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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Sarahd333

  1. Hey all! I was banded back in January and have yet to lose any weight (mostly because i've been too busy to get any fills recently). I went in 2 days ago (Tuesday evening) and had another cc put in so my total is 6cc. I had some restriction and had a lot of things get stuck with my 5cc but it didn't help me lose. now i am on the 2nd day after fill and im still having issues swallowing Water well. directly after my fill i went out with friends for a birthday dinner where all i could do was sip lemonade due to not being able to eat and that went down no problem. now im trying to drink water, juice, milk, anything. no bueno. im stuck chewing and sucking on ice cubes because i dont want to get dehydrated. will this go away after the swelling is completely down or should i call my dr?:drool:



  2. Hey all.

    I was banded 1/29/10 and after a few weeks my port stopped really hurting but lately it's been sore... I had a fill a couple of weeks ago. It hurts if I stand up too fast or move to fast (sometimes), sometimes I can jog on the treadmill like no ones business and have no pain at all, but then im in psych class and I stand up and OUCH.

    Any ideas?


  3. hahaha actually... i haven't lost any weight since the surgery. thats all pre-op. BUT I have lost fat...it's turned to muscle. I look a lot different, clothes fit better, I'm able to move better. but I just had my first fill today and I'm not hungry at all! I had no restriction this morning and now I don't even think about food! can't wait for my second fill since this one won't last!

  4. I'm pretty sure it is only for insurance purposes. I was self pay and didn't need to lose any weight before. I think they feel if you are paying that much money you will be very motivated to lose the weight and be successful.

    A lot of insurance agencys require you lose weight before hand to show that you are making a lifestyle change and are ready to take it seriously. although, my insurance didnt require that tho

  5. almost 4 weeks post op and i ran .5 miles straight today...first time ive done that in 4 years. i did a mile total (i did a mile total a few days ago but only doing .13 of a mile at a time) and walked another two miles. it was hard and a little painful but felt oh so good when I was done! just had my first fill today. 3 cc's in a 6 cc band... next appt is in 5 weeks :cursing:

  6. I just had my surgery on July 29th with Top Surgeons. I know that Dr Sal is who I originally saw for my orientation but he is not the Dr that did my LAP-BAND®. My surgeon was Dr Tashjian. Dr T (as he refers to himself) was very nice and spent a good amount of time with me before the surgery making sure I was aware of what was being done and I understood what was expected of me. He also will give out his cell number if you request it. Just don't call him at 3:00am to tell him how cute he is (he says it's happened! :angry:)

    I have my first follow up appt this Tues with Dr T. I will let you all know a little more then. I'll even ask him what happened to Dr Sal... heck I'm not shy!

    i had him as well he also told me not to call him at 3am to hit on him as it has happened before. nice man. very confident. i felt safe with him

  7. very interesting indeed. although, i had a surgeon who is still a doctor hahaha. i actually liked him alot. he was very confident and no nonsense. He also went to med school in nyc where im from :angry: so far i havent had any issues with them. if i ever do i know a friend who had the lap band and he likes his doctor so ill switch but im eventually switching anyway since im moving across the country.

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