@loser, I agree with the donations idea you mentioned..probably the best way to help out people with no means at all. its a great idea.
@wingrider... from what u've described, im thinking the lady did take the bait but shes probably to embaressed to share with you. u've done well to highlight it...and now its up to her i think.
@tiffykins, you probably have the best approach...it involves getting personal with the case on hand..getting close and friendly. investing enough time into it. but to tell u the truth, im not the social gym type...i prefer my biking (actual down the block) and my building's gym. so wish i could help the gym guy that way.
@mlkpas I totaly agree..nothing more shocking than to hear the worst about u from a stranger...then again, some people really do live in denial and what might seem like harsh words today, could be what started a chain reaction that lead to them gaining their health back. this is specifically why this issue confuses me:
its weird how being indifferent to strangers is considered the socially correct behaviour, but being involved is not despite the fact that it might actually help someone DO SOMETHING even if what you said momentarily hurts them.
@deedee yes u said it "if u had the opportunity to socialize" but thats the missing link unfortunately. I just wish talking about weight was less taboo than it is now (especially if u mean well which we do)...
I remember in the documentary "Supersize me" someone was talking about how its not acceptable to talk about weight to a stranger but its ok to shun a smoker..although they are both deadly paths. he thought it was hypocritical, and i kind of agree.
@carolyn, actually u never know..u might have started a spark...have u seen this lady eversince? dont be hard on urself, u meant well and there is no way u could have made her life worse cos what u said was part of the solution not the problem i believe....fat is the problem.
and for when u said "we are messengers in our actions"...i see ur point totally, but dont u think these guys are looking at me as a healthy person who doesnt know what they are going through when in reality i am probably the most living example to them of what they can achieve health wise? but they will never know if i stay quiet will they:001_unsure:
i dunno..i might just go on filming a documentary about this hehe. "the michael moore of fat taboos" ...which reminds me, michael moore would probably take an advice about weight well I think.