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Everything posted by L8BloomR
who supports right to choose
L8BloomR replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
That's wonderful news, green!! The tumor is gone---fantastic!! Hey---think of the fun you will have "filling in" that skin. Hmmmmmm....do you need an eating buddy? :thumbup: -
who supports right to choose
L8BloomR replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Green, it is good to hear from you. How are you feeling? Even though I haven't posted on LBT for a long time, I did try to keep up with what was going on with your illness and I kept you in my prayers. How are you doing now? -
Poll: Question For Pro-choicers?.
L8BloomR replied to ELENATION's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
That was beautifully expressed, Teri, and very heartfelt. I don't think anyone could disagree with your feelings. What you wrote was a wonderful testament to your belief that all life is precious. Thank you for posting. -
LBT changes lives - non weight-related LBT story!
L8BloomR replied to gadgetlady's topic in The Lounge
Your love for your daughter sounds so beautiful, Michelle, as well as your appreciation for her birth mother. I hope she knows how much you admire what she did when she gave up her precious baby. I am so happy for you and am glad you told your story. -
Or why Cindy McCain's addiction to prescription drugs 20 years ago matters....but Obama's cocaine use in his college years doesn't. Or why the NT Times feels fine about trying to dig up dirt on the McCains from the McCains' young daughter, and her friends and her MySpace page ... but considers any mention of anything Michelle Obama or her family says as off-limits. grrrrrrrrr.... I don't mind hearing the truth about my candidate, as long as "truth" is also dished out equally on the other side. This bias for Obama is so bad that even the Clintons have complained! Do you remember Hillary and her main spokesman Terry McCauliffe saying that Fox News was the most fair to them during their campaign (and have you noticed how many of her former campaign workers have joined Fox as "paid commentator/news contributors"?) Amazing how things turn, eh?
LBT changes lives - non weight-related LBT story!
L8BloomR replied to gadgetlady's topic in The Lounge
Hi, Gadgetlady wanted me to update this story so, as the "LBT friend" who is mentioned in this story, I will! The adoptive parents met the birth mother and her family this past weekend and it was like they had known each other for years. My co-worker (the mother of the pregnant girl) left me a message that was so heartwarming and joyful about this visit I had to call Gadget and share it. It brought tears to our eyes. There is no doubt in the minds of all involved in this situation that this was planned from the very beginning...there have been so many dramatic twists that (in retrospect) could only be explained as God's way of producing this result. This baby for this couple. It has renewed my faith that God is active and always working on our behalf and anxious to take any situation--no matter how bleak--and use it to produce good. And that each and every new life is planned for in His eyes. As mentioned before, "Jack" is due Dec. 31 and is now a wanted and much-loved baby! -
who supports right to choose
L8BloomR replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Thank you, BJean. I appreciate your kind and thoughtful response. -
You make a good point, Beth. I've never understood why some people think that associations don't matter. I mean, if you have kids, who would you rather they hang out with---the druggies and gangsters, or the "good kids" who did their homework and didn't get in trouble? Isn't the reason because we know that people in a group seem to mimic the same behavior? And when did you ever see one "good kid" convert an entire group of "bad kids"? Isn't it usually the other way around?
who supports right to choose
L8BloomR replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Well, it has been many months since I have posted on LBT but I just had to jump back into this thread because of what has been going on in my life in the pro-life arena. Gadgetlady and I have been "collaborating" on a wonderful "project"...and that has given me a new-found respect for this whole issue. As you might have read on another thread, Gadget shared about a baby being saved from abortion and now being adopted by her close friends. That baby belongs to the daughter of my co-worker and this has been a phenomenal experience for us all. If you believe in God, you would know that the twists and turns that have occurred not only saved this baby (who was just a couple days away from being aborted) but also brought him to an incredible couple with the background and experience to make his new life a blessing to all involved. And that these things could only have been made possible by God's love and intervention. If you are not a believer, then the many amazing "coincidences" would shake your belief in the Law of Averages! In any case, I am sharing this because I think that with all battles, anger and frustration we have with each other on all sides of this debate, it might be helpful to remember that some of us here have seen first-hand what blessings can come when a woman---or anyone, for that matter---takes what God has given and allows Him to forge the path. Gadget and I are seeing with our own eyes the power of this right now. Lives are being changed dramatically, all in wonderful ways, even though at first it looked as black and bleak as can be. To see the journey unfolding in such special ways has humbled all involved. I feel so blessed to be a part of it. What I am trying to say is that for those who believe that life is precious and that God has planned each one (and the baby discussed above is proof of that to everyone who knows the full story), there is no way to dissuade them from that. It would be like trying to deny their own heart. For those who don't believe...well, you can't blame us for trying to do what we feel is God's will and trying to save lives. As I've said before, I do understand that pro-abortion people believe that their duty is to the unhappily-pregnant woman. I only wish that more of them would see that sometimes the hardest thing, the inconvenient thing or the most difficult thing is the thing that makes us the happiest in the long run. Just my thoughts.... -
Anyone heard about Ben Stein's new movie Expelled?
