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Everything posted by HDmama

  1. Hello ladies. It's been a hectic couple of weeks. My MIL is doing well - she's out of hospital now and feeling well - we feel very lucky. Big wake-up call for everyone - take care of your heart health! Unfortunately for me, the inability to eat didn't help me lose any pounds, LOL. I'm not gaining, I'm just not really losing....and although I'm technically a few pounds away from having a "Normal" BMI - I really can't complain - I'm a size 6 and have been for a while, really, I never had any desire to get to a 4 (which is where I will be if I do manage to lose these few pounds)....and this weight seems to be easy to maintain so I'm just trying to be consistent and not stressing about the scale not cooperating with me. Where are you going on holiday Claire? I'm actually traveling at the end of next month too....will also be gone about 6 days - will be interested to hear if flying has caused anyone issues. Hope everyone is doing well.
  2. Claire - you have to let loose every once in a while, so don't worry too much about drinking your dinner, LOL. I've had a rough couple weeks - was sick and then MIL had a heart attack (luckily she's OK) - so was super tight and not able to eat - which I suppose is better than being able to and then stuffing my face because I was stressed and feeling bad....but now that I'm better and not as stressed, the head hunger is trying to get the best of me....the last couple days I've not been terribly good in my eating - but today, so far - I'm doing well. Hope everyone is doing well.
  3. Glad you are feeling better - that's great that you haven't gained (you probably won't unless you prolong the madness, LOL). I have been CRAZY hungry today for some reason....I have these days every now and then - I'm trying not to cave and make good choices....hopefully this will pass - I know I don't need a fill because even if I tried to go crazy eating a bunch of food, I can't get more than a couple bites in before I feel full - so it's just my mind playing tricks on me, I'm sure.
  4. Claire - hope you feel better soon! I had to laugh at you trying to get one of the rugby boys to go to Zumba - now THAT is something I'd love to see, LOL. My DH wouldn't be caught dead doing something like that . Leigha - yeah, I was like that for exercise pretty much all of November/December - I was trying to get motivated, but just couldn't bother. I'm just really trying to see if I can get to goal and I feel like that's the only piece that can be improved on (I couldn't possibly eat less!). Hope everyone has a great week.
  5. Claire - that's FANTASTIC!!!! Congratulations on getting to goal - my weight is still not budging despite the exercise ...but I'll continue on my path - it has to start up again eventually (at least that's what I'll keep telling myself). I'm still about 7 pounds from my "goal", although I have to admit that I'm really happy (size wise) with where I am now - it seems easy to maintain at this weight so if/when I make it to goal, I'll just have to assess if that seems too difficult to maintain - I don't want to be forever obsessed with calorie counting and exercising, you know? It's supposed to be another beautiful weekend weather wise, so I plan on going for a long overdue bike ride. I need to get my act together as I'm part of a triathlon team at work and will be doing the 18 mile bike portion in October. I'm not terribly worried about though since I normally ride 20+ miles routinely when the weather is nice enough to ride - although I've never really worried about speed, so that should be the challenging part for me, LOL. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
  6. I'm still having issues figuring out this new setup on this site . All is well here...it's been beautiful weather here, which makes me NOT want to spend it cooped up in an office, but hey, I'm grateful for a job, so I'll shut up . I'm pretty much just maintaining, but I've started recommitted to the exercise, so I'm sure it will eventually start making a difference (whether that is in size or pounds, I have no idea, but I guess I'll take either).
  7. I hope the latest fill helps you a bit. Everyone is different and unfortunately, the band doesn't work for everyone...even despite their best efforts. I consider myself one of the lucky ones - it's done exactly what I expected it to do and I couldn't be happier. And just to come to FF's defense a bit...I "know" her from another forum, and I truly believe she means no harm - she did follow the rules and when she posted about her issues, some people were less than understanding and implied (or just outright stated, I can't remember) she wasn't doing her part, so I think she's very sensitive to that (which I get)....as for the caps - that's just her style .
  8. 4 pounds is now gone....now to get the last 10 off, LOL. How's the weather with you Claire? My in-laws will be going home this week, and they are bracing themselves for the cold (hopefully not still snowing like when they left).
  9. Happy New Year ladies....back to reality . CindyLou - thanks for the info - I'm wondering if I may be in the same boat at some point . Okay, so I behaved myself right up until Christmas Eve...and then I basically tossed out all the rules and ate whatever I felt like....the result? I put on 4 pounds between Christmas Eve and yesterday when I finally got on the scale to face the music. On the positive side - on Saturday morning, I did get up and started working out again (which I had stopped doing basically the entire month of December and probably some of November) - needless to say, I was sore when I woke up yesterday, LOL. So I'm getting my act together, I trashed all the junk food that was left (which was massive), and I'm working out every day again (despite my aching muscles). I'm fairly certain I'll lose these 4 pounds pretty fast now that I'm back on track (usually if I gain that much so fast, it doesn't stick if I get back to reality---and I'm hoping the same will be true this time). Leigha - what a CUTE puppy - so sweet!
