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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Neener

  1. I know this is something I should "be able to do"....I was banded on November 18...and started out great....however almost 2 weeks after I started eating whatever I wanted...I have felt nausea a time or two, but otherwise...NOTHING...tonight...I ate 3 pieces of pizza...I just cant seem to get my mind on track...

    I am VERY concerned that I may have stretched out my pouch...or that maybe the lap band won't work for me.....I know it's only a TOOL and that I need to learn how to work with it.....this seems like any other "diet" I've tried and failed...I just want to cry!!....

    Any help or encouragement would be wonderful!

  2. Hey guys and gals!!...I just want to vent really quick!!...I was banded on November 18...and have been on a "full liquid" diet since and will continue to be until mid December...my problem is.....I have lost a 3.5-4lbs since!!!...I have been ON TRACK (except that little Thanksgiving blunder)...still mad at myself over that!....You would think the weight would be falling off!!...anyone else deal with this???:Yawn:

    Thank You All!


  3. Thank you all for your words!...

    GraciesMom~I especially thank you!...You're right!...all of those "one times"...and "only a littles" got me to where I am!...It's easy to loose perspective!!...I have to admit this Lap-Band is alot more work than I had anticipated!!....and when I first started browsing the boards (pre-band) I would get SO frustrated with people like myself!!!:thumbup:....It's time for me to pull up my big girl panties and suck it up!!....it's liquid for 4 weeks...not a life time!!!....I deeply appreciate your honesty!!!


  4. I'm praying that I'm not the only one who dummied up today!!! (not that I wish anyone bad) :thumbup:...I am 8 days post op...I am supposed to be on "Full Liquids"..."anything pourable".....However, I took it upon myself to decide it would be okay to partake in a little Thanksgiving dinner (no...I'm not a Dr....just lost my mind..haha)...I had probably less than half cup of food...(stuffing, cranberries and the inside only of pumpkin pie)....

    My question to those of you who have been doing this is do you think I hurt anything???....I feel so guilty right now!!!!.....


  5. Hey all!...I was banded on Wednesday, November 18,2009...my procedure was perfect....my family kept commenting that I didn't even appear to have had any procedure done! *lol*....I walked the halls...feel AMAZING!!!!...Do have to admit the gas is a killer...far worse than the procedure!

    I vowed to not be a scale whore...but low and behold..I stepped on this morning and am down 7 lbs.!!...

    I have FOUR weeks of liquids...aaarrrggghh!!!..*laughs*...but as the old cliche' goes "nothing good comes easy"....hope all of my dear November buddies are doing well!!


  6. Maggi: you are going to do FANTASTIC!!!...I am sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!...Please DO keep us posted!!

    Apples:...I've done the EXACT same thing!!!...Hard to explain a parka when it's 100 degrees!!! *lol*

    Abbylamb: Glad you found that funny!....seriously wondered if I should buy a boob jock for the back!!! *lol*

    jrock: You're right...someday they will be a good inspiration for us to look back at and remember WHY we will NEVER go there again!!!

  7. :biggrin:Well guys!...It's done....I got banded this morning at 9...home by 2....little to NO pain!...Mostly just feels like I did a ton of sit ups...

    A-Mazing experience....Now....let my LIFE BEGIN!!!!

    P.S.~thank you ALL for your support!...I hope I can be a source of help to you as you have been to me!!!

  8. OH MY GOODNESS!!!....What an eye opener....don't you think sometimes we convince ourself we're "not that heavy"....but I tell ya...seeing your big ole' booty on film is an EYE OPENER!!!....who knew I had boobs on my back???....Everyone who ever stood behind me apparently (bless their hearts) *lol*....nonetheless, they will be good to look back on when I am boobie free on the back!!! :smile2:

    Aileen :redface:

  9. Hey Ms. Abby!...Welcome to the group!!....December 21st!!..YAY...I will be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!!!....

    As for dealing with being in your 30's...welcome again girl!!...*laughs*..

    My surgery is on Wednesday...and time has gone so quickly!...do keep in touch...it would be great to have a few people to email back and forth to share the journey with!!!....feel free to email me at michaelrr@knology.net


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