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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by purplemonkey

  1. I go for my post-op followup on Thursday and my god I hope he puts me on soft foods. I have had the most peculiar cravings these past couple weeks. hotdogs, bologna, pickles, and green olives...LOL

    At this point it would be nice to chew ANYTHING...;)

  2. That is so awesome LLSibley! I was also banded on 3/19 and have no clue how much I've lost. My clothes were normally baggy and stretchy so I'm really not sure. I did notice that my 8inch Bracelet that I wear all the time is much looser on me...so I tried my rings on thinking they'd be loose, but they weren't. Go figure.

    I go for my post-op DR visit on Thursday April 5th and dying to know how much I've lost. Just purchased a scale through QVC so that I can at least keep track of my weight once a week.

    Congrats Congrats Congrats!!!

    ;) Virginia

  3. I was told to remove the bandages after 48 hours and let the steri-strips fall off on their own. 3 of the 5 have come off. Going for my post-op DR. visit this Thursday so I'm sure he'll pull them off if they haven't come off by then. ...one incision has a stitch sticking out and hopefully he'll take care of that for me. You don't think I should try and pull it out do you??

  4. Those few days before surgery was when I really had my second thoughts. I was so hungry and grumpy. It was horrible. I don't know how y'all do it when you have the pre-op diet that goes for weeks. My attitude changed right after the surgery, and I am so happy that I made the right decision!

    Good Luck!


  5. berry,

    My first time with the Protein test tube was a little overwhelming. It is wicked sweet. Some people mix it with Water, but I'd rather just suffer the 3oz and get it overwith. I get them at the Vitamin shoppe and they carry fruit Punch, Orange, Grape and Blueberry. So far I've tried the orange and grape. The orange is by far the sweeter of the two. The grape is little better because it's a bit more dulled down. Here in New Jersey they are $2.99 each. I know you can get them online by the 12pack but you may want to buy the singles and sample to see what's best for you.

    P.S. I take the B12 sublingual Dots that are 1000mcg's.


    :) Virginia

  6. Hi Ruthie! I live in Morris County and am a patient of Dr. Abkin. He is so nice and makes you feel like you are his only patient.

    Tigger33, I was encouraged to choose Morristown Memorial, so I did. It seemed that Dr. Abkin preferred Morristown (my opinion) and the nurse practitioner couldn't praise it enough.

    Glad there are so many of us NNJ'ians here. Haven't been to a support group meeting yet but I'd love to meet up with all of you at some point.


  7. Hi monkey! I was off work for a week. Went back today in fact. Was tired and sore at the end of the day but no significant problems.

    Other than my ride home from the hospital I was on my own. Make sure you have everything you need prior to your surgery. and make sure that you have everything you need accessible from standing or sitting level...you won't really be able to bend for a while, and certainly not the first few days. Also, get slip on shoes-tying laces is hard.

    Ummm...I slept in a chair for the first couple days which made getting up and down worlds easier. Good luck.

  8. Marjon9 I totally agree with you about how your relationship to food changes once you are banded, and you REALLY can't understand it until you are banded.

    I was always an emotional eater and now that I think back on it, it seemed like I was always in a state of desperation...I had to have it and nothing was going to stop me. I needed the food, whatever it was. I would buy bags of candy or Snacks and just eat without thinking. I'm not explaining this too well, but there was this panic desperate feeling that was always driving me.

    I've only been banded a week but things have changed so much. I feel like I'm on prozac or something because this desperation is no longer there. I'm eating/drinking about 800 calories and getting all my Protein and Water and am quite satisfied. I still do have cravings, weird cravings too LOL (like pizza with peppers and bologna... don't ask me why) but the fuel that was driving me to eat is no longer there. I feel in control of myself for the first time and it's so exciting! I can live with this and I look forward to the positives that will come from it.

    Alexandra you are such an inspiration. I was at the seminar last August when you spoke to the crowd about your experience. :bolt: Dr. Abkin is fabulous! I couldn't be happier with him as my doctor.

    BTW, I don't know why anyone would choose the gastric bypass without giving the band a shot first. The bypass was wayyyy too extreme for me and I will never regret going with the band.

    Best of luck to you bluejay!


  9. berry,

    My nutritionist said that your body can only absorb 20-25grams of Protein at a time. I don't know about you but I have a really hard time drinking a lot of Protein shakes, especially when constantly trying to drink all the Water I need.

    So I buy those New whey liquid Protein Test Tubes. Each Test Tube has 42g of protein in 3 oz of liquid. So I'll drink half of it in the morning and the other half in the evening. That way I've got the 42grams in for sure and the rest I am able to get from my food.

    Are you taking B12? It makes a huge difference in my energy level and overall mood. I recommend the sublingual ones that dissolve under your tongue and go right into your blood stream. Great stuff!

    Good Luck :bolt:


  10. I was pretty much on my own as far as taking care of myself and in that regard I wish I had taking a closer look around my room and put things at standing level.

    Also, slip on shoes. It took me a week before I could tie my sneakers and I still have a problem tying the left one.

    Good Luck on the 30th!!

  11. I was also banded on March 19th and in a lot of pain. Wednesday I attempted to go to the store but had such pain turning the wheel of the car that I just came back home. Each day after that I've felt a little better and had more range of movement with a little less pain. It seems the past couple days I get this hurting ache in my left shoulder blade. It doesn't happen until I start moving around a lot. I'm using the heating pad which isn't helping much and trying to choke down that liquid tylenol. You'll feel better soon! Just keep plugging away with your Protein and Water and walk walk walk.

    :) Virginia

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