  10. So I was very good yesterday - not a single sweet passed my lips . So far, so good today....now if I could just get myself on the treadmill, I might actually lose a pound or two, LOL.
  11. Okay, so being that I'm only seeing this now - I guess I didn't start with you today, LOL. I'm on it tomorrow though. I vow to step away from the cookies (and candy)....at least until Xmas day
  12. Hello ladies - it's been a little while - not losing, just maintaining and that's fine with me (considering I have been eating cookies and candies and stuff I should NOT be eating, LOL). I need to rein myself in a bit, which I think shouldn't be too difficult as I have a cold coming on and I always get tight when I have one, so I doubt I'll be able to eat much if this gets any worse, LOL. Cindylou - can I ask what type of behaviors your son exhibited with the ODD? I have often thought perhaps my daughter has that, and last year, I took her to counseling, but it didn't prove to help and the counselor was not that great and didn't really give us any helpful feedback. She seems to be getting somewhat better, but now my 4 year old might be taking over, so I'm just curious what he was doing that made you know it was time to take him for help (I know for me, I was just about to have a nervous breakdown with my daughter and her behavior, I was completely lost).... Claire - 2 pounds is great! Glad all is going well for you (hope you are managing to keep warm, we have family over here now and it was miserable when they left London last week.
  13. Hello ladies....this new site has completely lost me. I've only now just figured out how to find this thread, LOL. Leigha - I'm right there with you - I ate loads of crap over the holiday weekend too...and guess what? I didn't do any damage - just remained the same (which is fine by me). I didn't weigh myself until this past Monday morning (felt like I had to face the music so I could get back on track....being that I didn't gain, now I'm thinking I shouldn't have weighed because my mind is now telling me I can eat what I want and not gain....luckily, I know not to believe that logic ). So here's my goal for the month - I MUST get back on my exercise routine....I have been such a sloth lately, haven't been doing anything - I really need to get my act in gear, LOL. Glad everyone is doing well (good luck on the counseling Leigha - let us know how that works out....I wish I could get my husband to even go...he keeps saying he would but every time I actually go to make an appt, he backs out and says he'll make more of an effort, blah, blah, blah).
  14. Congrats Nooshie - you've done an awesome job! I'm sorry I didn't make it to the get-together earlier this week - all my evenings seem to be filled with kids extra-curricular and/or homework! Hopefully I can make the next one. Sorry to hear about the reflux - how long have you had that? Have you thought about calling Dr. Q about it? At my last appt (for an unfill of a fill I shouldn't have asked for, LOL) - Dr. McVay told me if I ever started having reflux to call right away - not sure why, but that's what she said. Congrats to all the October bandsters.
  15. Claire - YAY, congrats on the 8 pounds - It would take me FOREVER to lose that at this point, LOL. As for my size 6 - remember, that's a US size 6, which is a UK size 8 - so you aren't that far off from where I am ! My hubby was watching the game online last week (he went to great lengths to find a way to access the BBC site so that he could watch, LOL). Leigha - sorry you are stressed and fighting with the hubby - I can totally relate though - this has been a terribly stressful week for me too (mostly due to issues with the kids, but those issues are caused by issues we have as a whole, you know?)...so I'm with you on the tightness factor (which for me, isn't a terrible thing since I'm trying to lose those last 9 pounds ). I think I didn't even eat any solid food until yesterday (all protein shakes prior to that)...and what I found when I tried to eat solid food was that I just couldn't eat that much. I hope your issues with hubby settle down and that you get back to normal.
  16. Cindylou - CONGRATS!!!! That is awesome that you made it to goal! I'm like 10 1/2 pounds away from having a "normal" BMI (I'm in a size 6 though, so the thought that I'm still considered overweight is mind boggling to me). As for the TT - I think you'd be hard pressed to get insurance to pay for it if you haven't had any rashes or issues to deem it "medically necessary"...but it doesn't hurt to try. I would LOVE to get plastics - I'm in severe need of work....everything is in the wrong place, LOL. I'm sure if I had plastics, I wouldn't have much if any more to lose to be a normal BMI :frown:
  17. Well I'm glad you got your fill - you may be surprised - perhaps the .5 is more than enough (that's what I had and for me, it was just too much)...hoping it's just the right amount for you. That's amazing about the woman at the center - no exercise? I know that shouldn't sound appealing, but honestly, to think that I could take it or leave it - what a nice change that would be. Sadly, if I don't exercise, not only do I not lose - I gain....I don't think I'll ever be able to not exercise (and that's the way it should be...want to be a good example for the kids and all, LOL). But it would be nice to not have to stress about it when I don't. Don't worry about the 6 pounds - I'm sure that will go in no time at all. Have a great weekend.
  18. Claire - how did the fill go? Hope it gives you a little boost without making you uncomfortable... Happy Halloween everyone (I know it's a bit early, but not sure if I'll be on much this weekend).
  19. HDmama

