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Everything posted by coltonwade

  1. coltonwade

    Tips, Tricks and Secrets ?

    I decided to do this because lately I have had LOTS Of emails w/ people asking me " what is your secret ?" how have you lost your weight ? Im not even at goal yet ! I am very flattered ! But I seem to be typing the same email over and over again LOL So I decided to post it somewhere, Still not sure this is the best place but It will do for now . For some who would like to know I also have PCOS ( Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome)Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) It is what i believe the major reason I gained weight and could not get it off. My doc told me to expect to lose slowly so i did. I was happy when weight started to come off at all since it had not for 10 yrs AT ALL . First off I am not an expert, I am not at goal yet , i am not perfect and I have had some issues w/ my band (Nothing major though ) This is what I have done that has worked for ME ! So please do not write me and say " blah blah blah " if you dont agree w/ it. Also if ANY Of this goes against YOUR Doctor do not do it with out checking w/ them first. Now that being said. My docs advice for meals are I can have 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. SO here goes !!! 1.My BIGGEST Rule is I FOLLOW The rules my doctor gave me . The first 6 weeks post op I followed his rules to a T . After having major surgery on of all things my stomach no way i was gonna screw that up !!! So PLEASE PEOPLE While your healing at least do what your doc says and stop going to Burger king 3 days after surgery to eat !!! 2. I do not drink when I eat liquids up to i get my meal and an hour after my meal . again this is a go by what your doc says . 3. NO carbonation EVER Again for me . I feel this is a rule that is VERY important as well as the drinking w/ eating. These 2 have the potential to stretch your pouch out down the road. 4. I avoid carbs the best I can , . White breads, rice pasta, Junk food. They are a killer for me and make me crave CRAP 5. I eat lots of veggies. 6. I do not drink from straws 7. I eat when im hungry , which usually is 3 meals and 1 snack. I think those are it ? Or at least the main ones ? Now for working out ... I do not do much of it as of lately . I got very sick in Feb w/ pneumonia and had to stop working out and I am just now getting back into it . I will post more about food next ... Mindy
  2. Hi , My name is Mindy , Im happy to help anyone in need . Here is some info about me . 32 Female Married 2 boys Live in Texas July 16 I will be banded a yr Starting Weight 250 Current Weight 145 -50 Total Weight loss to date 105 Pds Pds to goal 25-30 **I am currently totally unfilled so i have gained a little weight hence the fluctuating weight LOL***** My Mentor style : I tell it like it is , I do not beat around the bush . I believe in following the rules ordered by docs. I firmly believe that is what has gotten me to where i am today , which is losing 105 pds in less than a yr . I am realistic i realize we all mess up and eat things we like . I am cool w/ that. So if you would like a no non sense person to help along your rd ,possibly become friends a long the way . Drop me a line Mindy
  3. coltonwade

    Happy to Help / Almost A yr Out Bandster

    OK i got cha, I just emailed ya Mindy
  4. coltonwade

    Happy to Help / Almost A yr Out Bandster

    Ok sorry , I'll check again . I am SUPER busy I have my son's 16th bday was today and im leaving on vacation Monday . So let me check again
  5. i cant believe today has been one yr since I was banded !!! What a road ! One yr and 100 pounds later !
  6. coltonwade

    Happy to Help / Almost A yr Out Bandster

    I think i got it did you get an email back from me ? LOL Mindy
  7. coltonwade

    OOh god my body back to normal HELPPPP

    I just sent you another email . Mindy
  8. coltonwade

    Relapsing - In Need of Support

    First off you can start over and do this , you know you can look how far you have come. Second ,, you said your band is a little tight yet you want to get another fill ? why is that ? your risking your band beign TOO tight and causing a slip ? Do not get So desperate that you put your band in jeopardy . Slow down , take a deep breathe and you can do this. I do not handle stress well at all. But you just have to take it one day at a time , the weight will come off. Are you walking ? Exercise is a great way to get stress off ? Mindy
  9. coltonwade

