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Everything posted by coltonwade

  1. coltonwade

    Migraines get Better after Surgery ?

    That's interesting , I will have to ask my doc about this on thursday . Thanks for your input Mindy
  2. coltonwade

    Migraines get Better after Surgery ?

    The statistic I saw said 57% of migraine suffers resolve after WLS . I have not seen or heard anything about them getting worse . YIKES i dont know if i can take that. Are you eating more foods w/ preservatives than prevoiously ? MSG is a huge trigger for me , the problem is MSG is hidden in a ton of names in foods. Are you drinking alot of Protein shakes ? whey protein has alot of MSG in it . What I would do is do a food diary for about a week and monitor your migraines along w/ your diet . See if there is a pattern. Google " MSG Hidden names " Or Foods w/ MSG " and you might be surprised what it is in . HTH Mindy
  3. coltonwade

    Migraines get Better after Surgery ?

    Topamax has given me my life back as far as migraines go. it took me 11 yrs to find a preventative that worked. They cut my migraines from 4-5 a week to 2-3 a month. Im also on Wellbutrin for anxiety/depression due to migraines and it helps as well w/ migraines. I havent tried Zoloft though. OH I Know what your talkikng about w/ migraines and Nitrates. If i have MSG zip me up and put me in a body bag. MSG is the WORST thing for me and migraines. I'll end up in the ER EVERY TIME . I also get cluster migraines. Migraines that last for WEEKS, every day . Nothing you do gets rid of them ... HORRIBLE. If you want feel free to IM Me or email me , i would love to keep in contact w/ you post op to see how you do w/ your migraines. I hope you do well. Thanks for your input . Love Mindy
  4. coltonwade

    Migraines get Better after Surgery ?

    My migraines are hormone related. Im not quite sure if they are specifically related or not . They do get much worse during my periods. I kind of except my migraines to become worse post op for a number of reasons. Anytime I change anything in my diet, life style ect my migraines get worse. So im going to try to up my topamax dose , probably double it ( im going to go talk to my doc first) and see if that might help . Also ive got to really look around for broth, Soups , im HIGHLY affected my MSG. I started to grab some bullion cubes tonight , and looked at the ingredients first , there it was MSG . CRAP. So I have to buy the pre made Organic . EXPENSIVE broths and soups for post op. I can all but guarantee the during the liquid stages Im going to probably have a constant migraine. Im not looking forward to it. I can suffer through it though . I thought about the eating better might help as well. So even if it helps a little bit its is better. Thanks for your input I appreciate it . Mindy
  5. coltonwade

    Medic Alert ID or not?

    Ok thank you for your help. Im going to have to check into this . I have migraines and Aleve, Motrin , ect are usually my first step in my migraine regimen. So im going to ask my doc about this . Thanks Mindy
  6. coltonwade

    Medic Alert ID or not?

    I have a question for those either who have a medical alert or who are going to get one ... What is the reason behind the no NSAIDS ? Im going to be banded soon and I have always thought a Medical ID was a good idea. So i plan on ordering mine before hand. But was curious why no NSAIDS ? thanks Mindy
  7. Wheewww , I totally feel better now LOL I just spoke to my Surgeon . things are looking good . He said to have medicredit call him asap . That if it is just a matter of fee's its not a problem . SO I feel better. He said if its more of an issue than fee's we'll talk after that and see what can be worked out , but in most cases its fee's and that's not an issue at all. I told him i was willing to pick up any fee's he might have for the financing and he said we could talk about that. He's a new private practice . If it costs me an extra few hundred bucks I dont mind. So I'll let ya'll know when i know for sure. But its looking like in less than 60 days !!! Thanks Mindy
  8. I can hardly believe its true .I got approved for financing today thru Medicredit for $8000 of the $12,000 I need for surgery . Which is just fine, I can come up with the other $4000. But here is my concern, Has anyone ever been financed thru someone who their doc was not a provider ? for instance, my doc is not on medicredit's provider list. BUT They said they just had to call and ask my doc to accept their payment for my surgery . The guy I spoke to from Medi Credit said he's only had one doc say no , because basically they are asking him to take their check. SO my question is has anyone done this either thru Medi Credit or anyone else. and is it a problem ? PLEASE Someone tell me not to worry !!!! IM SO CLOSE . Thanks Mindy
  9. My loan is only for $8000, They surgery is $12000 . Im going to pay the remaining $4000 out of pocket and I will suggest to my doc that I will be happy to pay any costs he has to pay up to $1000. Im already getting off cheap because his surgery only costs $12,000. So its worth it if i have to pay his fee's to accept my financing. So maybe that will help make his decision . GOSH Im so anxious and nervous i feel like throwing up . I SO DO not want to find another surgeon I LOVE my surgeon . Wish my luck. Thanks for your help Mindy
  10. I tried Capital one they denied me due to a bankcruptcy 2 yrs ago . Medicredit is more BK friendly . Thanks Mindy
  11. was your doc on their "Provider list" ? Im So TICKED at my husband . I was waiting for my doc to call me back and I asked DH to go to the store for me and he said he was "Busy" the MINTUE i left the house MY DOC CALLS. Im waiting for him to call me back. I just want to know i can still use my doc. UGHH I hate THIS . If you used medicredit and your doc wasnt on their list i'll feel better LOL Mindy
  12. coltonwade

