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Everything posted by coltonwade

  1. coltonwade

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    that is true Scottish Rite is Great. However at First Grade those indications are not really going to be accurate. A child may have some indicators show up at First Grade but you most likely will not know until the End of 2nd grade if those are TRUE Indicators of Dyslexia . NOW Looking back at my son in first grade it was CLEAR the dyslexia was there. But the problem is some of the things that indicate dyselxia at grade 1 Alot of children do . Mindy
  2. coltonwade

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    It is common for kids at that age to write things backwards. Contrary to what people think Dyslexia is MORE complex than just flipping letters and numbers around. The Main issue with Dyslexia for reading is decoding and reading comprehension. . Most dyslexics can not decode words therefore making it hard to comprehend. Flipping the letters though can be an indication of dyslexia . Something my son however does not do . At second grade you should start being concerned if he's having difficulty with reading comprehension , site words, decoding skills and if the letter slipping increases . Here is a good site. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/dyslexia/DS00224/DSECTION=1 If you need anything further please email me privately , I do all i can in the way of parent advocacy because of the HORRIBLE experience I went through with my son . I also would like to say , if your son does not pass the TAKS the FIRST TIME use it FIRST as a tool to get school dystrict to pay for ALL The learning disability testing you can . If your son has dyslexia or any learning disability the KEY is the RIGHT Program . My son has EXCELLED in the right school. If you can afford private school and he's dyslexic your BEST BET is an all dyselxic private school. HTH Mindy
  3. coltonwade

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    That is all the TAKS test is , The ENTIRE Year the teachers are teaching students how to pass the TAKS Test. Or what is on the TAKS test .In between those times they are taking " benchmarks" to see what " Levels' they are at so they can "adjust" the classes and make sure that everyone passes. Ok Have the TAKS test BUT Cut the money associated with it . That is why there is so much pressure put on the teachers by the schools and the districts. If so many kids do not pass then the school does not get enough money . Well ya know what that's the DISTRICTS Problem NOT THE KIDS. Put the pressure on the teachers to MAKE Those kids succeed. I have seen SO MANY lazy teachers ( dont hurt me ya'll lol ) who just dont care. Cut those teachers out , only keep those good teachers that care , allow them to teach the way THEY Want to teach , I gurantee you that kids will Learn ALOT better that way. When i was put in a self paced program to help me graduate after I got pregnant with my son . I made straight A's . Prior to being in that class. F's. Why ? I did better not having to sit there and listen to someone speak for an hour . I did better just reading and doing the work on my own . Like i said I made up over 3 yrs of work in a little over a yr. AND made straight A's doing it. If they had different " teaching style " Classrooms I think kids would do so much better. Instead you have to get a kid like mine put into sp ed. to get modifications put in an IEP in order to get those " Tools" Put in place for him . Frustrating. IM STILL Trying to figure out how to get my kid out of the TAKS legally just for principal of the matter lol Mindy Mindy
  4. coltonwade

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    Faybie, Here is something to ask your son . Ask him weekly what he's doing. Ask him if any of it has anything to do with the TAKS tests. I can almost gurantee you SOMETHING each week for the most part has something to do with the TAKS tests. Some teachers/schools are worse (More blatant) than others about making it known that the TAKS Is THE MOST important thing . The last school ( the bad one) my son attended based EVERYTHING on TAKS. Most schools wont even allow a child to be tested for Learning disabilites until they FAIL the TAKS. My son's IQ is "above Normal" Even with reading at a 3rd grade level in 6th grade he still managed to pass a 6th grade TAKS reading test as well as all the others. BUT because he passed it along with every other TAKS test prior to that one the school tried to refuse to test him for Dyslexia. The whole system is based on TAKS . My son and every other childs abilities are NOT Souley based or shown on one test. Sorry but I thought that's what report cards and Final Exams were for ?? Mindy
  5. coltonwade