    OOh god my body back to normal HELPPPP

    I just sent you an email ! Mindy
  10. coltonwade

    Dr. Jose Rodriguez in Juarez

    Travel advisories are Travel Advisories. The "bad' people are car jacking people. Things can happen on the way there and the way back . You have to be aware of what is going on in the city your going to . Mindy
  11. Could be a heat rash from the bandages them selves. I had a BAD one it looked bad. But you might want to call your doc. Could also be an allergic reaction to the tap or sticky stuff on the bandages. HTH Mindy
  12. I have heard lots of people have been very successful w/ Chantix. I know one girl who took it just to shut her husband up (LOL) and did not want to quit smoking , she ended up quitting anyway ! Also i was w/ you about quitting and surgery , i too started smoking early I would say "dabbled " when i was 12 or 13 and really started at 14. But i figured what is the point of getting the surgery to become healthy , live longer if Im going to smoke which can cause me to be unhealthy and die early . Sort of counter productive if you ask me LOL Plus you get all that weight off and you can finallly breathe to only be out of breathe from smoking . No brainer to me. Also if I can quit ANYONE can seriously I Have NO WILL power at all !! I have not touched a cig since quitting 2 yrs ago this Sept ! MIndy
  13. One of the risks of smoking is smoking thins your blood , therefore can cause you to bleed more than someone who does not . (I think i posted that in the links above ) So that can lead to excessive blood loss . I was not jumping on you or anything but too many times people come on here and say " i did i was fine you will be too " and that's such a dangerous thing to tell someone . Not just on this subject but many others. Just like anything w/ this surgery there are reason's why docs tell you to quit . And its not just becasue its bad for you . The pulmonary reason's along are enough . HTH Mindy
  14. There are some WLS surgeons that will TEST YOU before surgery if you have nicotine in your system they will NOT touch you for surgery ! This is a SERIOUS Surgery , they tell you to stop because you can bleed to death from it . Its bad enough if a non smoker gets their liver kicked during surgery but if a smoker does ! :smile2: This is nothing to mess around with . SURE docs tell you to quit . SURE some people have smoked and been fine. But you were lucky enough to make it through SURGERY FINE even though you smoked right up to it . I am a former smoker and would advise ANYONE to quit before this surgery or any surgery !! I am not trying to be rude but I really do not think its a good idea to come on and say " OH I did it and I was fine !!! " Docs tell you to quit for a reason not JUST because smoking is bad for you ! Mindy
  15. My doc wouldnt touch me until i quit smoking ! Lots of docs wont. I suggest you go to your family doc and ask them to put you on Chantix , the new quit smoking drug.I quit cold turkey , chantix came out a bout 1 month after i quit . I looked at it this way , If im going to gain weight from not smoking I might as well do it before the surgery . And as for insurance companies Looking at smoking " Helping" for surgery , I have not heard of that before and I would not count on it. Not only is smoking an issue for lungs it also causes you to bleed more. And increases healing time. Smoking: Should I Quit for Surgery and Anesthesia? Smoking and Surgery Don't Mix- Quit For The Sake Of Your Health HTH Mindy
  16. coltonwade

    Dr. Jose Rodriguez in Juarez

    you might want to be careful in Juarez and or Tiajuana right now . The violence is getting out of hand there. Living in Texas the News Covers what goes on in Mexico quite a bit. you might want to google those cities and see that the mexican government has to say about those cities right now . The mexican goverment has warnings out right now as well about travel to those cities Just searching real quick I found the following . Threats of Increased Violence in Ciudad Juarez during the weekend of May 23-25, 2008 Armed Mexican Troops Patrol the Streets of Juarez - borderfirereport.net Juarez, Mexico. Off Limits to US military. El Paso hospital still on lock-down - Burning Atlanta ThreatsWatch.Org: RapidRecon: Mexico ? Violence Breaks Out Again ? State Department Warns Americans So At least for now it does not look good to travel to at least those cities ? be careful and do your research not only the docs but the CITIES HTH Mindy
  17. coltonwade

    Serving Size Irritation

    OH wow im sorry . I learned a long time ago gotta really watch the portion things. That and Things you "THINK" are "healthy" , look helalhty ect. really are not . I think i would probably right to that company and tell them how missleading their packaging is. it might not do anything but it might make you feel better! Mindy
  18. coltonwade

    Happy to Help / Almost A yr Out Bandster

    Sending you an email . But to answer your questions No i did not really do low carb intentionally at least. My pre op diet was Low carb high Protein . I had to do that for 2 weeks. I knew breads, pastas, ect could be an issue for me post op as far as not being able to eat them . So I decided to try to avoid carbs as much as possible. At least the "Simple carbs " . I do eat Complex carbs such as veggies ect. I can tell you that after not eating them for almost a yr My cravings are almost none , cravings for CRAP that is . I was totally unfilled about a month ago and started eating some carbs BAD idea. I crave CRAP again . My "Average" weight loss per week is 2.5 pds a week . Some weeks I lost more some less. I'll send ya an email too Be happy to help Mindy
  19. coltonwade

    When did your period come back?

    PCOS is Symptomatic , if you have the symptoms you have PCOS . I dont know if you are ever "Cured" of it. But maybe "remission" is a better word ? My periods at a yr out are still coming every month. But much do my dismay the facial hair has not let up . If your doc does not want you on the pill you might consider an IUD . I considered that before i made Hubby get snipped LMAO remember the more weight you lose the more FERTILE you are going to get !! HTH Mindy
  20. coltonwade

    Happy to Help / Almost A yr Out Bandster

    Cup cake i sent you an email . Let me know if you did not get it Mindy
  21. This is why i always suggest to ask the docs . I too had 2 weeks of clears and 2 weeks of fulls. My doc however allowed me ahead of time IF I needed it due to my migraines i could go on full liquids during the clear liquids stage . I ended up not needing it . Your doc seems flexiable a little as well. Sometimes if patients were to just say " Look i am STARVING I cant do this is there something i can add" the docs would allow it . But just do not do it w/ out asking . Mindy
  22. I want to start the couch to 5K program , does anyone want to start it with me on Monday or Tuesday ? I would like to even double it up , so I can finish it in 4 weeks? But I'll see how it goes at first? If anyone wants to start it with me please let me know Thanks Mindy
  23. NO I think in general Psych evaluations are a joke. Would they stop someone from getting a band ? YES DO They ? Most of the time no . MOST of the time the psych evaluations are something that the insurance companies require or the docs do to cover their ass . Im stating my opinion and I see nothing wrong w/ what i said. regardless if one is a WLS patient or not . SURE yours probably understands the ramifications a little better. Just my input Mindy
  24. Pysch evaluations are a joke if you ask me . There are LOTS Of people who have been put through for banding that have no business being banded because of serious food issues. I dont think there is anything"wrong" with the OP . She just does not know how to get back on track MIndy
  25. Well said. I noticed she's not posting anymore which is a shame . The OP might learn something from us old foggie bandsters LOL Mindy

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