    I live in squalor

    I just found this thread and I had to respond too as it seems others have since its an older thread lol . I married the SUCH a slob. However I am as well. My DH's problem is he doenst REALIZE he's a slob. His mother was a slob as well. My problem is i dont want to be a slob. lol. I love buying the organizational things to get my house in order but it never happened. SO finally , about a yr ago . I broke down and hired someone to come in and orgazine my house and clean it. I am a stay at home mom and I run my dh and I own our own business. It was almost as if i didint know HOW To do it. how to organize it to begin with. But once someone else did it to begin with that is all It took for me. Now Someone comes in every 2 weeks and does the general cleaning. It may seem ridicoulous . Since im a stay at home mom , but my husband , no matter what i do does not pick up after himself, He works his a$$ off working over 80 hrs a week on our business. I run the kids around to school funtions, I Do have the time to clean the house , I'll admit,but with someone coming in and doing the "major cleaning" Its MUCH easier to for myself and the kids even to just have to keep things "Picked" up between cleans. It saved my marriage that is for sure LOL . Mindy
  13. I posted a message on here earlier and it is no longer here anymore ? Is something going on ? Thanks Mindy
  14. coltonwade

    What Happened to my Message

    That post was not a good one to disappear , it was a venting post . lol I was very upset last night and then i see my post disappears. I was like what the hell is going on . I thought at first maybe it was because i had not posted for a while , but IN The post i stated I had not posted for a while because I am SO Frustrated and upset because i Have not been able to have surgery yet. I guess i'll have to post it again . Thanks for responding Mindy
  15. coltonwade

    Ocular Migraine?

    Chances are your "culprit" Is MSG . Alot of ppl who have migraines are VERY sensitive to MSG. the problem , MSG is under a large variety of names . Do you know about MSG ? I can give you some links about it if you want ? I cant remember the rules about posting outside links , so I can email them to you if your interested. HTH Mindy
  16. coltonwade

    Why Texas Mothers Kill their kids?

    I saw this story today and about threw up ! What is wrong w/ People, not just in Texas but EVERYWHERE. I Dont think its "Texas " mothers who are "prone" to killing their children . I mean your talking one mother out of millions every 5 yrs or so ? Not to minimize it at all, 2 or 3 mothers , people is not a "high" number per say ether. I dont know what the other statistics are , frankly not something I choose, to or wish to google . I live in Texas and this is NOT something we hear about all the time as seems you were implying . Other woman, other people kill children , people in other parts of the country , and it makes the news. So I dont think "texas mothers, woman" are any more "prone " to it than any other people are. I think that the conservative views that are the majority in Texas COULD contribute to people NOT getting help they need in Texas however. But I dont think that makes the people in Texas any different than other parts of the country . If that makes any sense ? Mindy
  17. coltonwade

    Smoker's please help

    Doctors are like everyone they all have their own ideas and opinion on things. Some agree more strongly than others that smokers heal slower and bleed longer/and or more than those who do not smoke. I think some docs "push" the idea more than others do . I read some where that stopping just 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after surgery along is benifical . Like i said though I have not had surgery yet and I cant begin to imagine what it would be like to do both at the same time. I Know myself i wouldnt be able to do it. Just know , I think the docs who are asking you to quit are doing it for your own safety . Laura J . ... The wellbutrin for me this time cut down on my anxiety ALOT , It made me not feel like i wanted to punch everyone LOL Just helped calm me down and make the cravings a LITTLE less. I wish everyone good luck w/ trying to quit. I have those occasional days where i wish i still smoked( More coming w/ the kids being home for the summer LOL ) or those days when I WISH I at least drank LOL Mindy
  18. coltonwade

    Smoker's please help

    That is a bit extreme i have to agree. no one is perfect. One of the reasons I quit when I did was becasue I knew there was no way i would be able to do it AND try to loose weight at the same time. My FP Doc told me " Dont try to quit and loose wt at the same time, you WILL Fail at one " . So i tried to quit far enough in advance that the 2 woudl not over lap . I didnt know at the time It was WAY Far in advance. LOL I Still havent had surgery yet. I am glad I quit though. I feel better now than I have in quite a long time. This was the first winter that I Didnt have bronchitis in over 10 yrs. Girl , IF I CAN quit anyone can trust me . But like anything you have to be ready to do it or it wont work . Good luck Mindy
  19. coltonwade

