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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dterenzi

  1. dterenzi

    Show me yours, I'll show you mine :)

    Nana, Go for the belly button piercing, and the tattoo. I'm 46 and just got my first tattoo with my granddaughters name on my lower back. I too have thought about getting my belly button pierced but want to wait until I loose the weight. So if it makes you feel good...Go for it!
  2. dterenzi

    Gone for Good Club - August 2006

    A whole day process and then some...LOL
  3. dterenzi

    Why didn't you tell me about this?!?!

    I guess I need to check this out...lol
  4. dterenzi

    NC Intro Thread...

    Hi Kathy, It's going well so far, I have been to a seminar and have my consult scheduled for Sept 22nd. At this point I'm trying for the LAP RNY, We'll see this is just the begining, I still have insurance to deal with.
  5. dterenzi


    Hey Kim~ We just got back from the seminar learned a lot too. My husband did excatly what they said most people do, now we know about the codes, so he will be calling the insurance company back tomorrow. I also have a appointment on Sept 22 with Dr. Voellinger, Whewww Hooooo. Anyway....I was reading about the fire at your cousins house. My husband and I would like to help out in any way we can, let me know what is needed. Our hearts go out to them all. Donna
  6. dterenzi


    Hello For weeks I have been searching information on Weight loss surgery, and have read a lot of info on Lap Band Surgery. I would really be interested to know if any of you recommend it, what are the up and down sides to this procedure. Truthfully I don't even know where to begin. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Donna
  7. dterenzi


    At this point I am willing to try any and all sugestions that anyone has. Thanks so much and I will call my husband now.
  8. dterenzi


    Well, I have come to my first stop in the road and I'm not sure what to do now, My husband called United Health Care and he was told that they do not cover any WLS. I was so hoping that our Insurance wouldn't be a problem. I'm sorry Just venting!
  9. I have been doing research for about a month on WLS and had not told anyone that I was doing this. So 3 days ago I decided to tell my husband, at first he didn't say a lot, and then he began to ask questions. I was really worried that he would not support me in this, and last night he told me that he thought it was a good idea. So I have his support. I also told my Mom, Not so supportive, she is totally against it. Bottom line is I have to do what I feel is right for me, and this is right. So I'm ready to move forward.
  10. dterenzi

    Save the date....

    Thank You for the invite, I would love to join you guys. I will have to see what's going on, and I will let you know. Thanks again
  11. dterenzi

    Spouse/Family Support

    Diane, That's great that you have had no negitivity...I hope that when I decide to let everyone in on it I wont either. Donna
  12. dterenzi

    Save the date....

    Thank you Kim...lol
  13. dterenzi

    Save the date....

    Ok this is going to sound stupid...hear goes, I have seen "DH" in several post, can someone please tell me what that is. I'm sorry I feel soooo stupid but I had to ask. Thanks
  14. dterenzi

    Spouse/Family Support

    Jennifer~ Like you I can't tolerate the negativaty, so I wont be telling anyone until the last minute or maybe even after the fact. Most of us know before going into WLS the pros and cons of it all, and we make our decisions based on what is best for us, and we proceed with the choice that we made for ourselfs. Mybe I'm wrong but there may just be a little bit of bitter sweet to the whole thing.
  15. dterenzi

    supportive partners

    I agree with you, however I find that the men want their women to loose weight but when they do, and they really start to look good men begin to freak out..Love their support...Need their support....want their support, but for me I also have to do it for myself.
  16. dterenzi

    Spouse/Family Support

    Tonya & Kitty I wish you both good luck!
  17. dterenzi

    Spouse/Family Support

    That is what I am going to do...Last night I asked my husband not to tell anyone about what I'm thinking about doing, and even if I am able to do this I don't want to tell anyone..I have decided not to even mention it to my Mom again. Why burst my bubble...LOL
  18. dterenzi

    What is your goal weight based on?

    I have just started this journey. I have scheduled a seminar for the 21st of this month and I will move forward from there, I know I have a lot to do and I sure hope that I don't get discourged...Anyway I'm 5'9 and my goal weight is between 145-150 I know not a broad scale but one I hope to see in the near future.
  19. dterenzi

    Spouse/Family Support

    I have read great things about two Dr's (Voellinger & Bauman) I just signed up to go to one of Dr Voellinger's seminars on August 21 2006 and My husband wants to go with me. YEAH! My Parents live in California so It wont be possible for my Mom to go. (I'll tell her all about it) I guess this would be my first step. When do I start getting nervous...LOL Donna
  20. dterenzi

    Spouse/Family Support

    I think that my Mom is just not up to date on the different options that there are now with WLS, I tried to explain them but she just was totally against the whole thing, that's ok though, I have my husbands support and he was the one I was really worried about. Okiegirl your going to Mexico for your surgery in just a few weeks, I hope that it goes well for you. And It's wonderful that your family is supporting you in this. Donna
  21. dterenzi


    Thank you for the information and the encouragement, and Congrats on your weight loss that is fantastic. I can't believe how much information I have gotten today just from posting once. Every time someone responds I get more anxious to get the ball rolling. Thanks Again...And keep up the good wrok Donna
  22. dterenzi


    Kim & Jill that is great, I can hardly wait to get this process going. Thank you both for the information. Actually maybe you can tell me one more thing..From start to finsih about how long does the whold process take?
  23. dterenzi


    Thank you so much for the information. Well we don't have BCBS of NC. We are with United Health Care, So I will check with them and see if they cover this, and then go from there. Thanks again Donna
  24. dterenzi

    NC Intro Thread...

    Thanks Vickie.
  25. dterenzi


    Thank you Karen and Angie for the information.

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