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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by selenrose

  1. Hello friends, today I am doing the walk of shame. I was banded on Sept l, 09 and am down l4 lbs. Today I dont know what happened, but I ate like there was no tomorrow.

    I had chowmein and orange chicken for lunch (ate the whole thing) and since I had already blown it for the day I went to Starbucks and had a iced caramal (non fat) machiatto with (wait im not done) a piece of coffee cake:eek:.

    I have been doing so good. I feel so ashamed. I dont get my first fill until Oct l6th. I have to admit that I am hungry every day and my weight loss has been pure will power. I am only 3 (4 by tomorrow) lbs to wonderland and was so excited to get there. Why did I do this to myself?

    I'll start over tomorrow. I just had to vent.

  2. :sad:Hi everyone, I was banded on Sept lst and am down 9 lbs. Yesterday was my first post op appointment and my Dr. said I could eat just about anything that I can tolerate.

    So I had a small salad for lunch with about 2 oz of chicken and vinegar and oil dressing and for dinner I had some shrimp cocktail. Everything went down with no problem. But this morning I gained l lb. I am so darn depressed. Is this normal after coming off of the liquid stage? I wont get my first fill until Oct l6. Any suggestions?

  3. i am also being banded tomorrow. I have to check in at 9am and they said I will have surgery soon after that. I am very, very nervous. I have never had surgery before and I am PANICKED. But I desprately need to get these 70 lbs off. I have diabetes and high blood pressure and I want to be around to see my grandaughter grow up. Plus Im only 46 and feel like I'm 70. I wish each and everyone of you going into surgery tomorrow much luck and that you come out of this completely wonderful and free of any complications.

  4. I am so glad to have found all of your September bandsters. I will be banded on Sept lst. I am so terrified. I have been reading all of these horror stories that people on this site have written and I seriously want to back out. Does anybody else feel this way? I'm afraid it wont work and I would have gone though all this for nothing. Or what if I have alot of complications and will still be on shake come Christmas. HELP

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