    Smoker's please help

    <br /> <br /> I have a funny story about the nicorette gum. A friend of mine and I were in the car one day and she said " Can you hand me a piece of my gum in my purse" I told her sure . I got the gum out and looked at it and saw it was nicorette. I said " oh i didnt know you just quit smoking " She told me " OH i didnt i quit 2 yrs ago ! LMAO . Turns out she quit smoking and she got addicted to the GUM . LMAO I thought it was funny . But i guess that is better than actually smoking. <br /> So watch it out w/ the gum LOL <br /> Mindy
  20. coltonwade

    Smoker's please help

    I dont think the patches contain as much nicotine in them as cigerretes though and I think ( just my opinion) if you were to go into a docs office and say " Look I have not smoked in 2 months But im on the patch" , he would be more willing to work w/ you than if you had no tried at all to quit. I wish I had the option of chantix. I'll have to tell my dad about it. Does anyone know if it works for just smoking ? For instance would it work for smokeless tobacoo? My husband dips and is having a heck of a time quitting. Mindy
  21. coltonwade

    Smoker's please help

    I have heard about the prescrpition . I wish I knew about it when I quit I would have gotten it. I knew about it I just didnt think about it. My dad's friend used it and he said he was sicker than a dog if he smoked while taking that . Mindy
  22. coltonwade

    Smoker's please help

    I quit last september due to what I thought was surgery coming up in Feb. I agree w/ the other poster get the patches. I quit one other time w/ out patches and it was miserable. Something else that really helped me this time was I was already on Wellbutrin for Migraines and it REALLY helped cut the anxiety down ALOT. ( wellbutrin is the generic for Zyban the quit smoking drug) This go around w/ the patches and Wellbutrin was MUCH more tolerable than last time. I to be honest w/ you didnt want to quit. But I did not see the point in having surgery to help me become healthy and continue to smoke. It made no sense to me. I enjoyed smoking. BUT I decided i was going to quit . I walked into the store one day , bought the patches , thought " I'll quit next week" bought a pack of cigs , smoked half of them and thought " this is stupid why have the patches and the smokes' Threw the cigs away and I have not smoked since. It will be a yr this september. and I have NOT had surgery yet. A few things you might want to know .. I have NO WILL Power. People who know me had bets how long I would last before I Smoked. But I did it. Also I have felt better now than i have in yrs just from quitting. I can walk around the mall w/ out being out of breathe. I use to think my shortness of breathe was from being overweight... its not 90% of it was from smoking. My doc wont do surgery unless I have quit either. Someone else said find another doc where that isnt a requirement... not a good idea to smoke and have surgery .. smoking thins your blood and slows the healing process. That's why alot of docs wont do this surgery or any other for that matter if you smoke. So quitting is the best thing to do . TRUST ME I feel your pain, If i can do it you can too. GOod luck im here if you need to talk . Mindy
  23. coltonwade

    Monarch Financing ?

    Anyone ? Mindy
  24. coltonwade

    Monarch Financing ?

    Has anyone used Monarch Financing ? Im STILL Waiting on my surgery . <br /> However. My credit is slowly but surely getting better now . <br /> Monarch says you have to have a major CC to apply for one of their programs. Last time i checked into them I Didnt have one . ( Just had subprime cards) Now I have a Major CC . Im wondering if anyone has used them ... DO you have to have a CC that has the same amount on it that your appling for ? <br /> I would think not otherwise what is the point in applying for a loan thru them ?<br /> Bascially im wondering if anyone out there has used them , what was the criteria for obtaining the loan ? Do you know what your Credit score was ? What Major CC you had , what the limit was on the CC ? <br /> Im SO CLose to surgery now I can taste it , Just cant handle waiting LOL <br /> Thanks for your help in advance, any input is apprecaited<br /> Mindy I might add as well ive been away from the boards for several months ... I just got so down about not having surgery yet that I couldnt bare to come around for a while. Thanks Mindy
  25. coltonwade

    HPV Vaccine

    Thanks Green I appreciate your comments. My mom and I had a talk the other day about the Perry ruling and she made a comment that " She wants my sister to get the HPV vaccine" she also commented along the lines of not all girls on the pill are sleeping around ( we were speaking of the talk my husband and I had ) . I ALMOST Told her about my sister but #1 it was my son's bday party that day and #2 I was not going to betray my sister . SO when I had the chance i told my sister " Your going to have to tell mom soon about the pill and the shot she's going to get your the shot and she needs to know you have already had the first round " She was ok with that. I gave her 2 months to tell her (when her next dose is due) I told her i Would help her tell my mom . But in good concious I could not tell her NO when she came to me . I Just couldnt . Thanks for your comments Mindy

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