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    This is what I do not like about it, Im curious to see what the teachers think . I do not like that TAKS because to ME it is NOT Standardized. The TAKS test is what the state thinks your child SHOULD Be learning or what your child should be taught. HOWEVER NOT all children learn the same. For instance, In high school there are 3 or 4 different graduation plans that a child can take. One for children not college bound, One for Children who are college bound but for Techinchical/Vocational Schools , one for College bound students and one for "Excellerated" ( im sure that's not the right wording) students Pre AP Type kids. OK .... The TAKS test is Geared for Kids who are on the last graduation plan IMHO . At the VERY LEAST its geared for kids who are headed towards college. You might say " SO what" . My issue. NOT all children are Learning the same material so WHY is there not 4 TAKS tests. If your testing them on what they SHOULD have learned? Another example. I came [ ] close to NOT graduating because of the TAAS( back then same as TAKS NOW) . I Could NOT pass the math portion . Why ? I was 16 when i got pregnant with my son in high school , my school tried to kick me out to make me attend the "Alternative" School that had a daycare. I REFUSED, i told them i started here i'll graduate here. ( they didnt want a teen preg. stat in their rich middle class school ) SO because I had been not so great up until then I had little credits. They put me on a lower grad plan and put me in Fundementals of math class and a self paced program , I made up 3 yrs of work in a yr and half . The Math TAAS Test had CALCULUS On it . I HAD NEVER SEEN CALCULUS. I passed the test the LAST TIME I Could before graduation . Therefore after having a kid my Junior yr working my ASS off to graduate a damn test was goign to keep me from doing that and something I Was never taught at that ? I DONT THINK SO . MY other issue. The TAKS test does NOT Allow teachers to teach. The entire school year is set up around the TAKS test. its like the teachers whole year is ONLY To get kids to pass the TAKS test to get the schools money . SORRY I could go on ,,,,, Those are the basics for my resoning though. My son is dyslexic so school is much harder for him , I guess my thinking is why not make it fun , multi sensory , Hands on so others like him can LEARN and not DRILL This damn test into his head ..... IF teachers could go back to making teaching FUN Kids like mine could learn alot faster, and frankly like school alot more . Mindy:eek:
  6. I am thinking that is not such a great thing ? Like i said I Do not know alot about business lol I also wanted to thank everyone, I think this is the FIRST board ive been on where I can participate in a discussion like this and not #1 be made to feel like an IDIOT . Im not the most educated person about political issues ( I just know what I know and feel what i feel ) #2 NO one is yelling and screaming or demeaning each other #3 I also feel im learning on here as well. SO THANKS Mindy
  7. All I can say for you posting that is first I had to get :popcorn: it was so interesting , Then I needed a because I felt so dirty . LOL GREAT POST Mindy:clap2:
  8. I do not know a whole lot about Business But from what I do know , business' are NOT In good shape who do this . Bankcrupcy Maybe not but they may be doing this to AVOID bankcrupcy . If GM is having to form a partnership with another group that to me does not sound good either. I am not sure how your husband can work for GM and not know about this ? Mindy
  9. I heard about this on CNN about a month or so ago ? http://money.cnn.com/2006/03/22/news/companies/gm_delphi/index.htm?section=money_topstories
  10. coltonwade

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    Where the HELL have all of you been hiding ? LOL I am SO SICK and tired of living amoung a bunch of Bush LOVIN, PERRY HUGGIN, CONSERVATIVE A$$ Kissers Here in Texas ESPICALLY AUSTIN I cant stand it ! OMG I know ya'll are in Texas but PLEASE Come to Austin JUST TO VISIT. :clap2::kiss2:
  11. coltonwade

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    The Teachers groups like Carol because she is a former teacher so was her husband. My husband is working on a project with her husband (construction) and She has some good ideas. Like others have said though I doubt she's going to get elected. Mindy
  12. coltonwade

