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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Patterba

  1. I can't feel my port, but then again, I am still quite bloated. I do have some pain when I get up out of a chair too quickly. RE: the medical card. I had the Realize band, but I don't think the medical card was specific to band, it was something that Barix provided to me when I was discharged. On one side it is a notice to medical providers that I am banded (with some technical blurb) and to call Barix if they have questions, on the other side there is a statement to restaurants asking if they will honor my request for smaller meal sizes or ordering from the kids menu.
  2. Patterba

    I did not sign up for this!

    Lisa, I too am sorry you had this experience. It is tough enough when you return home and have to make so many other adjustments. Glad you took the bull by the horns and got the surgeons attention. I concur with everyone else that has posted, no fill at point of band implant. I hope your surgeon doesn't think he was doing you a favor.. Hopefully the wealth of experiences on this board will also serve as your voice of reason, but it sounds like you knew something was wrong and acted on it. Good luck to you.. hope the rest of your voyage goes smoother.. Be well.
  3. Patterba

    Husband doesn't notice weight loss

    Great topic. My husband doesn't shower me with compliments but here is what I have figured out and maybe it is true for you as well... Maybe your husband loves you no matter what you weigh. IF he wasn't one to give compliments before, he probably is not going to start now. My husband is not much of a talker at all, and I need to get the conversation going most times. One antedote to share.. About 5 years ago I lost 100+ pounds with the help of a personal trainer. I had some great muscle definition going on with my body. I can only recall once that my husband said boy you look great. I know I was looking good, because I received so many compliments (FROM EVERYONE BUT MY HUSBAND). Here is what I think was going on with my DH, I think the weightloss may have made him feel a little insecure to know that I was turning into a hot mama. When I rebounded with my weight he never said a word, but then again, he didn't say anything when I was fit. So go figure... men are sometimes odd ducks.. But I will keep mine.
  4. Patterba

    5 Days Post-Op!

    Let me jump on the band wagon. Also banded on 10/29... I have not had any localized gas pains. Not sure if it is related to the fact that the nurses had me up and walking every 4 hours around the clock for two days. The one thing I have been is backed up! My nurse called me today and told me to get a ducolax suppository, and boy did that do the job. She told me not to take milk of magnesia (as I read this on another post). Anyway, if your gas pains get bad, keep walking, it helps move things out and on their way! Be well
  5. Hello Everyone. It is almost like a dream come true for me. I finally have my band (Oct 29th), and am now home trying to work the gas through my system. What has been wonderful is that I have read all of your posts and experiences and knew that everything I was experiencing was NORMAL (because of the info on this message board). Anyway, I am so inspired, I decided to start a blog and capture my adventure.. so please visit my story below.. The only downside to all of this is that I did leave the hospital heavier than I arrived.. I know this is probably fluids and GAS (ha ha).. Belly is swollen, but hopefully with time this all goes away... Be well
  6. Patterba

    Mental Breakdown!

    Ok, I am not a doctor, but here is a theory I have heard. When you remove the carbs from your diet, your serotonin levels can play havoc. Low serotonin can cause depression and anxiety. So my guess is that this is normal. I am already on a low dose antidepressant, so I find it has helped me.. My best advice is call your doctor, talk to a professional.. take care of yourself..
  7. Hello Pre-Bandsters.. I was flipping through tv channels this morning and saw this thing on QVC, the Ninja blender.. It looks like it might be a lifesaver for the puree and soft food stages. Anyone else see this super chopper thing? I bought it and hope it gets here before band day..(10/29).. I can't believe it is getting closer.. Be well...
  8. Hi, I just started my blog.. If you want to check it out. It is just my first post. Me and My Lucky Lap Band
  9. Is Bandster Hell any worse than a 10 day pre- op liquid protein diet?? How could it be worse or more challenging that this? If it is worse, tell us why? Thanks...
  10. The center called to tell me to report at 6:15 tomorrow morning.. YIKES, OMG, and YIPEEE all at the same time. It sounds like I may be one of the first surgeries in the morning. I am so excited, so nervous, so glad this day has finally come about. I hope I can sleep tonite (even though I will be watching the Phillies). TOO MANY emotions going on right now. My family just stares at me as I blab away.. I have dreamed about this for several years, always backing out of a seminar or pursuing any further action, but now I AM SO READY. YIPEEE FOR ME>. I have to stay overnight , but when I get home on Friday I will be posting on the post op side of the board and let you all know how it went.. I love that I have this venue to let out my emotions... cause right now I want to SING>>>>LA LA LA.. PS (no I am not nuts, just so happy I can not contain myself). Have a great day. Barbara
  11. Patterba

    Tomorrow 10-29, IS IT

    Thanks Guys. I can not contain my excitement (and I do realize there will be soreness and gas and all of the fun go alongs afterwards). But for once I truly do feel this is a new leash on life for me. I even started to set up a blog to chronicle for my own satisfaction and if others want to come along.... that is fine.. the more the merrier. I am going to the BarixClinic in Langhorne.. short drive from home, very convienent, and very nice staff and I love my surgeon Dr.Boe. So I am very comfortable with all aspects of this experience. Thanks for your supportive messages. Good luck to all.
  12. You look great Lovely... don't worry about the loose skin, it will snap back in time, you are very young. Give it time... And keep up the great work. Another Success story.. warms the heart
  13. Ok, I am so excited about my surgery on thursday, I think I have developed some form of ADD.. I can not concentrate on anything. I start to pick something up at work, and then my mind whips back to thinking about the band. It's crazy.. Has anyone else become this overly excited, perhaps obsessed about thinking of the procedure before the date. I have read books cover to cover, packed my bag. I feel like a child waiting for christmas morning. I'm 52 for god's sake. Some times I find my self just gigeling. I can feel my adrenaline running... Such a good feeling, but I better get some focus.. Be well.
  14. Patterba

    Tomorrow is the day!!!!

