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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by coltonwade

  1. coltonwade

    Surgeon Seeking Feedback

    First I think its great your taking the time to come on here and ask for Feed back , If you have not already I would hope that you could do that same questions from your own patients, that is awesome . My doc Is Dr Jorge Rincon San Antonio TX So, please give me some feedback: What do you love about your band surgeon and their practice? I love his personality , he's straight forward and to the point, does not beat around the bush , Kind , friendly . The practice , the staff is nice, and 99% runs on time . Maybe one thing im not CRAZY about is his post fill diet,but i knew what i was getting into when i signed up and the results speak for themselves. My first conversation was with the doc HIMSELF , that said A LOT to me that he took the time out to speak to my on the phone for 20 mintues . What do you hate? I would say nothing . The office runs efficiently , everyone is honesty What do we do well? My doc , does everything well . I enjoy his company when i have to see him . His price is reasonable. What could we do better? As a Whole Gastric docs, I think making the after care more uniform would be helpful epically for support for patients. What more could we do to help you succeed? ? How could we improve your customer experience with our practices? I woudl say nothing on my docs practice. HTH Mindy
  2. coltonwade

    Update on "too tight?"

    <br /> <br /> Julie , Can you email me ? I tried to email you but i dont see any info for you ? Or PM I would like to ask you a question about how you tolerate your fills ? <br /> thanks<br /> Mindy
  3. coltonwade

    Teenage Girls Drive Me Nuts!!!

    Try to put yourself back in high school. Try to think like the little snots again LMAO Its hard , i have a little more insight, My sister is 16 and goes to the same school as my son , I see every side , sometimes too much ! Mindy
  4. coltonwade

    Teenage Girls Drive Me Nuts!!!

    Becky , can Dani just slowly back away from Dani , be busy alot ? For one tell Dani to watch what she tells this girl . She CAN Control that . Tell her to not confide in this girl at ALL . Its one things to be "friends" with someone who can "Ruin" You in high school its another to be "Best friends" with someone . I understand her not wanting back lash but she doesnt have to give her ammo ! mindy
  5. coltonwade

    Teenage Girls Drive Me Nuts!!!

    It sounds like they did what they could with what they had. Just FYI Legally the school can not tell you anything about the other student, if she has dispiline problems , has been in trouble before or even if she's a perfect angel. That is why that happened. Girls sure can be mean and it sounds like this friend, like you said had something to do with this deal . I hope Dani comes to her senses. At the very least maybe have a talk with her and not allow her to hang out with this girl out side of school ? Then you run the risk of her doing it MORE ? Mindy
  6. coltonwade

    Teenage Girls Drive Me Nuts!!!

    LOL My husband keeps trying to "push" Him into getting a girl friend and I asked him last week " WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU leave him alone " LOL if he doesnt want one leave him be , he'll get one when he's ready . Ill be plenty happy with going through the next 3 yrs watching him play football and not having to deal with girls at my house ! LOL Mindy
  7. coltonwade

    Teenage Girls Drive Me Nuts!!!

    I was about to say the SAME THING. School is not the same as it was even less than 15 yrs ago when we were in school ( we i mean myself) the girls are just plain VICIOUS . And unless you have children you have NO IDEA what kids go through now . the girls for some reason seem to be more mean , hateful than in my time too! the kids have so much more to deal with than just school Mindy
  8. coltonwade

    Teenage Girls Drive Me Nuts!!!

    My son is 16 yrs younger than I am . I had him at 16 . So it has not been that long since i have been out of high school. I would not want to be there now for my life. My son is popular, attractive, a football player, friendly , but doesnt have a girlfriend. I asked him the other night why he doesnt hav ea girl friend, He said " MOM girls in highschool have too much crap going on with them , too much drama i just dont want to deal with it ~ I cant say i blame him either. Mindy
  9. coltonwade

    Teenage Girls Drive Me Nuts!!!