L8BloomR replied to gadgetlady's topic in Rants & Raves
Well, first off, the movie wasn't "comparing" anything to Hitler or making any analogy. You will have to see it to understand, but it shows how the theory of evolution has become so concrete in the minds of most that many scientists have been silenced, comdemned or forbidden to research other studies and explanations. It brings in Hitler and others to show how this concrete belief can be perverted into other views. I found the movie fascinating and eye-opening and there is much to debate, but it can't be done until the movie is viewed. Deal? -
Anyone heard about Ben Stein's new movie Expelled?
L8BloomR replied to gadgetlady's topic in Rants & Raves
Sorry if the word "Hitler" upsets you, but I can't help that I found it interesting that Hitler used Darwin's writings to form his ideas about the perfect society. Just because someone doesn't like to hear about something doesn't mean it shouldn't be mentioned. No one was making absurd claims about Mother Goose. Maybe you should go see the movie to put your mind at ease? :glare: -
Anyone heard about Ben Stein's new movie Expelled?
L8BloomR replied to gadgetlady's topic in Rants & Raves
I saw it this evening.... very powerful and very scary! I think they did a good job of showing the link between Darwinism and Hilter. I had no idea that Hitler took some of his beliefs, including about "selective breeding", from Darwin's writings. I need to go study my history in more depth! Anyway, I think Ben Stein proved his point beautifully. This was a provocative and well-done movie. -
who supports right to choose
L8BloomR replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
BJean: I have told my story much earlier on in this thread and don't have the time to go over it again, even if anyone here really had the time or inclination to listen. Suffice it to say that I have come to my beliefs that every human life is sacred due to many factors, of which my religion is one. I see human life as the most important thing in the world, and I believe that handling the tough times in our life, no matter how miserable, can be the catalyst for amazing growth and success. I have seen that we grow more from struggle than through ease and I have seen that thinking only of ourselves or of what is the easiest road to travel can bring much misery. I wish I could put into words better what I am trying to say, but I guess it would be that my faith has taught me that if I handle problems and troubles as they come, and deal with the ramifications of them instead of getting rid of them, I am so much better off. And I am not just talking about myself personally, or even a person believing in God. I mean ANYBODY. Any successful person will tell you that just when they thought things were the worst they could be, they pulled themselves up and achieved great things because of that struggle. The same thing is true, I believe, for the vast majority of woman with an unplanned pregnancy. I have seen just too many times the happiness that comes to a woman later who had wanted an abortion yet didn't have it. The joy at her decision and the delight in the child. Even the ones who gave their babies up for adoption....well, I have not met one who wished she had had an abortion. Yes, I know there are many miserable situations for women and I can only guess at the horror of finding out you are pregnant via rape or incest. I don't think any pro-life person makes light of that situation. But if you believe in the potential of life, the ability to take a tragedy and make something positive out of it, well, you can see why many of us don't think abortion is the only or best way out. If I could see that abortion makes "every child a planned and wanted child", then I might be swayed. But during my lifetime, I have seen the news go from an occasional story of child abuse (while abortions were illegal) to seeing massive abuse or killings of children now. Why? Wasn't abortion supposed to make children more loved and wanted? Why are there so many mothers doing so many horrendous things to their kids? My take on it is that we have cheapened life. It is disposable and de-valued. I can think of no other explanation. The reasons? We can debate those all day. As a Christian, I think it is because we have lost our faith in something greater than ourselves and that has made us focus only on what WE want NOW. I don't expect many here to understand or agree with me. I can't help how I feel or what I believe, it is just so deeply TRUE to me and so I continue to express them in hopes someone else will find something there to help them understand. It is also why I can get a bit sensitive when I feel my beliefs are being dismissed as not well-thought-out or deeply held. Anyway, you asked!! I hope this helps.... -
who supports right to choose
