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About ChrisW123

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/04/1967
  1. Happy 46th Birthday ChrisW123!

  2. Happy 45th Birthday ChrisW123!

  3. HI Everyone, Two weeks agao I had the stomach flu and vomited off and on for about 10 hours...of course nothing would come up but It was horrible anyhow. Ever since, I couldn't hardly eat or drink anything and was NEVER hungry. I decided to go to the Dr. and he thought I was swollen around my band because of the pressure from vomiting. He took out 3cc's and I feel great now...except NOW after I eat anything I get a pain right below my port/rib on the left side. What is this? It goes away after about 10-15 minutes??? Is this my food passing through and I can feel it? Am I eating too much? Thanks for your help.
  4. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary ChrisW123!

  5. You look fantastic!!! Thanks for posting your pic's!

  6. That's really funny!! Thanks for sharing:smile:! Kids can be such brats sometimes! I know I've got 3..yikes!
  7. Thanks for your replies. I don't think there is one place or another that is better or worse for the port to be...we're all different and where the Dr. puts the port is individual I'm sure. Why do you think some Dr.'s put in so little at fill time? Money for more visits I suppose?? I wonder if I could request more cc's next time? What do you thnk?
  8. Hi Everybody, I can totally feel my port. It's right under my skin! Is this where they are supposed to be positioned? I am so aware of it I always feel like I have to hold my stomach in tight or it might pop through! LOL! Of course it won't really do that but it's just weird feeling. I also don't like to lie on my right side to long..feels strange. Anyone else worried about this? I had my surgery November 27 and have had 1 fill with still no restriction.
  9. ChrisW123

    spelling error

    A spelling error here and there is not a big deal! Let it go people...lets focus on what is at hand here. p.s. I'm a teacher too and not bothered at all!
  10. ChrisW123

    Book for Bandsters???

    Thank you so much guys!!
  11. Hi Everyone, Does anyone know of a good book out there for bandsters? I'm looking for diet ideas, tips, FAQ's, foods to eat and avoid, etc. Thanks. :smile2:
  12. Hi everyone, I am wondering if this will work. I am hopeful and will try to do my best. I guess I am worried because now I am getting hungry, can eat more and have gained a few pounds back. I go in for my first fill in two weeks or so...what can I expect? Will this hunger go away? Will I throw up after I eat too much, will there be pain? Thanks for listening and helping me. :thumbup:
  13. ChrisW123

    Okay, Help Please

    Thank you so much everyone...I know I ate too fast or something...it was a bit scary. I will be sure to be careful and take it slow. I definitely don't want to hurt myself. Thanks for all the encouragement! This site has helped enormously!
  14. Hi eeveryone, I ws banded 2 weeks ago and I am supposd to be on mushies. I had 2 bites of chicken noodle soup with a piece of chicken in it and I felt major pain! I felt like I couldn't swallow and it even hurt into my back! Is this normal? I tried to take a drink but that only made it worse! I had to throw up the liquid...now I am afraid to eat anything. What should I do?:thumbup:
  15. ChrisW123

    What is dumping exactly?

    Thank you...now I get it. BTW, Jachut you are quite the inspiration! I love reading all your positive posts. You look great! I always like it when I see that you've posted! Thanks a bunch!

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