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LAP-BAND Patients
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About coltonwade

  • Rank
    Bariatric Legend
  • Birthday 09/06/1975

About Me

  • Biography
    Married Mom of 2 Boys
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  • Occupation
    Housewife/Business Owner
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Needing, wanting , waiting on revision from Lapband to Sleeve.
July 2007 Lap Band Surgery
6-10-08 First Total Unfill due to too much throwing up .
August 2008 Down 109 pounds
10-08 Doc thinks I am "sensitive to Fills" after having to have so many fills and unfills
3-09 Band slips so badly I was minutes away from surgery , my stomach slipped back down through my band and I avoided surgery that time.
4-44-09 Slight fill after slip
7-29-09 Band Slipps Again.
10-09 Check up on Slip , Getting stuck , Doc checks band looks fine. Tells me to go back to the basics of eating , chewing slowly , small bites, follow all the "band rules"
8-11 Band useless. Went in for a check up and to get another fill . Doc tried to fill my band several times and could not . He realized that the band could no longer be filled for some reason .
he said if it was filled the top of my stomach would be shut off.
So my band is not useless.

Waiting to get revision surgery .
Applied and was approved for PCIP Insurance in Sept 2012 .
saw surgeon for revision surgery in October 2012 . Paper work was sent for approval on 10-10-12
Waiting for response . Approval 15 days later !

I had my revision surgery on 11-14-2012 after surgery they told me the band removal went fine and they were able to repair a hiatal hernia , that was a surprise to them ( and me ) and sleeve me in one procedure. I was SO relieved to have had it done in once procedure. The day after surgery I started throwing up water and unable to keep it down . After a couple more tried they ordered an EGD for me . They told me if the scope went through easily then and showed no obstructions I should be fine and not need another surgery , but if it did not I could have excess scar tissue from the band and I could need another surgery . WHAT !! Yikes . So they did it and it showed no obstruction some swelling around the band area ( where the band was ) they told me to take liquids slow . For several days I was still throwing up just water, in fact it freaked me out because it looked like I was throwing up some blood as well. Finally around day 3 or so the water was staying down . So finally I was able to go home today . NOT an easy process that's for sure , but I am glad its over. The doc told me to progress my liquids slowly , as long as I was keeping liquids down I was fine , the minute i started if i did throwing up liquids I needed to come back . But to just take it slow . So here goes ! Cross your fingers everything stays down now .

read my full story here

Age: 49
Height: 5 feet 3 inches
Starting Weight: 250 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 205 lbs
Goal Weight: 130 lbs
Weight Lost: 45 lbs
BMI: 36.3
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 09/01/2012
Surgery Date: 11/14/2012
Hospital Stay: 5 Days
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
coltonwade's Bariatric Surgeon
Austin, TX 78705

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
