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Status Updates posted by abercchic

  1. That makes me feel so much better! I was like 5 lbs?! Are you effing kidding me?! I was PISSED haha. I mean I could have done that on my own by actually eating food! And if we've only lost 5-7lbs in a year, someone is going down! haha. Ohhh rolls and butter sound so good right now. Do you know when you get your first fill? I have to wait 4 weeks ughhh. I'm starving! Anyway, so glad to know we're both in the same boat with the weight loss. Misery loves company!

  2. Hey girl, seeing how you are doing! I had my follow-up appt today and have only lost 5lbs. Ugh. After not eating real food and only have like 600 cals a day I expected to lose more so I'm a bit frustrated. Do you know how much you've lost? I start mushy food today so now I'm afraid I'll gain some because others have had that problem. Anyway just thought I'd see how yours is coming along!

  3. Maybe I should try that protein shake. I'm doing Carnation Instant Breakfast and add another type of whey protein powder that has 20g of protein so one shakes comes out to like 33g and it tastes pretty good, like chocolate milk. So what have you been eating? I've been sticking to about 2 or 3 of those shakes and the campbell soups you can drink from the cup and some JELLO pudding here and there. I'll be two weeks out on Tuesday and I get to go to mushy food finally. Ya my Dr. used the glue on my incisions too. I have weird skin though so I'm probably allergic to the glue or something.

  4. Hey girl! I'm doing good except I'm really tired of stupid protein shakes! Ughhh everytime I have to make another one I want to punch someone in the face haha. I chewed up a roll and spit it out the other day ha! We're desperate! Oh and my incisions itch so bad! Have yours been itching? Anyway hope you're doing well!

  5. Hahah, I'm seriously considering putting food in my mouth and then spitting it out to get the taste too! So sad! As far as protein, I've just been getting mine from the shakes since I only had to do clear liquids for a day. I got some protein powder and liquid vitamins from the health store the other day so after I add the protein to my shake it's about 33grams of protein for one shake. I haven't tried the Isopure but I was considering it since I had read people talking about it on here. So it's not good? Maybe I'll cross that off my list ha. I haven't heard of anything else with protein that's water based so I'm not much help there, sorry!

  6. Yeesh that's quite a while to be on clear liquids! My full liquids started the day after but I've only been drinking protein shakes and crystal light. I guess pudding and soups count as full liquids right? I'm probably going to have to resort to that soon because I'm really getting sick of shakes!! And I know what you mean about the fried chicken. I'm at my parents house so they can take care of me ha, and I had to watch them eat alfredo and garlic rolls! Torture!

  7. Oh and I'm on liquid Loritab. Tastes awful!

  8. Glad to hear you're feeling better! I started the chewable vitamins the day after surgery and the protein shakes the day after. How long do you have to be on the clear liquids??

  9. Good luck with your surgery! Hopefully we'll have these 80lbs off soon!! Keep me updated with your journey!

  10. Hey Annie! Glad to hear you're alive ha! Yeah I underestimated the pain as well but I am finally starting to feel a bit better. There's no going back now! Time to start losing weight for good!! Keep me updated with your progess!

  11. Good luck on your surgery tomorrow! I had mine today and I was pretty much freaking out before. I won't lie though, I'm in a considerable amount of pain today BUT I'm alive! Ha. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great!

  12. Yes! I'm getting SO nervous! Not so much about the surgery itself as whether this whole thing will work for me and keep the weight off etc! Good luck to you too!

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