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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MaggieGT

  1. I took a class in my Sunday school, "Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars". The poster who said your husband was just problem solving is right on.

    The book says when we women talk we like to discuss things in detail to get a lot of ideas out there, like a brain storming session. We don't really want who we are discussing it with to come up with a solution.

    According to the book though, men naturally want to come up with and start implementing the solution.

    Just different approachs. Knowing that, you can just discuss with your friends instead of your husband.

    When you do want him to suggest a solution, just ask him directly. Most husbands would love to help in any way we want them to.

  2. Hi Dixielee,

    I'm in the same boat with you. I lost to 232 after the lapband and using the bodybugg. In May I misplaced my bodybugg and started a new job that required lots of extra hours.

    So this week I found the bodybugg and started again. It really helps me be aware of how much I'm moving, ie burning calories, and because you need to log your food for the other half of the equation, it keeps me logging my food.

    Good Journey

  3. Hello Again,

    I'm kind of scared.:smile:

    I had tough last 3 weeks of my masters course. No exercise and I ate junk food, grandmas sandwich Cookies, donettes, diet coke. I've gained 7# since my lowest.

    Now I can't seem to turn it off. Why is it junk food goes down fine with the band. :smile2:

    Todays Plan:

    I'm going to get up from my desk every hour, work out at lunch and 2 hours afterwork. Hopefully that will get me back on track.

    Any suggestions??

    Good Journey,


  4. I don't know what I will need done after I lose the weight. But I will definitely get it done. At 53# lost, my breasts are already not like they were. Also I had very large thighs. That's where much of my remaining weight to lose is. I'm halfway there :-)

    When I lose this last 53#, I thinking both places are going to need repair.

    It is all worth it. I think losing this 106# will add 20 quality years to my life.

    Good Journey

  5. Adjua....................347...............337...........240......... ....97

    Angie64.................270...............270...........210....... ......60

    Astrasmom............254...............254...........170............. .84

    Babe....................265...............265...........199.... ..........66


    BetsyB.................226.6.............206.8.........109...... ......97.8

    BobbieND..............224................210...........150..... .......60

    Bree99.................259................259...........155..... .......104

    Brigette................198...............198............150.... ........48

    Bristlecone............157...............157............130....... .....27

    crzytchr................217...............217............180..... ... ...37

    Dana36.................233...............229............160....... .....69

    daqui26.................274...............274............200....... .....74

    destined4thinness..215.5.............215.5..........150............65 5

    Diamondgirl81........317...............299.............250............ 49

    ericanda1973.........198.5............198.5..........130......... ..68.5

    Fourme.................189...............182............145........... ..37

    HummingBird..........204...............185............150............. .35

    jenibeni.................224...............208............165........ ....43

    Jennih...................232...............232.............130.... ......102

    KDEE....................240................240.............150...... .....90

    kyleegirl01.............211................209.............160...... .....49

    Lady LAP...............217................217.............125...... .....95

    Lisa65...................174.5............165..............145..... ......20!

    Liz........................193.4............187..............155...... ......32

    lotzasunshine.........247...............245..............175........ ...70


    newdicarlo.............187...............174..............135...... . ...39

    Northernmist..........289...............265..............175.......... ..90

    ol55andahalf..........184...............184..............144...... ......40

    Peggy1.................308...............308..............225......... ..83

    RandaPanda...........194...............180..............150........ ....30

    RAYNE913.............234...............225..............160....... ....65

    RobinAnn.............232.4...............217.6..............160...... ....57.6

    scoutmama...........270...............270..............180........ ....90

    shadst8................333...............317..............217........ ....100

    skinny31................261...............249..............182..... .......67

    SNDYCNRD.............207...............197.5............150.......... 47.5

    sueinne.................220................212.............180.... ........32

    Tabithan................244...............234..............190....... .....44

    TARASGIRL.............305...............289..............225....... ......64

    tdtucker................256...............256...............160...... . ....96

    Teacher2010..........192...............183...............150...... . ....33

    Tealeaves..............305...............289...............150...... . ...139

    TeriLu....................215...............212...............150.. .... ....62

    TIGGER71G............224...............224................130....... .....94

    unshackled............277...............277................180....... .....97

    Valerie.................190................190................150... . .......40

  6. Last time I went to doctor they took out .3cc because I couldn't eat salads, chicken,etc..

    Went back this week and I had gained. It was kind of nice to have a breather from it and eat more variety but I was too hungry and ate too much.:sad:

    The PA put back .2cc and today I'm not hungry at all. :wub:

    So I'm excited. I'm on liquids then mushes so don't know if what I will be able to eat later.

    Glad to be back on my journey,


  7. Livestrong Review for iPhone

    Posted on 24 October 2009. Tags: fitness, livestrong

    livestrong1.jpgLivestrong is the app I am currently using to track my calories. That’s saying something, because I have tried nearly all of them and have concluded, that for my purposes, this fits the bill.

    Let’s start with simplicity. I read a reader review one time of another calories tracker app and it stuck with me. How hard is it to simply record eating an apple? For livestrong, it’s 1 click to access search, type “apple” and you’re given your options. One click to assign the period (breakfast) and one click to say “I Ate This”.


    When you launch Livestrong, you are presented with the “My Plate” screen which is a calorie breakdown of your day. It is a summation of your caloric intake and expenditure. As you scroll down you can see how your day progressed through each meal and snack, as well as your exercises of the day. This also represents the first icon along the bottom of the app. It’s a great way to get an overview of where you’re at for the day.


    The second icon along the bottom is for tracking and reviewing your weight. As you add weight entries over time, they plot over the week and provide a number for your body mass index.

    The next icon is for food entry. Clicking the button brings you to food search, but also a list of your recently eaten foods for quick entry. Like most, I tend to fall for the same types of foods, whether it be fruits, fish, veggies or even lunch fare.


    One of the things I really enjoy about this program, compared to others, is the food database seems to be one of the best on the market. Not sure where they get their data, but for me it’s been really great. Not only are most of the food I eat easily accessible, when the foods are presented to you, you’re not overwhelmed. Livestrong seems to be a good mix of data, with a restrained presentation that seems about just right.

    After you’ve picked your food, you need to classify the period, i.e. Breakfast, snack, lunch, etc. As you scroll down, you can see the nutritional info per serving. THis is critical, because you can determine your serving size, and if you need to track Sugars, etc, it’s all there. Often I will eat more or less than the suggested serving. Knowing so, will easily allow me to adjust the number of servings by clicking on servings and using the scroll wheel to find what I’m looking for. Once you’ve finished your entry, click “I Ate This” and you’ve made your entry. It’s rather simple, and ultimately if it’s not simple enough, you’ll never use it. I use this and I need SIMPLE!.

    Of course before you really can start entering data, you’ll need to register and manage your profile. Registering is actually great becasue the data is backed up online in what seems an instant and happens without you knowing it. You’ll need to enter the usual; height, weight, weight goals, and activity level. From here you can also access the program online via you PC/Mac and also other phone systems like BlackBerry. As of today, there’s still no webOS or Android version, but I’m guessing it’s only a matter of time.


    Let’s move on to the fitness icon where you can add your exercises. As with food, this is done by using search. There seems to be a rather good database here as well, although, I’ve noticed that on some exercises, the calorie burn is slightly higher than I actually do. For example, I typically burn slightly less than 15.6 calories per minute. That means that if I simply plug in my total time (1 hour) I will get a higher calorie burn than I actually completed. I tend to check via the BodyBugg, as well as the machine I am using. I trust the BodyBugg (more on that another time). However, it’s easy to make adjustments to calorie expendature by adjusting your time. If anything, this is an area I’d like to see changed. If I know my caloric expenditure for any given exercise, give me the option of adding it manually if I prefer.

    Now that you’ve entered your food and your exercise, you can go back to the home screen and get a picture of what your day is like. Often you can look at that piece of pie and know that, another 30 minutes on the stationary bike means another bite of pie!

    As I said at the start of this review, I use this app as my main exercise and calorie log. In fact, I use this and not the BodyBugg software which I find cumbersome.


    Great food database

    Great exercise database

    Easy entry and great UI


    Needs manually calorie entries on food and exercise

    um… we’re still thinking


  8. Hello,

    I'm having the same problem. I'm about halfway to my ultimate goal.

    I went to the doctor last week and they said I needed a little unfill. They took out .2cc. I haven't had a PB since. :biggrin:

    Still no movement in weight though.:)

    I'm going to do 1.5 hours workout a day instead of one and see if that gets my weight moving down again.:wink2:

    Good luck to you,:frown:


  9. Hi Liz,

    You said it was a long story which is true for a lot of us.:cursing: Fighting our weight has been a life long pursuit.

    We should be proud of the battles we have won along the way.

    I've lost 30 to 60 pounds ten times in the last 20 years since I gained weight with my 3rd child. But I never got down to "normal weight". :(

    With the band I know that my work is paying off and when I get to that golden weight I won't gain it back. That's the best thing to me. I won't ever have to lose this weight again:tt1:

    Good Journey All,


  10. Westonrose,

    Wow you are there. We have same starting weights and you are where I want to be one year post-op.

    That is so great:smile2:

    I've been fighting this weight for 20 years since my 3rd child.

    Health is my main concern. I am a runner and I had to quit because of gout. Also I worried about diabetes beause my Uncle has lost part of his leg to it.

    With your success and the others I read about I know that I will win this time and make it to normal weight.

    Congratulations and good journey,


  11. Bandit.............wk1..wk2..wk3..wk4..wk5..wk6..wk7..wk8..wk9..wk10.. wk11..wk12..wk13..wk14..wk15..wk16




    missK...............241..231..228..223..219..217..217..216..215..213.. 212..210..208...206.5...


    Tripletmomma....327..323..319..312..310..305..307..308..304..297..294. .286..283



    MaggieGT..........264..260..253..252..249..248..252..251..249..246..24 3...238(dec 21)



    bdbmamaw .......226..218..210..204..201


    Hello fellow August Bandsters,

    Just thought I'd update. I'm losing slow but steady. Got a job in the OKC, so going to look for Apt today.

    Good Journey,


  12. Wow Elvis girl- you lost 50 # and kept it off for what 6+ years. That is excellent.

    That is why I got banded. Since my 3rd child 22 years ago, I have lost 30 to 60 # 10+ times, only to regain it.

    So you didn't get to goal. But you kept off that 50#.

    Now you are ready to finish the job.

    You are like us newbies. You have a tool inside you that with the right diet and exercise can help you lose the weight and keep it off forever. Calories in vs Calories Out with a great helper.

    Pick a diet(I go to weight watchers), Pick exercises(I have a bodybugg). Get a doctor, get a fill.

    You already are a great success. So go for it:thumbup:

    Good Journey,


  13. Oh Yea, I forgot bread. I can eat very slow my high Fiber whole wheat toasted but no soft breads. It's a good thing too, because a basket full of bread at a restaurant is finally not a temptation.

    Step by step I am becoming free of food.

    I'm trying to figure out what to fill my life with. Looking into fashion, cars, learning new things(like spanish), taking classes for my masters and of course exercise. Any suggestions?

    Good journey,


  14. Hi All,

    Well after my second fill a month ago, I am now truly banded. And yes I have had 5 or 6 PB happenings. It hurts till you PB, but no problem afterward.

    Things that get stuck: Dry pork loin, Steak, Brocolli, dry chicken/turkey, hamburger meat. I'm eating Beans, Protein shakes and special K Protein Water to get my protein in.

    Weight is moving down again:laugh:

    Good Journey All,


  15. I'm fat because food is my drug of choice. I don't like food, I certainly don't love it. It's my nemesis that I have battled since puberty. I've won many battles along the way.:scared2:

    Abandonments by my family, husband, boyfriend or boss are my main BIG issues in life. I'm a survivor, but have used food to help me along the way.

    Now that I have restriction on my band, eating is really unpleasant. This instaneous feedback is what I need to finally let go of using food to be numb to whatever emotion I am dealing with.

    Good Health (Mental and Physical) to us all,


  16. Hi Milwif,

    I so happy that your fill went well this time:smile:. Your journey can really get going now.

    I've had restriction for 3 weeks and it is a different world. I am finally really banded. I know it is just the beginning. :scared2:

    :thumbup:Step-by-step we will make it to our goals. In a year from now, the delay because of the fills won't matter.

    Good Journey to you,


  17. Hi Shangefan,

    I know what you mean. As I clear out my closet of all the 26_GONE, 24_GONE and yesterday 22_GONE, it hits me that as I get in more common sizes I will have a much greater selection of clothes to buy from.

    Have you thought about what your style is going to be? In the plus sizes, we have had to take what they had that fit even if it really wasn't "me".

    When the extra weight is gone(Next Fall:smile:), I plan to have a wardrobe that I love wearing and reflects my certain style.

    So part of my journey in the next 9 months is to rediscover myself. What do you think?:thumbup:

    Good Journey,


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