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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by eslmn1

  1. Hello, I haven't been on this forum for some time. I was banded just under 5 years ago. I have lost about 85Lbs and have taken on exercise like a mad man. Currently, I am training for my first marathon and tomorrow (9/1/14) I am running my first half marathon. I do have some difficulties with food however. I have not seen my surgeon for about a 18 months (and I know I need to go see him). Most the time over the last 3 years it was adding or subtracting 1cc in my band on variables. I have had more food intolerances than anyone I have seen and usually think of it as a blessing rather than a curse (if I was able to eat anything in any amount....I would eat anything in any amount.) In the past I have been adjusted down in order to get enough Protein in (had a problem eating any animal protein for a while.) On of my most common issues of the last 5 years has been getting vegetables in. While this was an issue before, it is more important than ever with my marathon training. My carb needs are LARGE but, I can only eat EXTREMELY limited amounts of vegetables and even then I have issues. I am considering baby food or just steaming vegetables until they look inedible. Before I go to extremes, I wanted to hear from others that may have had these issues. Input is appreciated Thanks ERic
  2. eslmn1


  3. eslmn1

    ATL Gladiator 1.JPG

    From the album: eslmn1

  4. I got banded on Sep 3rd of '09 and have lost 81Lbs (including 2 week pre-op diet). Most of the weight loss was in the first 3-4 months. As I have gotten more and more restriction, I have had to deal with what I hear people on this site call PBing (my Dr calls it throwing up...says not to kid myself). It seems like I have intolerances to almost everything a bandster could have an intolerance to. I am limited to a few select foods.. eggs (too early and I throw up), chili, dark meat chicken with some sort of sauce or gravy, tuna or salmon sashimi, green Beans that are overcooked and a few more. Due to the fact that throwing up has been an almost daily occurrence, I have been eating the one food that seems to be the "evil temptation"---ICE CREAM! I eat it daily and it is probably the reason why I have leveled off in my weight loss. Is anyone else having a similar experience with food intolerances and throwing up? (any input would be appreciated) How about a struggle with ice cream? I am thrilled about having the band and even though I am a year out, I am still pretty consumed by it. So, I will take this struggle vs what I had in the past any day. (I am 35Lbs away from my goal weight)
  5. Thanks all. I had had 1/2 CC taken out on Tuesday and for the most part the problem has gone away. I went and had a meal after the unfil and kept it down. That was the first time that I didnt throw up my Breakfast in months. I pushed the envelope later in the day and tried to eat some toast. I guess certain food intolerances still exist (Bread, Rice and Pasta). I have been more hungry than I am used to and gained a LB but, that could be time of day etc... I appreciate the input! Eric
  6. I am going for my 5th fill tomorrow and had a rough time with my 4th. (Dr put in 2.5cc,.5cc,.5cc,.5cc) I am not sure if it was the fill or me to tell the truth. I wound up having about half my meals where I had to run to the bathroom and spit up my food. I believe that this is what people call PBing....the food doesnt go down and I just need to burp and spit it out. Not real fun and I am not sure how "dangerous" this is either. This was even worse when i ate dry foods (at a business function with a very dry piece of chicken breast, I had to run out of the room when the president of my company was talking). That being said, I have resorted to a few bad habbits 1) Ice Cream 2) Mainly eating Soups. I still have lost weight this month but most of it came while I was on liquids for the first days after my fill. I am thinking it is me and not the band due to the fact that I can chug a 20 ouce bottle of Vitamin Water. In the last week, it seems that most restriction has left and I am in need of a fill(tomorrow). I would rather not throw up (or PB) the way that I did this last month. Suggestions would greatly be appreciated (yes, I know going overboard on ice cream is not going to help my case) BTW- getting the band is still a huge victory. I am down 70Lbs since two weeks before my surgery on Sep 4th (I am a male that started at 322Lbs) Thanks Eric
  7. eslmn1

    Stretched Band?

    Thanks all. Very helpfull.
  8. Is there such thing as "stretching your band"? Is it adjustable without surgery (by going back to something like small portions of mushy foods or liquids) for a few days? After being down about 65Lbs since late August, I have gained about 3-4 LBS since Dec 25th (I didnt need surgery because I was loaded with discipline.( A few times while trying to swallow, I was in pain followed by sliming and PBs. Not a habit I want to get into but am not going to beat myself up as long as the damage wasnt permanent. Input would be appreciated.
  9. eslmn1

    Stretched Band?

    Sliming is when your mouth fills with nasty slick saliva and it just keeps coming. Generally, I have to stand in front of a trach can or toilet spitting when this happens....not too fun PB- Productive Burping. This happens when food gets stuck and forces you to burp. This is burping up food..more like throwing up but not bile. I think that people can avoid these things by making the right choices but am unsure.
  10. eslmn1

    Saggy skin?