L8BloomR replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Can someone give me the post #?? Although in my view this should just be dropped as it has become a "she said, she said" kind of thing and will be viewed by each person's personal prism. Why not just let it "roll off your back like water"? Seems like the wisest thing to do to me at this point. -
who supports right to choose
L8BloomR replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
BJean: You have stated many times that you are a Christian, yet you are pro-abortion. Why do you have a hard time believing that someone else can be pro-life without it being forced on them through their faith? We all arrive at our beliefs through many means.... religious faith is one important way, yet as you can see by your own situation, one can be similar in faith yet dissimilar in other beliefs. Why should your stand hold more credence then someone else's? If one can honestly be pro-abortion and a Christian, one can also be honestly pro-life and a Christian, as well. -
who supports right to choose
L8BloomR replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Contributes nothing except "Squawks" and "eeks"?? Who does that?? Seems like we all state our opinions here quite well.... so what or who are you talking about? -
who supports right to choose
L8BloomR replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
I mentioned Gadgetlady because it was she and TommyO who were the most engaged in "battle" right before TommyO left. And because she was doing the most posting and was the one who admitted that she had gotten too heated up in her posts. BJean, I feel the same way as you do except from the other side. I have gotten so beaten up on this thread I virtually stopped posting here. Besides Gadgetlady, I was usually the lone voice for days because the others on my side had been driven off by the attacks. Until recently it was much more "pro-choice" than "pro-life" here and if anyone was brave enough to admit being on this side of the debate, they were considered a religious fanatic and incapable of rational thought. Now that a few more pro-life people have joined the debate, it has become a little easier to post here for many of us. That you feel like a minority is almost funny, since that has been the general feeling of us on this side since this thread started. I guess it is natural that the different sides grow and decline as the debate rages on.... -
who supports right to choose
L8BloomR replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
TommyO: I'm not sure what names you feel you were being called, but I do know that Gadgetlady apologized for anything she said that was mean and I do believe she was sincere. But when did anyone say "nasty" things while talking about "what good people they are"?? I don't see any posts like that. Obviously, stating support for a position or statement that you agree with or find interesting is common to everyone. I don't think it implies an "I am good, you are evil" view, in my opinion. Or make you a "parrot", for that matter. You are strong in your opinions and your support of a certain viewpoint; others are as well, in theirs. I know that things get heated here but Gadgetlady and others have graciously cooled things down, so why bring it up again? "Can't we all just get along" for a little while longer? -
DARN----and I was just getting ready to begin singing Kum-ba-ya, too....
:hurray::confused: Hurray!!!!! BJean, I can finally whole-heartedly and absolutely agree with you on something!! Great post!!
France gets something like 80% of their energy from nuclear power....and as far as I know, they have not had any real problems with it. Does any one know if there are statistics on either problems or successes with nuclear energy usage in that country?
tapshoes: yes, I know what "bobbitt-ing" is...and I was thinking that same thing as I was writing the word "toes"....but just didn't have the courage to say it!! Thank you for doing it for me!! I really do wish we could inflict the same torture on abusers as they inflict on their innocent victims, either people or animal. This slap-on-the-wrist we give, especially to torturers of animals, does nothing and makes a mockery of our supposed commitment to protecting the innocent. That said, it is wonderful to hear about so many people who are into animal rescue...the great work that is being done and the lives being restored. Your story touched my heart, as did others on this thread. Thank you for being one of the "good ones"!!
who supports right to choose
L8BloomR replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
:Dancing_wub::thumbup::thumbup: -
I understand your confusion, since I feel the same way about groups like Earth First! and individuals like the Unibomber who claim to love the environment but have no problem with blowing up people and buildings. And I have never personally met a pro-abortion person who believed in the death penalty. Yet they can never give a good explanation as to why it is OK to kill a baby in the womb yet not OK to kill a convicted murderer. :regular_smile: