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Status Updates posted by selenrose

  1. Headed home tomorrow:( We have had a wonderful time, but it's back to the real world tomorrow.

  2. Another beautiful day in Laguna. Had an amazing time at the pageant. Missing my kids. Headed home tomorrow.

  3. Did some great shopping today. We bought Nora some cute outfits for school. Tomorrow, shopping all day and then Pageant of the Masters tomorrow night. I love the OC.

  4. Just got back from a great time at my brothers house. My cousin Henry cracks me up. Now it's time to start packing for my mini vacation. Leaving tomorrow morning for Laguna beach and the Pageant of the Masters. We are so looking forward to this vacation.

  5. Nora is grounded and it feels like I'm grounded too. She cant watch tv or play with her toys so she's following me around like a lost puppy. David just took her with him to run some errands. I heard her just ask him if they could go to Toys r us. Nice try Nora!

  6. What my Mom taught me:Religion - "You better pray that comes out of the carpet"Logic - "Because I said so, that's why"Irony - "Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about"Wisdom - "When you get to my age you'll understand"Justice - "One day you'll have kids, I hope they turn out just like you!!"Repost if your mom taught you:)28 minutes ago · Like · Chri

  7. I'm hungry. I'm trying to decide where we are going to dinner.

  8. Reporting for Grandma duty today. I'll make sure to strap Alfredo in his babyseat properly and not drop him today.

  9. Grandma duty today. I really need a vacation.

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