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Everything posted by srenee99

  1. srenee99

    FL - Orlando

    Would love a local group for support. Had band to sleeve revision on May 23rd with Dr Lopez in TJ and it's been rough not having follow up here at home. Questions and concerns go unanswered and I take things day by day.
  2. srenee99

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    I had a band to sleeve revision 3 weeks ago at Hospital Mi with Dr Lopez. Not having US follow up after surgery is a HUGE disadvantage now. Lots of questions and concerns go unanswered. If I could do it over....
  3. I'm sad you feel you're too fat forever. It's just not true. I was banded in Mexico in September 2009 and after a very slow start, I lost 90 pounds but gained 25 back this past year. Mexico bandsters sometimes have to travel long distances for fills/follow-ups and it's easy to backslide when support is 200 miles away. When my restriction became negligible, I slid back into fast food and weight gain. Once upon a time 25 lbs wouldn't have seemed so terrible, even acceptable. That was before 09/09. I could feel all eyes at the office noticing my slow gain. It was humiliating. I finally snapped out of it and made an appointment for a fill. Now I know what restriction is! I don't know how I ever lost 90 lbs - it wasn't because of the band. Now I KNOW tight. One bad move with a bite of food and I'm running for relief. I realize you're fully restricted but could you be favoring easy calories, the ones that don't take any effort? At one point, Wendy's Frosties became my favorite go-to food, breakfast, lunch and dinner! Then I graduated to Frosties with Oreos. It wasn't long before the .99 Spicy Nuggets were added to my order. A little unpleasantness afterward didn't deter me but eventually the weight gain did. I say if you haven't gained any weight, you're in great shape and have EVERY reason to be proud. Don't be so hard on yourself. We've beat ourselves up for our entire fat lives and it has to come to an end. Try those recommended changes. I bet they'll empower you to change things even more. Also, I'd change my online name to FatNeverMore. It will come true.
  4. srenee99

    pain in port area after running....

    Yes, it' feels like a cramp or a nagging pulling sensation. Haven't exercised in a couple days and it's much better. Not exercising isn't an option, so I bought what was described on the package as a waist cincher, only in a bigger size so it doesn't actually bind, just supports.
  5. srenee99

    pain in port area after running....

    I'm happy I found this thread! I've lost 84 lbs since my 9/3/09 banding, but within the past 3 weeks, the port area has become sooo achy. I was banded in Mexico and have been mentally agonizing over the cost of a repeat trip for a repair of some kind. Now I realize that I probably overdid the exercise in an effort to lose the last 10 lbs. I'll try some sort of support around the waist and chill on exerting quite so much. The port feels like an intrusive hard thing and I wish it was smaller.
  6. What's happening? This is week 4, two weeks away from my 1st fill, and hunger has returned with a vengence. The volumn of food I'm eating is increasing as well, from 1/2 to a cup before there is discomfort. Wish the fill was tomorrow. I've lost 16 lbs but this may be short-lived for now. Is this normal?
  7. srenee99

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Josie, Thank you for your post. I needed to hear from someone with the same struggle. I'm only 6 weeks post-op, just received my first fill on Friday and absolutely can't get past the sugar craving. At this point I'd be happy to sacrifice food for a Three Musketeers bar (or 2). I feel like the Biggest Loser but not in a good way. I'm going to join WW because I definitely need more structure in my food plan. Since I was banded in Mexico and filled at the Fill Center two hours from home, I feel the need for support closer to home. However, I'll NEVER tell them about the band. I don't need the negative, short-sighted reactions other bandsters have received. Thanks again, Sharon
  8. Yes, tell me all your first fill! I'm jealous. I need one yesterday.
  9. Had mine on 9/3 with Dr. Corvala in TJ - $6500.
  10. srenee99

    September 2009 Band Date

    I was banded on 9/3 and the hunger is really starting to kick in. I'm having no problem eating soft foods and the restriction I originally had seems to be decreasing. I'm hanging in there until Oct 16th when I get my first fill. I felt great immediately after, and I swear, if I didn't have healing incisions, I think I could almost believe I had never been banded. Thankfully, I've lost 16 lbs since the 3rd. Is this hunger normal?
  11. srenee99

    Let us hear how you're feeling

    Full feels like a huge Thanksgiving dinner and it doesn't take much to get that way.
  12. srenee99

    Let us hear how you're feeling

    Banded on 9/3 in TJ and had a wonderful experience. The care exceeded every expectation. My second postop week is being spent learning to pay attention to what my body is telling me after eating. I'm on thicker foods and am paranoid about overeating. It's not an easy habit to break. Today I started measuring to make sure I don't exceed 1/2 cup. No fill until 10/16. I'm having some difficulty with dumping syndrome - the tiniest amount of sugar and carbs will result in hours of unpleasantness. liquid Imodium is always kept close by. I guess I should appreciate the need to stay clear of sugar and carbs. Fat free/sugar free pudding caused the worst reaction. Does anyone else have these issues?
  13. srenee99

    September 2009 Band Date

    The anesthesiologist at HAT ordered a sleeping pill for me for the night before and night after. I think I would of lost my mind if I hadn't had it. I mean, who could sleep?
  14. My post-op instructions (banded 9/3) are on the conservative side - two weeks on clear liquids and I'm wondering if there's a creative way to get through this stage. Think I'll try flavored diet ice teas and every flavor of diet Jello available. I thought about making my own fat-free chicken broth this weekend so I could control the sodium and make it taste better than ready made. Would appreciate any ideas.
  15. srenee99

    September 2009 Band Date

    Hi 0909 Bandsters, I was banded on 9/3 at HAT and feel wonderful. So good that I was able to walk through Cabrillo Nat'l Park and the SD Zoo on the 5th. Today I arrived home in Fl and am looking forward to the bigger journey toward permanent weight loss. Getting used to changes, like having a roaring loud stomach but no real hunger, is an adventure. Looking ahead to many more.
  16. srenee99

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Everyone, I was banded 2 days ago at HAT and feel wonderful. Walked about Cabrillo National Park and the beautiful tide pools today. Tomorrow the SD Zoo. Too early to report a weight loss but it won't be long. I'm learning to appreciate chicken broth. Sharon
  17. srenee99

    New 60+ Thread

    Thanks to everyone on this forum for helping me decide that the band is for me. Big day is 9/3 and it can't come soon enough. I've gained and lost the same 85 lbs six times. Just the thought of losing it forever makes me delirious.

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