a slow process to find just the right amount of fluid to put in your band. For me, this allowed me to get used to the changes a little bit at a time.

    It is different for every person, but what you said sounds very normal to me. Just take your time, stick to the instructions your doc gave you for this healing period, and you will be fine. :thumbup:

  2. I do have to say.... the process of reaching this point has been slow and gradual. My surgery was Oct 2009. At first, there is the process of healing, and then the slow and gradual process of finding the sweet spot. So, it is a lifestyle change, but not so sudden that I couldn't handle it.

    Even though I havent had a diet coke since last September, I still sulk about it on occasion. Even though I am doing well with my lapband, I do still miss the satisfaction of a really good meal. I am sure it will just take more time to adjust.... sigh.

    But, YES, it is worth it. :thumbup:

  3. I have ALWAYS loved food. Eating the food, smelling the food, tasting the food.... especially tasting. I often ate just because it tasted good. And if a little tastes good, then a lot tastes better. And I love cooking the food, too.

    And then Lap-band happened.

    DOnt get me wrong -- I love it -- best decision I ever made. I am doing less with it, more or less..... with the exception of the water retention thing.

    But this is the thing..... I decided to make BBQ ribs for dinner tonight. I was so excited.... I love the smell of the ribs cooking... was going to call my boyfriend and invite him over...... but then I remembered the Lap-band issues I have been having this week. And then all of the joy in preparing a nice Sunday meal for my family were just DASHED. I mean, why get all excited about it when I will be able to eat next to none of it?

    Lately is just a giant build-up to a great big let-down. And the sad thing is -- I HAVE To cook. I can't just not feed my family. I still need to get my calories in because that does me no good either.

    Even my favorite restaurant is no good anymore. I went a couple nights with my brother and our families.... spending time with him while he is home from Afghanistan for a bit. I ate 3-4 chips, 1 french fry, and maybe three bites of my chile verde. And then spent the rest of the night in the backroom throwing up.

    And here is the kicker.

    My SIL just called... the fam wants to go back to same restaurant today. I dont even dare try to eat. Not even a little bit. Probably shouldnt even go. But it is so rare that I get to do anything with ALL of my family, that I Will go. Even if I don't order.

    And really, WHY does every thing we do have to revolve around food? I mean, couldnt wee go mini golfing or something??

    Guess that means I dont have to cook ribs today, huh?

  4. I havent updated for a while.... couldn't remember my password!!

    First..... decided my numbers are skewed because my scale at home isnt close to matching the one at the docs office..... so the 265 from last time is not correct. Well, it is closer now than it was in December at any rate.

    FInally got to what I would call my sweet spot and life was GOOD. Until I hit that time of the month.... no more periods but the water retention!!!!!!!!!! And right when it is time to weigh in.... so my numbers go up a bit.

    With the water retention comes TIGHT. HAd 3-4 bites of my dinner last night and just couldnt handle it. I was sliming and puking..... I tried to stop and just couldnt.

    I will stick to liquids today.... dont want to go through that again.

    But I am really frustrated...... for the other 2-3 weeks when it is just right, I dont want to do an unfill. But a week to 10 days of uber tight will make me crazy.

    Weigh-in is next THursday.

  5. It just is amazing - I feel like a normal person for probably the first time ever. I can eat a "normal" amount and I am satisfied with that.

    I lost my job a week ago, and there has been some stress eating with that, but even so, I have continued to lose weight.

    On the scale this morning, I hit 265, down from 311 before surgery. I am wearing clothes I haven't worn for a long time and it is so cool.

    Before I run out of money, I am going to get a pass to the gym so I can burn off the nervous energy there -- may as well take advantage of unemployment while I can.

    And, I have a new favorite breakfast!!! Someone gave me a giant box of apples, so I made homemade applesauce with them -- a chunky applesauce. I heat up 1/2 cup in the microwave, and top with 1/4 cup granola. This morning was the organic blueberry with flax from Target. YUMMY!!! :sneaky:

  6. So, I think I could have done a bad BAD thing tonight. SO um, what will happen if I have an insanely bad habit of swallowing my gum? Thank goodness it is a small piece, not a giant wad of bubble gum or anything.