    Although I agree to a point with not getting involved . here is another problem that can come up . Most schools have zero tolerance policies now for violence. Which includes children DEFENDING their selves if they are attacked. you may think im nuts but at my son's school ( He's a freshman) there was a girl who was being bullied on my space , there were being threats made against her that she would be killed, jumped ect. Keep in mind this is a upper middle class school too .. The mother went to the school, told them about the situation , told them she wanted something done, showed them the myspace. THAT DAY the girl was jumped in front of the school buses. MULTIPLE witness', other students parents reported she did NOTHING BUT PROTECT Herself. they threw her in the alternative learning center TOO . WHY because she threw a punch as well. AFTER she was attacked, Zero tolerance. I would contact the school . let them know this is going on . IF YOUR daughter get attacked let them know under NO CIRCUMSTANCE will you tolerate her being punished for protecting herself !!!! Do not just assume sitting back and doing nothing or letting the school take care of it is enough . read the zero tolerance policy at your childs school, you would be surpised what it says. Also do not assume other children will get involved, their loyalties do not run that deep yet . Mindy
  10. coltonwade

    Best surgeon ever

    I totally agree . I for one never do that . If someone asks i tell them about my doc . Granted I do love him , but that's for ME. here is the problem with saying " MY DOC IS THE BEST DOC EVER" , this is my opinion ... for one its advertising as you said, i dont think this is the place for it. this is a place for safe information to be given . But more importantly for ME i could NEVER Live with myself if someone went ot my doc on MY RECOMMENDATION and something happened to them . So i tell them , this is where i went ,here are some other options CHECK THEM ALL OUT ! I want it to be THEIR CHOICE I would not want ANYTHING Laid on me !. I will tell anyone how much i enjoy , trust me doc ect.. but I try to not " recommend " him , suggest yes .. If that makese sense. Mindy
  11. coltonwade

    Best surgeon ever

    WOW Things are a little ugly in here LOL Buttnugget, I like Buttnugget though . LMAO Mindy
  12. coltonwade

    Best surgeon ever

    Nothing wrong with doing research ! I suggest it though ! Mindy
  13. coltonwade

    Lap-Band Doctors in Sonora Mexico

    I am not speaking for WAS but I would suspect the reason it may hit a chord with her is because we as baned patients hold our surgeons in very high regard, they are like our family . And if we FEEL someone is saying wrong information then that is like attacking our own family . In situations like this where someones life is in danger people need to make sure FACTS are put out there before things are put out for everyone to read when in this day and age some people will read what ever they want into posts. People will take what they read on here as "gospel" . So if it hit a Chord For Was I suspect it was because she feels about her doc the way most of us do . Especially if we had a good experience. The fact of the matter is docs mess up more often then people realize. US Docs mexico docs. Does that mean they are bad ? NO it means they are HUMAN. SO just because this doc had a death doesnt mean he's a BAD DOCTOR . People need to get off that trip ! Just because this doc lives, works and was born in Mexico does not mean he's a BAD DOCTOR. What makes a doctor bad is repeat mistakes, high infection rates, high slip rates, high erosion rates. Mindy
  14. coltonwade

    Lap-Band Doctors in Sonora Mexico

    I was going to stay out of this topic. However, If you think that something like this cant happen in the US your saddly mistaken. Look at what just happened to Kayne Wests Mom . And she paid LOTS Of money for her surgery and didnt "bargain" shop for her surgery as I feel some people try to do for lap band. Are the standards Different in Mexico ? I dont know that for sure so i wont say . What Was is trying to do now and has for as long as I have seen her on this board is educate people about something she's been through ! And I do not feel that that is wrong . Have you been banded in Mexico or the US ? Dont you think someone who has done research on this matter for a VERY Long time and HAS been banded might know just a TAD bit more about the process than someone who has not ? SO many people want this band so bandly they see the lowest price they find and jump on the plane to where ever that price leads them with out any research on the docs. Some even do the research but do not CARE to hear what they see. First hand experience is the BEST experience. Mindy
  15. coltonwade

    Help to understand

    Flouro is the xray machine they use when they give you a fill. Im assuming its not use if you dont know what it is , its helps the doc give a more accurate picture of your restrcition Mindy
  16. coltonwade

    protein shakes

    Yep I love them so much . I buy the big bottles when they have them . I dont like the Vanilla Chai it tastes like Eggnog , which I dont like. If you like the MOcha you will like the Hazelnut too. I forgot that they have them at Walmart. You can also get them at Walgreens although they only have the small bottles. Im glad you liked them , I really do only drink these now. Mindy
  17. coltonwade

    Migraines? who suffers like me?