    Hi All, I am a 39 year old male. I was banded on Sep 3 '09. I started the two week pre-op diet at 322Lbs and am now 261Lbs...I am just a hair over 6'. I was obese for about 8 years (30-38) and spent most of my adult life about 215-235. I even had a few years 28-30 as a health nut....working out like crazy. My goal is to get down below 200. By no means am I being a model patient. I have a hard time drinking 8-10 glasses of Water per day and I have not been exercising. Weight loss has slowed to 1-2 Lbs a week (which is GREAT) I am concerned about saggy skin. Right now my belly is shrinking and there is less "hanging over" but, I am concerned that I will always have some amount of belly skin hanging over. I am curious as to what have been the other experiences of people here. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. Please bare with me as this might be a longer post. I belive thiss belongs in the men's form because I cant relate to how people are eating when I read other posts...by women. I am looking for input from people more experience than me. I have been banded since sep 3rd. Including 2 weeks on the preopp diet I have lost 55 LBS. I got a fill about 2 weeks ago of 2CCs (obviously 1st fill). It seems like my daily caloric intake is a whole lot higher than others that I have heard of with the band. I started to track calories on my other lapband site. I see that I am taking in about 1860 calories a day(tracking for 3 days). I am about 6-6'1'' and now about 267LBS. From what I am learning, I can take in about 2670 calories based on a realativly sedantary(sp?) life stile while I am this weight. I have been beeting myself up about eating too much but, I see that I am still at an 790 calorie per day calorie deficit. This deficit should mean weight loss of 1.6 Lbs per week (one LB = 3500 Calories). At times, I am eating very large meals (tonight I believe I took in 10-12 oz of turkey breast). These meals are not large compared to what they used to be (pre band)and they are filled with low fat/ low carb/ high protien calrories. (Turkey breast is my weekeness) I have two questions 1) Is there a flaw in thinking that this "high" caloric intake should be OK in the long run? (OK because it still should equal weight loss) 2) Am I running the risk of hurting myself in other ways? Stretching my band/ Getting used to larger meals/ slowing my metabolism down Input, especially if I am heading in the wrong direction, is appreciated. Eric
  12. eslmn1

    volume of fill?

    I just had my 2nd fill. First was 2.5cc and today was .5cc. The doc said every fill going forward will be .5cc. It seems a lot less then others that I read on this site. Does anyone know the significance of this? I believe I have a 10cc band. I am a pretty big guy (I probably dont need to say that here) at 6'1" and 270Lbs (woohoo down from 322!). Is this just the doc being conservative? Any input would be appreciated
  13. eslmn1

    food intake- way different for men?

    Thanks to you both...great input.
  14. I had surgery on Sep 3rd and first fill (2cc) 6 weeks later. My weight loss has so far been extremely successfull- 305Lbs surgery day and 276Lbs 6 weeks later (15 additional Lbs during the two week pre-opp diet). I now have been eating occassional bread. My question is it common to feel like one will vommit after bread or feel like it is stuck. In the first 6 weeks, I had no PBs but have a few times since the fill. It seems like bread and rice does it to me. I guess logic says to give it up but, I am looking for input (I obviously like bread and rice). Thanks
  15. eslmn1

    Breakfast Issues

    I want this problem. DR said to expect it. But, so far I am hungry in the mornings. He also said, if your not hungry dont eat.
  16. eslmn1


    Great input all. THanks! I think the simple solution for me is to give it up (at least for a number of months).
  17. First off it is appearant (sp?) that everyone's Dr gives different rules. I was to be on liquid protiens for the first 2 weeks and pureed for the next 3.5. The Pureed Diet is to be low fat and low carb. A few days before my first fill I was to start normal foods chopped up very small. I was banded Sep 3rd. I shut down on the 6th and couldnt drink another thing. I wound up in the ER on the 8th for dehydration and potential c-dif (tested negative). After asking the Doctor to move on to pureed a week early he said it wasnt ideal but if that was the only way to get protien, do it. Here I am 3 weeks into pureed foods and I have had enough! First off, i have not been able to eat chicken or turkey out of a blener as the nutritionist recomends. I am eating egg beaters in the morning, tuna with low cal mayo for lunch and flakey white fish for dinner. It has been every day for the last 3 weeks. I have to go another 1.5 like this and am going crazy. The food is making me want to puke. I just want to eat a true solid. I am considering starting the next stage early but dont want to hurt myself. Does anyone have any input for this phase or moving on to other (more normal foods) On the good side, since starting the pre-op diet 5 weeks ago, I have lost 45 LBS! Eric
  18. eslmn1

    Dr David Woodard

    I had my surgery with him a few days ago and things went well. I had questions after the suregery and he called me back within a few hours.
  19. eslmn1

    Dr David Woodard

    Hello All, Has anyone been through the surgery with Dr David Woodard? From what I can tell he is good and respected but there were only few posts. I am scheduled for surgery with him in early september. I have met him once so far and he seemed like a good and accomidating Dr. Experiences would be appreciated. Thanks
  20. I'm hating these shakes but need the calories. The taste in my mouth is horrible. It feels like I need to brush my teeth every hour. I have been on the Atkins Shakes and just started Slimfast...they all suck.....9 more days 'till surgery.
  21. Thanks All. I have my pre-op appointment with my surgeon tomorrow. I have beeen 3 days without a cig. I figured, as long as I am drinking these lousy protien shakes, I might as well get it all done. My biggest fear is the anestesia and i will do whatever it is my doc says.
  22. Through this form is the first time I heard about a nicotene test. I just started back smoking during my Dr. supervised diet. I have surgery scheduled for sep 3rd and have decided to quit today (Aug 22nd). I am wondering is this a "no-brainer always required and I am too late" type of thing? I have called my Dr but he wont be able to discuss until Monday. I am sitting here with a headache due to the pre-op diet and trying to follow it to the letter of the law but, if I am going to get a last minute rejection, I dont want to keep on the diet....or get my hopes up. Any input (especially from people who have had the surgery and only quit a week or two before) would really be appreciated. THanks

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