    I would even welcome text response on this one so I dont have to hover over the computer on this one!! 4352250049 ---

    Thank you!!!

  7. I hate yogurt. I mean, really hate it. Hate cottage cheese, buttermilk etc.... anything with that sour milk taste. Blech!!!!

    But I keep hearing about greek yogurt and how high in protein it is.

    Any ideas on things I can do with the yogurt to reap the benefits without gagging it down??

  8. This is working like a dream for me, and I am thrilled. I had my post-op appot. yesterday, and while I was waiting for my surgeon, I realized I haven't been taking my blood pressure medication. (My bad - I was able to discontinue my blood sugar meds so I just haven't got in a new routine yet) So he made a point to check my BP.

    I was shocked -- it was 103/52!!!! Its a good thing I haven't been taking meds! I didn't expect to be off my BP meds so quickly - I have only lost 18 pounds, and I hade high blood pressure 40 pounds ago, so I dont really understand it. (Not complaining mind you!)

    I will continue to monitor my blood pressure with my doctor at home - I don't want to assume I am free and clear just yet! BUt even so, that was fabulous news for a day.

    I am doing very well with the band. I am not filled yet, but I am very satisfied. I each 1/2 cup portions about 4-5 times a day, and it is enough for me -- I can't tell you how good it feels to not be starving all the time.

    A lot can change in 3 weeks, but my surgeon said if I am still doing this well in 3 weeks, he may not fill me just yet.

    And, as a final note -- hiccoups are a bitch now!! :)

  9. Wow, what a week this has been! Surgery on Monday, two sick kids etc.

    The surgery itself went well, and I am so impressed with my doctor -- he called me on Tuesday to check on me. Not so impressed with the surgical center and staff, but hey, it is done, everything turned out well in spite of them.

    I definitely have some restriction going on because I have been quite happy with my broth and jello. Even half a mug of broth is plenty for me. Tomorrow, I get to move on to "full liquids." I get cream of chicken soup -- what a feast that is going to be -- I can't wait!!

    The gas comes and goes, the stitches and the tape on them are starting to ITCH!! I am still a bit sore but it is bearable. My back hurts more than anything from all that time in the recliner. I made it to the grocery store yesterday, with help from one of my daughters. And this afternoon I will do a little bit of work from home.

    My kids are improving and home again.... that is a relief to me. THe humidifier and the airborne are doing their jobs, so I have not had more symptoms yet, thank goodness. Coughing is still painful. So is laughing. Jeff Dunham is not recommended during early recovery, lol.

    So, after 5 days of rest and too much relaxation, it is time to get back to living -- in between naps anyway. :thumbup:

  10. And I cant put a finger on what exactly it is. Partly gas I think. The CO2 dissipated on the first day, but today I get these pains in my sides -- I can feel it moving upwards....a bit of belching, etc. Not sure what that is.

    Also, feeling a little heavy in the chest today, and I have coughed up some thick green phlegm. I came home to two daughters with seine flu, so I am a little worried. I have asthma, very susceptible to bronchitis, and I cant cough this stuff out of the lungs right now. I have been taking airborne. I have a pot of water simmering on the stove, but my house is so big I am s=not sure how much that is helping.

    I am feeling like I should be up and moving a little more today, but really,I am so sleepy -- I could easily take a nap! :)

  11. I also was banded yesterday and am having awful gas pain!

    I get up and walk and that helps but still unable to sleep in my be. I selp on the couch in the recliner part. That way the gas pain is not that bad. Just keep your eye on the prize that helps!

    Haha...I slept in my recliner too, mostly due to the abdominal pain though. In fact...that is where I am headed right now -- it is nappy time!! :)

  12. thank you awill...it's just that I am the mom -- hard to turn the care of my child over to someone else, even my parents.

