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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sarahd333

  1. ok, i know that i haven't been banded a long time but im a nervous nelly. I was banded like a week and a half ago and have lost about 2 lbs total. I figured being on the Clear Liquids diet for the week alone would have had me lose more than that! Is this normal? Did you guys lose very little weight in the beginning too? Is it because I haven't had a fill yet? thanks!
  2. hey all im new to the site... how do i set my signature like many of you have to the weight loss ticker...i have a ticker I just don't know how to put it up! thanks!
  3. Sarahd333


    bueller? bueller?
  4. Sarahd333

    Hi from Los Angeles!

    I'm from Pasadena initially but now im around Torrance :thumbup: IDK im a very emotional person and I always second guess everything. I'm very paranoid and constantly worried about complications
  5. phew! im not the only one. thanks!
  6. i didn't have barium either. i was so messed up from the double anesthesia they gave me i was a mess for days.
  7. Am I the only one who didn't have an xray after surgery before going home? im 7 days post op *had my first post op appt a few days ago* and never got an xray. is this normal? thanks!
  8. Hi! I didn't have a BM for a long time too. The Dr. said the reason was the pain medicine causes constipation. Also he told me to use metamucil. he said twice the first day and then once a day til i have one. I only had one serving last night and then this morning...voila! good luck!

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