    There is no "Cure" for migraines. But a HUGE Relief yes. LOL I never saw any weight loss from the Topamax. But I know others who have. Mindy
  18. coltonwade

    Help to understand

    sorry didnt mean to offend you . Many peoples bands are tight in the am including mine. different docs have different theories as to why , one is due to deyhdration , one is from laying down and your stomach swells. I know lots of people who's bands are tight in the am . Does your doc use Flouro ? I would talk to him about it maybe to day ? It might be better to get home later though ? My fills are always in the after noon and I have to drive over an hour ( granted its not 7) round trip to get there. Like i said warm drinks might be your best bet to open it up . HTH Mindy
  19. coltonwade

    Help to understand

    I dont think drinking a lot has anything to do with it ? If your tighter in the mornings I would have tried to schedule it in the afternoons then ? I dont think trying to "trick" things is the answer, you just need to go . Personally i dont see drinking a lot would make a difference. Maybe drinking some warm tea or warm liquid would help in opening you up ? If your worried about it see if you can go in in the afternoon ? MIndy
  20. coltonwade

    Migraines? who suffers like me?

    Topmax does have some very odd side affects and it can affect some people more than others. I did have some quite odd side affects , and still do from it . When i first started taking it I had the tingling like you said. One side of my face woudl go numb , or just the bottom of my face would go numb. After about a month or two that went away . BUT I do still have short term memory problems from the topamax. I forget if i told someone something , so i will tell them the same thing over and over again LOL . I sometimes slur my words or words come out the wrong way , I dont usually even notice it. however, the side affects I still have I have found are much better than the pain of migraines 5 times a week and the pain of not being able to function with my kids. I understand about quitting the trial and error finding preventative. I quit for nearly 11 yrs when my doc said lets try topamax. I am also on wellbutrin to help with the migraines and also for depression as a result of the migraines. Imetrex was the first tripatan that i took when it first came out. and it was in shot form , I remeber the first time I took it i was about 16 and it actually got rid of my migraine I cried cause i thought FINALLY something works. I am not sure if there is something new out there or not ? I would venture to say yes ? Its always good to ask , the docs tend to not offer. Good luck . Im glad yours have gotten better since beeing banded. I would have to say mine have too , probably because I quit smoking last yr and from being more active. Mindy
  21. coltonwade

    protein shakes

    The best one's by far for me are Bolthouse farms they are pre made, do NOT taste like Protein shakes at all. They do have caffeine in them but I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM. They are all natural , i am very sensitive to anything arfitfical , espically sweetners , even the natural protein powders and I didnt get along. But these dont bother me at all. Each bottle has 20 grams of protein. The last 3 on this page have protein but ONLY THESE 3 Have protein Bolthouse Farms "Juices" HTH Mindy
  22. coltonwade

    Migraines? who suffers like me?

    try the tablets that dissolve , that is what i use. I dont like imetrex because it makes me feel loopy after I take it . So i take zomig or amerge, they both have tablets you put under your tounge that will dissolve, MUCH easier to take. The nasal spray makes me want to throw up , I only take it if i have to Mindy
  23. coltonwade

    Migraines? who suffers like me?

    I have not read all the responses .. So you may hear something twice. if you have migraines more than 2-4 a month you need to be on a preventative. For a variety of reasons but the main one now is doctors are finding that chronic migraines can lead to brain damage. ABC News: Do Migraines Lead to Brain Damage? I have had migraines for 20 yrs. I take topamax to prevent them now. Preventatives are a tricky thing it takes trial and error to find the right one. It took me a very long time and topamax is the ONLY one that works for me and I do have to deal with some very funky side affects from them . I also take imetrix, amerge, zomig , ect when i do get one to get rid of them . All of these now have tablets that dissolve in your mouth, have nasal sprays , or imetrex has an injections. Just an FYI, Be very careful going to the ER too much . If you can get the meds at home to treat your migraines do it. Migraine sufferers are known to be labeled as "drug " seekers. Not that we ARE but the ER's like to label us that way . So if you can treat them at home DO SO . I ONLY go to the ER when i can not get rid of them on my own after several days or its a cluster migraine that i KNOW wont go away . Im a stay at home mom now , but i lost many many jobs due to migraines. If I didnt stop working when i did i would probably have to be on disablity . With out my meds I have migraines 4-5 times a week . On them 3 a month. Migraines also increase your risk for stroke. so the less you have the better HTH MIndy
  24. coltonwade

    Help to understand

    I agree it sounds like to me that you need a fill as well. Also you really need to stop drinking while your eating. You said you "Can not " eat anything unless you drink with your meal ? Im wondering if that is not psychological ? If you continue to drink with your meals your going to continue to be hungry sooner than you should be and also take the chance of stretching your pouch. Just my input Mindy

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