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    Ok I have to know . As a parent of a dyslexic student in Texas who thinks the TAKS Test is Sh&% I would love to know what your opinion is of the TAKS as a teacher . I think that TAKS Test is worthless for a HUGE Variety of reasons. I would love to hear your take on this . Feel free to start another thread. if ya like lol MIndy
  13. I wouldnt give Bush Credit for that either. I mean how many yrs did it take for 9-11 to be planned ? We dont know for sure. how do we know its just something that is being planned now and wont happen for another 4 yrs ? Bush cant take credit for something that HASNT Happend that he cant PROVE he's stopped. Mindy
  14. I agree with you 100% on all of the above. I just didnt say it very well . lol :clap2::usa2:
  15. That is where I tend to disagree a little bit. I admit I have not read the 911 Commission report and I am well aware of Spin. My point with the movie was even if HALF Of it was dramatized I was still SICK . And I am sorry I really doubt we, the people will get ANY TRUE Facts with 100% accuracy about the events leading up to 911 from EITHER Administration . When it comes to what went on inside the goverment and inside the agencies I do not think that the TRUE Facts will ever come out , I Dont think they can for the sake of " trust" In the People. Call me paranoid but that's just what I think. Mindy
  16. I agree our education system is BROKEN . Money however is not the problem when it comes to the schools. The issue of schools needing more money is not an issue. Its the system itself. Do you know what America's school sytstem is lacking that other countries like Sweden is NOT ? COMPETITION. What happens in Business if your business does not succeed ? It closes right? SCHOOLS Should be the same way . If you do not perform you get SHUT DOWN . How do you do this ? You allow the parents to Pick and choose where their children go . The US Is about the only system that tells their parents Where their kids have to go . There was a big 20/20 report on this and they were 100% right. Charter schools EXCEL because if they do not they are closed, if the teachers fail the kids they are out. My son struggled in school for 5 yrs , the school TOLD Me for 5 yrs he had ADHD TOLD Me to medicate him ( Which is ILLEGAL AS HELL) Suggested I medicate him to " Rule out ADHD" I have on TAPE them suggesting I medicate him 29 times this is after He was diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD Ruled out . Can I do anything about that NO . why ? Because if i sue the district I have to get "permission first " then if I LOOSE I pay the distircts fee's. Its impossible to change things that are broke. My son was in a school for 5 yrs and was reading at a 3rd grade level because they school was LAZY not my son . The school he's in now has had him for 1 YR and they have him reading at GRADE LEVEL. something the other school told me " DOnt get your hopes up Ms Tolbert He'll never read at grade level like normal kids " . There is a HUGE Problem and it needs to be fixed. I Could go on and on about Schools. Im a parent advocate for others in my sons old district and they do not LIKE ME and try to keep me out of ARD Meetings. lol Mindy
  17. Did you happen to see the TV Movie "the Path to 911 " ? I can see WHY the Clinton Administration AND the BUSH admin Did NOT want that movie shown. The "disclaimer " at the start of the movie was a JOKE , it was simply to appease the goverment so they would not pull the movie. Personally if you saw that movie, Democrat, Republican , Independent, I dont care who you were ,I dont see how you could have watched that movie and it NOT Make your stomach turn . Did Clinton have chances to Take out Osama ? You bet your A$$ . Did Bush ? You bet your A$$ . If you watch that Movie and take it for what it was , Straight out of the 911 report BOTH administartions NEW 911 or an attack like 911 WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. It was frankly sicking to watch and made my stomach turn as well as my husbands who is a conservative Republican. Why ? Because everyone in Washington was too busy worring about how it was going to make THEM look if something happened or who was going to look bad if they took out a terrorist NO one would do a damn thing about it. JP Oneil retired from the FBI because he said " Im not going to work for a goverment that has more interest in protecting their own a$$'$ than protecting their people" (He worked under Bush and Clinton )He retired and became the head of the World Trade Center Security . His First Day was 9-11 , he died that day in the towers trying to help others get out! I Can not tell you how ANGRY I was watching that movie. As for your last quote "People get so caught up in thinking Christians should be perfect. Their NOT.. they are just forgiven." My opinion is PEOPLE dont think Christians should be perfect, its SOME ( Note i said some NOT ALL ) of those christians who THINK They ARE PERFECT and judge others that I have a problem with and that give the other "Normal" Christians as I call them a bad name. Just my input Mindy
