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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by purplemonkey

  1. purplemonkey

    March 2007 Bandsters

    I was pretty much on my own as far as taking care of myself and in that regard I wish I had taking a closer look around my room and put things at standing level. Also, slip on shoes. It took me a week before I could tie my sneakers and I still have a problem tying the left one. Good Luck on the 30th!!
  2. purplemonkey

    Banded on Monday the 19th

    I was also banded on March 19th and in a lot of pain. Wednesday I attempted to go to the store but had such pain turning the wheel of the car that I just came back home. Each day after that I've felt a little better and had more range of movement with a little less pain. It seems the past couple days I get this hurting ache in my left shoulder blade. It doesn't happen until I start moving around a lot. I'm using the heating pad which isn't helping much and trying to choke down that liquid tylenol. You'll feel better soon! Just keep plugging away with your Protein and Water and walk walk walk. Virginia
  3. purplemonkey


    Thanks Helen! That's good to know. :girl_hug:
  4. purplemonkey


    I had my surgery on March 19th and was told to remove the bandages in 48 hours but to leave the steri-strips in place--that they would fall off on their own. I was instructed to wash my stomach daily with dial antibacterial soap. I was a little nervous about taking the bandages off too and left them on an extra 2 days. Now I'm nervous that with nothing covering the steri-strips that they may come off sooner than they should. Is anyone using bandaids or gauze or anything on them?
  5. I can very much relate to how you are feeling Crishell. I am not so much in fear that I will not meet my goal because really I would be happy with any weight loss...and even being as new as I am to the band I can already see that it will give me more control with my eating. My biggest fear is how I'm going to handle not having my weight to disappear behind. I remember getting weighed in front of the other children in First Grade and being 140 pounds. I have lived my entire life as a very obese person. My way of handling the ridicule and condemnation of others was to become quiet and introverted. I adapted hobbies and interests that could be done alone, like reading and writing, and really have mostly been a loner. I got through grad school and everything's good with work, but opening up to make friends is really hard for me. I've trusted so many times and always got screwed. The other thing that really makes me nervous is dating. I was with the same guy from age 15 to age 34. We were never married and I broke things off a few years ago because he was a jerk. Basically he treated me like crap and I let him. So for the past 3 years I've been going solo. Been on a couple dates but the guys have been after sex and I don't do casual. LOL ...So I feel like my prospective weight loss will not only reshape my body but will also reshape everything that I am. I'm scared. I wish that I had a support system in my life. But I don't. I will attend the band support group and make friends I'm sure. I know I'm rambling but I'm just trying to say that so much more will change than the weight. I hope I can adjust! Virginia
  6. purplemonkey

    Shoulder Pain?

    I didn't start getting shoulder pain until yesterday, 5 days after surgery. The heating pad has helped some. I really need a man with strong hands to give me a neck and shoulder rub. :girl_hug: LOL Walking really does make a big difference. I hope you feel better soon.
  7. purplemonkey

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Wow I was just reading the thread for supersized bandsters and one girl was band last April 4th and has lost 169 pounds since. AMAZING!!
  8. purplemonkey

    March 2007 Bandsters

    I feel bad for those of you burping. Luckily I haven't had that problem more than a few times. I tend to get a big drink of water in my mouth and then swallow it slowly. Well today it went down the wrong way and ouch ouch ouch. That wasn't good. Was able to make it to the supermarket today. Anyone else having problems standing up straight? I'm sort of in this stooped position until I can inch my way standing sorta straight. That's when the pain is at it's most intense. For those of you who have steristrips...do you cover them with anything? I'm worried that they'll come off sooner than they are meant to. How are all your cravings going? My strong craving for a hot dog has subsided but now I am really really really dying for some hot chicken wings. You guys are super!
  9. purplemonkey

    March 2007 Bandsters

    I was just banded on Monday and it was amazing what a whirlwind it was in the hospital once I got to the operating room. They wheeled me in at 1:25. The annesthesiologist said you may taste or smell something funny and next thing I know it's 2:20 and I'm waking up in the recovery room. They didn't even put my cpap machine on. I waited there til 3:15 and then was wheeled to radiology for the barium swallow, etc. My god, I think that was the most painful part. Having to move over onto the xray machine and twist my body around was really rough. Then it was off to second recovery where I got dressed and waited for my ride. I think I am in the state of depression you all are speaking about. I'm in a lot of pain still. I tried driving today and just turning the wheel and getting out of the car was pretty painful. I was always an emotional eater and now with the stress and anxiety and time off work, I'm wishing for comfort food. I was pretty hungry today, which has been a change since my surgery. I couldn't get down the protein shakes I needed (just too much liquid) so I went out today and bought those test tube bullets of protein. God they are so horribly sweet, but at least it gets me my protein. I'm building up my water intake. I wish it was 64oz but I'm averaging about 40 oz now. My biggest worry is that I'm not getting enough calories right now. Today I had that protein test tube which was 200 calories and some protein pudding for 100 calories. But that's it. Any suggestions for getting in more calories right now? I'm on full liquids until April 5th when I see my doc for post op visit. Gonna try for some whipped cottage cheese and skim milk tomorrow. Virginia
  10. purplemonkey