    My doctor called me this morning to check on me... that was nice. I have been much more impressed with him than the surgical center. (although, I have to say, the anesthesia guy sure smelled good!)

  13. oh yeah, Cleo -- dont be so hard on yourself and give yourself a chance to heal girl!! it has only been three days, and any surgery would be like this for a few days, so just enjoy the opportunity to take it easy and relaz as much as you can!

  14. it sounds like you still have some gas pain maybe, so yes, getting up and around will help. My doctor told me to get up and move at least once ever hour; when I did get up, I would putter aroud the house for 15 minutes or so - refill glasses, potty break, visit with my kids, etc. Me personally, I also like a warm rice back on the shoulder. I was banded yesterday, and the pain I have today is mostly in the abdominal muscles. Can't wait for that to go away!

  15. If you are truly ready for change, and absolutely ready to work hard, then please don't find the idea of a band as merely a tool, but embrace it because it really is just that. If you aren't ready to change your lifestyle along with the band -- then there are ways to get around it and you may not be as happy with the results.

  16. I was banded today, it went well but took forever coming out of anesthesia, so the stupid damn nurses just forced me into it and practically shoved me out the door -- didn't bother to make sure I could hold down liquids.

    The bad news....my mom took my daughter to the doctor for me after spending the whole morning getting me to surgery and back. My little one has swine flu. My doc knew I was having surgery so he didn't want her home with me, so my mom has her. So my little one is really sick and she wants her mama and she is so so sad. I am incredibly sore right now and stressed to the max.:)

  17. THANK YOU!!!!! Eight more hours, and here I sit at the computer writing one last story for the newspaper..... thank goodness I have time off to catch up on my sleep!!! It will be tricky tomorrow -- one of my daughters came home from her dad's with high fever, cough, stuffy nose, headache etc. Oldest daughter is staying home from school to car for the little one and we are still working out the details to figure out just how we can get her to the doctor tomorrow.

  18. I went to see my surgeon on Wednesday, and Monday a.m. is the big day. I have to be at the surgical center at 7 in the morning, and it is just over an hour's drive without rush-hour traffic, so I will have to be up around 4:30 in the morning or so. It will be a long day!

    I keep thinking of all the things that need to be done between now and then, so I haven't had time to worry a lot yet. I still have quite a bit of work to do so that my co-workers can complete my portion of the newspaper for me, need to do some laundry, and make a meal for my kids that my oldest daughter can just pop in the oven Monday evening. Oh yeah, and I need to try the ticker thing again!

    I have had my gall bladder removed and that was a breeze, so I have high hopes for this one -- praying there are no complications with the band though -- as a single mom, I don't have time to deal with wierd stuff!

    So, if all goes well, I will update Monday night/Tuesday morning.


  19. I accomplished something this week and didnt even notice, until just tonight. Normally when I get uber hungery I get sick to my stomach, and them I get the dry heaves. Well, I am adjusting and getting used to the lower calories. Tonight I had my snack bar later than normal and started to heave, and it was only then that I realized it hasnt happened for a couple days!!

    Hey, you have to look for the positives whereever you can find them, right??

  20. and I am trying desperately not to cave. I got busy this afternoon, and forgot about my lunch. When I remembered, it was too late....time to run around and gather up kids so I can spend one hour with them before I go back to work for a meeting.

    RIght now, I feel like HELL because it is 6 p.m. and I am starving. I was supposed to eat at 2, snack at 5. DInner at 8. BUt I will be in that meeting until 9-10.

    So the whole idea of trying to maintain an even blood sugar is shot today.... will try and inhale something here in a sec....but I feel like crap, I am stressed to the max, I have a headache and I have to go back to work. This would be the time when --in the old life -- I would have grabbed a diet coke and a cupcake or two and called it good.

    I am trying to do the right thing..... but did I tell you I feel like HELL???? Like I want to crawl in a cave. And I am trying so hard not to cheat on this diet.

    But it is a really long time til breakfast tomorrow.

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