The last few weeks, I've been almost totally unable to eat animal Protein. Especially chicken- I think it's a textural issue. I just get violently ill. I can't do Beans or eggs either. cheese, milk and yogurt are ok, but I already haven't pooped for two weeks (sorry- ya'll didn't really need to know this...) and dairy makes it a lot worse. So I've been having almost no protein. I've noticed I've been extra tired and moody, and I think this might be part of it. The only meat that goes down is lunchmeat- as long as it's cold. If it's heated, then it's no good.
I know I'm not supposed to eat lunchmeat, but is it really that bad if I can't get any other form of protein down without being sick?
Does anyone have any other ideas for getting protein in?
...Oh I forgot, I can eat Swedish meatballs for some reason too, but that's it.