    Ida, You should be excited, this is a big day. AND you are going to do wonderfully. Just think of all of the success that is waiting in front of you.. A little bit of pain, for a whole lot of personal gain and pride. As long as you are confident in your surgeon, you know you are in good hands. PLEASE keep us updated as we will be rooting for you. Be Well
  15. Ok I am in the sweep up postion for the month as Oct 29th is my date and I will be following each of your adventures as you move throught the different phases. I think back when I was so scared, now I am so excited I can't sleep at nite thinking about this. The pre-op diet has been such a motivator as well. How to see you all on the post op board... soon.. Be well.
  16. I only wish I did this in my twenties (sigh). Raised two daughters, celebrated and paid for weddings, nursed my husband during chemo... I am 52 will be banded on THURSDAY.. I stared at the brochure for 5 years.. and then tuned out everyone saying, you don't need to do this... YES I DO.. It is MY time now.
  17. Ok, I know this is going to sound bizarre but... I am doing the pre op diet (mostly protein shakes) and I have a constant sweet taste in my mouth. It is almost like an artifical sweetner (which I do not use). Any one else experience this or am I just the odd one??
  18. Hi Michelle, I have BC/BS of MA PPO.. no problem at all, very quick easy process. Good luck to you.
  19. Patterba


    I am still in pre op diet mode and just reading your posts are making me dread whats to come... You can try to train yourself to be robotic to mealtime. clock ticks, grab shake, drink shake, go back to life, check clock, drink shake, go back to life... but this can't go on for ever.. All I keep thinking of is after surgery, there is the clear phase, The pureed phase The soft food phase They the real food phase.. but not real food cause you are going to have to get all of that protein in and you are probably going to have to slip in a shake or two cause you cant eat a whole chicken to get 50 grams of protein in.. Ok. maybe this is a little extreme, but I basically see us loosing so much weight because we aren't chewing anything.. I have no regrets about going in this direction, I just see the getting to food phase a conditioning phase.. Everyone seems to have survived it, and so can we.. But I am still in pre op phase so shake ville it is for me.. Wishing you both good luck
  20. Patterba

    Sweet Taste in Mouth

    The weird thing is that I drink water to rinse this out and it still comes back. At first is was just now and then, now it is constantly there. It's driving me nuts and completely leaves me not wanting to drink anything.
  21. Patterba

    I am Banded! (sugery day story)

    Hey Dana, Thanks for sharing your day. It is amazing to read everyone's experience.. I am on the countdown T-5 days.. Yikes.. Keep us updated on the liquid phase.. love to read it all. Barbara
  22. Patterba

    I'm on my way now !!!!!!

    Good Luck Toribug.. Keep us updated.. we are rootin' for you.
  23. Patterba

    TOMORROW is the day....

    GOOD LUCK>. we will be thinking about you.. keep us updated.
  24. Patterba

    I Miss Food...

    This is really insightful..as I prepare to go done the path you have travelled. I just read a post Gen's blog that speaks to the point of carb deprivation and serotonin levels when we don't have carbs in our diet.. http://ihearttheband.blogspot.com/ Check it out, I found it very interesting and very relevant to what has been openly and honestly shared in your posts. Be well everyone.. we will all be successful and look back on these days and share your successes.
  25. Just added myself back in.. doing my pre op diet.. oh what fun! Happyloser 10/1 bethany329 10/1 Timmers 10/1 Lindac80 10/1 Marfar7 10/1 Salbri 10/1 Ca7696 10/2 Opus03 10/2 RedboneLA 10/3 ihavehope3 10/3 Viking_girl 10/5 leetie 10/7 o-2BTHIN 1O/7 Jtreece 10/8 MommyOf1 10/8 Suz-Q 10/9 Noodles 10/9 SharPei 10/13 Guy 10/13 Cshytle 10/13 MoniqueD 10/14 Jenfromtheburg 10/14 ncarreras 10/14 angela677 10/15 Kme 10/15 Nooshie 10/15 munkee'smommy 10/15 Oliverdog 10/16 danyett 10/16 Wisteria75 10/16 We3601 10/19 Onikenbai 10/19 hope2bthinr 10/19 Mzcancer 10/20 Soexcited 10/21 erenstar983 10/21 pina3940 10/21 marybeth 10/21 HDmama 10/22 Cindylou00 10/23 Crazychica133 10/26 NJLIZ 10/26 Idahlem72 10/27 Daria77 10/27 Jenrobbar951 10/27 Barley 10/28 Patterba 10/29 4girlfamily 10/29 Tina 10/29 jenrobbar951 TBA

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