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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sugarplum

  1. sugarplum

    uk members

    hi im liz in in north east uk, newcastle
  2. sugarplum

    body temperature questions

    Im constantly cold, i have heating on all day long and the rest of the family have to suffer sweating to death, i sit right up on the heating pipes and im still cold. I been banded 2 yrs and it hasnt got any better, just some thing im gonna have to learn to live with i think.
  3. sugarplum

    Senior Eyetest (for Adults only)

    lmfao !! lolololololololol
  4. sugarplum

    2 yrs banded and in essex

    Hi tracey, well done with your weight loss, im in Newcastle North East UK and ive also been banded two years this month, welcome to lbt. Liz xxx
  5. sugarplum

    2 year bandiversary

    Congratulations Paty, well done xx my 2 yr band anniverary is coming up on march 22nd, and i also would do it all over again.
  6. sugarplum

    Anyone Else In The Same Boat???

    I was done nhs i waited from doc refering me to the op approx 2 years, i been banded to years in two weeks time.
  7. sugarplum

    Any regrets?

    Its been hard, but even with the hard times ive been through id still do it all again with out a doubt.
  8. sugarplum

    Plastic Surgery Poll

    Im due to have a apronectomy in may, bit worried but i will go through with it. I came this far so i might as well finish what ive started, ill let u all know how it goes.
  9. Hi helen i had my band done on nhs, the waiting list in my area is 6 months from being put on a list.
  10. sugarplum

    Any UK members?

    Hello from another uk member xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  11. sugarplum

    skin questions

    Im in the UK, its a follow up on our health system for me, im one of the lucky ones it wont be costing me anything, any way good luck with your band journey from Liz xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  12. sugarplum

    skin questions

    Hello hlayne, my name is Liz and im in the UK, i have had my band 2 years on march 22nd, im at my target now and i do have a lot of loose skin. Im aged 32yrs and i have 1 child, im due to have a tummy tuck this year in may, i want this done as a personal choice for me, as the excesive skin isnt just unsightly, but also very uncomftable to which makes it uncomfy to also excercise. You may get away with needing ps with not having children, ive been told that they cant get rid of my stretch marks though, but i dont mind that. Any way thats my experience, i wish u luck in your band journey ! love liz xxxxxx:)
  13. welcome to lbt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  14. sugarplum

    tummy tuck

    I meet my plastic surgeon on 25th sept, about having a tummy tuck, im rather excited but a little nervous too. I am at my personal target weight so it should be ok to go ahead !! Fingers crossed all will be ok.
  15. sugarplum

    Ive Stopped Smoking !

    Been Stopped Smoking 3 Months Now Wooooooooo Hoooooooo, And They Gonna Do My Tummy Tuck Im Thrilled !!! :girl_hug:
  16. sugarplum

    Prospective lap bander

  17. sugarplum

    Ive Stopped Smoking !

  18. sugarplum

    hi from nikki in ireland

    Hello and welcome to LBT XXXX
  19. sugarplum

    Hello From Scotland

    Hi yvonne, i was also banded on the nhs, welcome to LBT , good luck on your journey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  20. sugarplum

    another newbie

    Welcome to Lbt XXXXX Good luck on your journey.
  21. sugarplum

    Any smokers out there?

    Im 8 weeks into stopping smoking, im finding it harder than giving up food !
  22. sugarplum

    Smokin Bandsters?

    I wish i had given up b4 surgery, its highly recommended that you do as it slows down the healing process, and you are more likley to get infection. Im waiting 4 a tummy tuck now and packed in smoking 5 weeks ago now for that op, under no circumstances will they operate on me if i continue to smoke, as the say the risks are too high. So now im a ex smoker !! finding it hard but it will be worth it in the end. The only down side to stopping smoking this time is ive regained a little weight back, but im trying to sort that problem out now .
  23. Honesty is the best way, my son was 4 when i had my lap band put in, i told him the truth from the start explained the best way i could, in terms that was understandable to him, hes now 6 and understands more about my lap band than some adults do, that know im banded. He now accepts my band is part of me, and its there to give me a better life, he also understands that im not the only person to have a lap band, and others do have the same op. I allow him 2 help prepare my food and he takes a real interest in what im eating. He will ask " Mummy is that ok for your band or will it make you sick " ? Letting him take part and become involved in how my band works has made him understand what its about and hes not fearfull of it at all, hes been to hospital with me on a few appointments, met some of the people that have helped me through my band journey, and he accepts now that the band is part of mummy, any thing he asks about the band i answer truth fully to him in a child freindly way that he can understand. That is my experience with my child anyway, and ive found honesty is the best way, and your child will love you more for that, and he will also feel more secure. GOOD LUCK MYPOV XXXXXXXXXX
  24. sugarplum

    Soup Concoctions?

    Carlene u should write a cook book 4 lap banders, u would make your fotune lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