    Half Marathon!

    Leigha....we are so similar....as I've said before about hoping my maintenance is similar to yours, I would LOVE to get to that non obsessive phase too, LOL! You rocked the jail break though!!! I'm doing the bike tour at the Pasadena marathon in February and I'm really looking forward to it!
  20. Claire - just hang on for a couple more days and hopefully a small fill will help. Why do you think you've gained, are your clothes feeling tighter? You will be fine - just make the best food choices you can and keep up with your exercise and Friday will be here before you know it. Sadly, I'm missing that fill that I couldn't take (well I'm not missing being uncomfortable - but I am missing the weight loss)....I've managed to gain 2 pounds of the 4 I lost back and I have been VERY good with my eating. In fact, every day last week (and this week so far) I've had a protein shake for breakfast AND dinner and have eaten a solid protein or salad at lunch....and I've been exercising regularly again, so I'm not sure how it's even possible to have gained - but the scale is telling me I have :laugh:. I'm trying not to let it dictate my choices and my moods and am just telling myself that if I keep doing what I'm doing, it will eventually result in a loss (it has to, right? calories in vs calories out and all that?). Anyway - keep your chin up and let us know how it goes on Friday.
  21. Hello ladies - I really had to dig to find this post, LOL. So last Friday was my 1 year point - and I did make it to my original goal (one pound under actually). I had to break down last week and go get some fluid taken out...it was to the point that I couldn't eat more than one bite of anything. So I went in and the doc said I shouldn't have had any put in when I went in last (probably right) - so she suggested they remove the whole .5cc that they put in a couple weeks ago....although I wanted to only take out half, I decided to listen to the doc this time (since I didn't listen when the other doc told me he didn't think I needed any, LOL). So it took about 4 days before I was back to normal after that (although I could drink no problem right away which was great). I did lose 4 pounds though when I had that fill, so that's good. I hopped on the scale this morning and it showed a one pound gain though! So I'm going to be very careful now because I don't want to gain back what I lost - I'd at least like to make that fill worth something, you know? I hope everyone is doing well.
  22. HDmama

    Help with Exercise~

    I'm in the same boat....have two small kids and both me and DH work full time. It's very difficult. What I've found is I have to either get up earlier in the morning before they wake up (I already get up at 5:30 in the morning just to start getting myself, lunches, kids ready - so I'm talking, getting up at 4:30) OR I have to commit to doing it after they go to sleep (which, for me, is more difficult)....after work, kids activities after work, homework, dinner, etc - I'm exhausted so that's a harder option for me, I do better early in the morning. Do you have any home exercise equipment? I've been resorting to my treadmill since the weather has been spotty here (also live in LA) - I also have an exercise bike and an elliptical. So I really have NO excuse not to work out. If you don't have any equipment, you could always do workout DVD's - they are relatively inexpensive and if you have a few you can alternate them so you don't get bored....I used to love doing the Tae Bo series - they are AWESOME. It's hard, but you just have to play around with it and find the time where you can. If you stay at home, you could always take your little one with you on walks (put your LO in a stroller) and if it's raining, go to a mall and walk.
  23. Hello ladies. Claire, I'm impressed with the exercise you are getting in - good for you. I've FINALLY committed to finding the time to fit my exercise in again. It's been far too long. So I was up at 4:00 am and was on the treadmill - and afterwards I was kicking myself in the behind for being such a slacker with it - it was HARD - I felt like I did 100+ pounds ago starting exercise for the first time (okay, so perhaps not quite that bad, but in comparison to how it was going when I was doing it religiously, it was a big difference:tongue2:). So tonight I'm planning on riding my bike for at least 45 minutes (hoping to find something interesting on TV to make it bearable - I much prefer a real bike to my exercise bike, but don't want to ride in the dark, LOL). Good news on the weight loss front - I'm down 2.5 pounds since my fill last Thursday (which I'm thrilled about - it's taken me a month to lose that as of late). However, I do think that once I get to my goal, I'm going to go have a little Fluid removed because it's pretty difficult to get much food in (and it's sometimes a struggle just drinking - nothing comes up, it's just really uncomfortable). Leigha - I'm hoping that my maintenance will be as you described - not much effort.
  24. Believe me, I know it's the last thing you want to do when your in a funk...sounds like you found another outlet (shopping) - I like that one much better :laugh: Sure - we can start another thread after this month to keep each other going.
  25. Hello ladies. Claire - hang in there - I know it's hard when you get in that place and just want to eat (or drink mass qty's of booze, LOL) - but maybe try going for a walk or something (if the weather isn't too terrible for you there right now :laugh:). As CindyLou said - the 29th will be here before you know it. CindyLou - glad you haven't gained any - prior to the small fill I had last week, I had also been eating more than I probably should have - and I wasn't gaining, but I wasn't losing either. I'm not enjoying this last fill, but I'm thinking it's more a mental thing for me - I don't like not being able to eat whatever I want - but perhaps this is a good thing for me at the moment since I probably would be eating things that I don't need to eat, LOL. I have to eat VERY slow now - like I have to take a break for a few minutes after a couple bites (which I've NEVER had to do)....I'm going to try to stick it out and see if I lose these last few pounds I need to lose and if I'm still this restricted in a few weeks, I'll go have a tiny bit removed.

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