  18. Well She found God because her son died of SIDS 6 yrs ago . Which I totally understand. However , She needs to remeber the person she was before and not judge people for things #1 that one use to do themselves and #2 just do not judge period. Her last child she had though she stopped taking BC and said " When its meant to be its meant to be " But they didnt really want anymore . So they did leave it up to God for that. I dunno Like you said I have some common sense too . SHe and I were really good friends for yrs , and the church changed her. Now its like im not good enough for her and frankly I think her church tells her not to associate with those outside of the church . Its kind of creepy . But thats a whole other subject. Like you said im better off with out her as a friend . Mindy
  19. THAT I Can do and I am saving this one. Thanks Old Man Mindy
  20. Carlene, Very Good points and I totally agree. Do check out 30 Days, I think it comes on the Bravo Channel. Its gets my husband and I into some great conversations. My 14 yr old likes watching it too . Mindy
  21. Can you tell my Former best friend of 20 yrs that ? lol She Found God a few yrs ago and with that found the need to spew what ever she thought of you out of her mouth in the "name of God" regardless of if it might hurt your feelings or not . Well , Her and I are no longer speaking because you guessed it the main reason my SURGERY . She felt the need to tell me that I am an IDIOT to alter my body and if GOD wants me to be THIN he'll see it to be that way . :rolleyes She is also "mad" at me because after 7 yrs of marriage my husband started his own business and We are no longer broke as a door mat . SO My point ? Be christian, be a Good christian, But dont use it as a reason to be a holier than though , shove it down others throats, push your opinions on others and MOST OF all ( Ive seen this more times than I can count ) DONT use it to be an A$$ . LOL Sorry I guess I needed to vent that out . lol Mindy:faint:
  22. Has anyone ever seen the show "30 Days " by Morgan Spurlock ? He's the guy that did " Super Size Me " It is a REALLY awesome Show. One episode was an Antheist(sp) had to go live with a Conservative Christian Republican Family for 30 days . One of the "debates' During that time was the Athiests said " Why do WE who do not have to belive in God have to carry around Money on it 24/7 that says " In God We Trust" how would you as Christians Like to carry around Money that said " THERE IS NO GOD " on it " One of the Christians said " IF YOU DONT LIKE IT MOVE That's the WAY IT IS its OUR Way " There was also an episode when a Pro Choice Woman went to live in a Pro LIFE Womans Home for 30 Days. If you have never seen the show I highly recommend it. Its VERY good about letting you see both views of a position . Mindy
  23. coltonwade

    Unfills for vacation purposes

    Thank you Carlene, I understand what your saying. I just know that I am on here to learn everything I can . Which means pro's and Con's about the lap band prior to getting it . I do not fault or mean to judge anyone for doing the same. I just think with any procedure it needs to be done with education . I have a friend who has the band and I get the impression from her that her surgeon just did not give her the best info about what to do and not to do . And I think that is a shame. I just want to know what im getting into before I do it. For instance, I LOVE Homemade pizza, My father and I have made it every Friday for YRS. REALLY THICK Crust. I made it this friday and it hit me and I yelled " CRAP IM not going to be able to eat this after my surgery " then my 14 yr old son yelled " CRAP DAD , that means she'll stop making it for us too then cause ya know what that means , if mom cant eat it then neither can we . EAT UP WHILE YA CAN " lol BUT Tha'ts something I want to know before hand and make sure i can deal with . I can live with out my pizza lol Mindy PS Did i make any sense .
  24. coltonwade

    Poll zodiac sign

    My Bday is September 6th and I eat my emotions . Im also VERY Emotional. How bout you ? LOL Mindy:guess:nervous

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