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Hey all. Pics look great! I was just banded Monday afternoon and was told to take off the bandages in 48 hours and let the steristrips just fall off on their own. I was just wondering...do you cover the steristrips with bandaids or gauze bandages before leaving for work. I guess I'm just afraid that the strips will come off before they are meant to. Thanks Virginia
  11. purplemonkey

    March 2007 Bandsters

    yeah you never realize just how long it takes to drink something until you've got to sip.
  12. purplemonkey

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Hi Pam. Oh I've been trying with the liquids. I did try the crystal light green tea to go when I was experimenting pre-surgery but that stuff was pretty horrible. I do have propel so there's at least some flavor in there. I was a little worried Tuesday when I went to the bathroom and there was blood in the toilet. Turned out to be my period. LOL ...guess it was better that it came Tuesday instead of Monday, the day of my surgery. Still though I have pretty bad cramps and that with the pain of the surgery it is a little much. I appreciate your advice and will keep plugging away. Thanks!! Virginia
  13. purplemonkey

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Speaking of cravings...someone on tv mentioned a slice of cheese pizza with bologna on it... THAT and a grilled hot dog is really what I'd love to eat. As it is I'm sip sip sipping my days away trying to get all my liquids down. I don't know how you guys are doing it. I had about 40 oz of water yesterday and 6 or 7 sips of chicken broth. ICK! Tonight I'm on full liquids and will be tackling a protein shake and an applesauce if I can mangage. Would love to hear how the new banders are dealing w/getting all their liquids.
  14. purplemonkey

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Hi!! I'm home from getting my band! Checked in at 10:45, had my surgery at 1:15 and was ready to go home by 5:45. No gas pains as of yet (knock on wood that it stays that way), I just feel like I've done 10 million situps. My port hurts the worst of anything. I thought it was funny when they took me to radiology they had me drink the barrium from a straw. lol ...then he says try and burp because there looks to be some gas. I'm so glad to be home. Congrats momlabert and to other 3/19 bandsters. Time for a pill
  15. purplemonkey

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Thanks for the suggestion Sophie. I will definitely have to do that! I'm sorry about your wrists though
  16. purplemonkey

    March 2007 Bandsters

    I tell you, waiting for that phone call to find out the surgery time is like chewing on glass. It was horrible! I hoped for a really early surgery. but found out it will be 12:45pm...now I just have to figure out how not to have any water for over 12 hours. that's going to be hard because I'm a big water drinker. I am glad to know the time finally but now the nerves are worse. I trust my doctor and am not worried about the surgery itself. I guess my biggest worries are if the anestheisiologist calls off the surgery, or the not-knowing about the after effects of the anesthesia. Never had it before... My thoughts and prayers will be with all of you Monday bandsters!
  17. purplemonkey

    I did it!!!!

    Congrats Michelle 74!! I am a patient of Dr. Abkin and am scheduled for surgery on Monday March 19th. I can't wait!! Just out of curiosity...is an ice pack or heating pad better on the incisions?
  18. purplemonkey

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Should I be buying some protein powder to add to my chicken broth for my 48 hours after surgery? Or is it enough just to wait the 48 hours until I'm at full liquids??
  19. purplemonkey

    The goods on bread.....

    My doctor said only if it was toasted.
  20. purplemonkey

    Protein drinks - GAG

    Is there any negatives to getting too much protein?
  21. purplemonkey

    Special K Protein Water

    FYI...Walgreen's has the Special K protein water on sale this week (Feb 26--March 3) for 33% off. ...at least up here in NJ.
  22. purplemonkey

    Sleep Study

    I mentioned to my doc that I thought I might have sleep apnea. He said if it was mild or moderate that he wouldn't be concerned for the surgery but he sent me to a sleep study just in case. I knew I had something wrong because i was so exhausted everyday. I couldn't understand how people could wake up in the morning refreshed and energized, as it had never been that way for me. Well it turned out that my apnea was severe and I have been using the CPAP machine for about a month now. The medical technician said the setting was high, 17 or 19 can't quite remember...and that it would take some getting used to. It really wasn't too bad and was nice to actually blink my eyes in the afternoon and feel comfortable that that small action wouldn't cause me to nap. LOL I will be glad if losing weight helps me to lose this machine though. It really can be a pain. Good Luck!
  23. purplemonkey

    Plastic sticking out!

    Speaking of showering...how many days after the surgery before you can?
  24. purplemonkey

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Hey Gang! I'm going for my preop class on March 1st and will have my surgery on March 19th. Any other March 19th banders? or Dr. Abkin patients (NJ)? I'm nervous, excited, hopeful, optimistic and still in disbelief! Good luck everyone and cheers to a whole new life. Virginia
  25. Hi everyone. My surgery date is March 19th and I'm looking around for stuff to buy for the liquid stage. The nutritionist suggested www.bariatriceating.com and I have found a couple interesting products there. Their ready to drink Proteins seem awesome...3 ounces is 42 grams of Protein. Has anyone tried this product before? how about Any whey, which they say to add to broth or eggs, etc to get an extra 17 grams of protein. I've been reading these message boards since I first attended the informational seminar in August. I can't believe I'm a month from my surgery. I was curious also, as to whether or not any of you drove yourself to and from the hospital on your surgery date. Will they let you leave if you are driving? or should I make it a point to find someone to take me or do the taxi thing. Thanks to everyone. You are all invaluable to me and I look forward to hearing from any other lucky people who will have a new March 19th birthday!! Virginia

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
