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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Twnkl2os

  1. Hey guys...I was banded Aug 25th so I am only 1 week post-op. I felt discomfort only for the first three days. My surgery was on tues and I was back to work on Fri. Burping was horrible for the firt couple of days, tit felt like I had a brick sitting on my chest. Most of the gas was gone by the end of the weekend. I am not feeling any pain at the incision sites except fot he occasional side twist. I did have an episode on sat night, I was feeling a lot of cramping in my ribs after shopping all day and it did hurt to breath. I was fine after sitting for a couple of minutes. My appetite has been surpressed a little. I don't get hungry as often and when I do a simple ice pop or crystal lite will get rid of it. However, I am having trouble sipping all day. I am not a drinker at work or home so I am not getting in as muh fluids as I should. I also am not drinking my protein shakes as I should be, again it is all because I do not have the hunger urge. I haven't weighed myself yet. My first pre-op appointment has to be rescheduled for next week so I will find out my exact weight then. All in all, I think I made a good decison to have this done. It's almost like nothing happened at all, I feel like myself 100%. I shared my story with almost everyone, I wanted them to be able to say that they know somone who has had the surgery and is doing well. To hide it would imply that I am embarassed, which I am not. My next feat is the puree diet, I have no idea what I am going to eat for those two weeks. Any suggestions??????:frown:
  2. I was banded on Aug 25th which was a Tues and I returned to work that Fri...no problems. My surgeon agreed with me returning so soon. I am a medical receptionist so I sit most of the day and hardly carry anything heavier that a patient's chart. i guess it all depends on the type of job you have and your daily activities. People thought I was crazy to return so fast, but the truth is that by the third day most of the gas that is cousing you to be uncomfortable has passed and your fine. The only thing that was discomforting to me was getting in and out of the chair when I returned to work. After the weekend I was absolutely fine. You may run into some issues with standing and walking for long periods of time but you should be ok besides that. Good luck:thumbup:
  3. Twnkl2os

    August 25th Bandsters

    I am so glad that ppl are replying to this post. I am also happy to see that we all have experienced some of the same symptoms with the shortness of breath and chest pain. Like I said before, it all goes away once you get rid of the gas....lol:smile: Hopefully others will take the time to reply as well. Lets continue to keep in touch throughout our progress.
  4. I am having the same issue....I lost 7 pounds pre op and habe not lost any since my august 25th band date. I too am on liquids only. I know that one of my problems is that I do not drink enough iquids. I just have never been a big drinker throughout the day. I find that I have to force myself to drink sometimes just to get enough water. If you too are not getting enough liquids then that may be the case for you as well. I would just stick to the Docs plan and bring up those key issues on your visit with him. Just hang in there, hopefully things will get better when we have our first fill.
  5. Hey guys...I was banded Aug 25th so I am only 1 week post-op. I felt discomfort only for the first three days. My surgery was on tues and I was back to work on Fri. Burping was horrible for the firt couple of days, tit felt like I had a brick sitting on my chest. Most of the gas was gone by the end of the weekend. I am not feeling any pain at the incision sites except fot he occasional side twist. I did have an episode on sat night, I was feeling a lot of cramping in my ribs after shopping all day and it did hurt to breath. I was fine after sitting for a couple of minutes. My appetite has been surpressed a little. I don't get hungry as often and when I do a simple ice pop or crystal lite will get rid of it. However, I am having trouble sipping all day. I am not a drinker at work or home so I am not getting in as muh fluids as I should. I also am not drinking my protein shakes as I should be, again it is all because I do not have the hunger urge. I haven't weighed myself yet. My first pre-op appointment has to be rescheduled for next week so I will find out my exact weight then. All in all, I think I made a good decison to have this done. It's almost like nothing happened at all, I feel like myself 100%. I shared my story with almost everyone, I wanted them to be able to say that they know somone who has had the surgery and is doing well. To hide it would imply that I am embarassed, which I am not. My next feat is the puree diet, I have no idea what I am going to eat for those two weeks. Any suggestions??????:frown:
  6. Yeaaaa, my surgery was on Aug 25, 09. I was told to arrive at Thomas Jefferson University at 5am and ofcourse I was late...lol I arrived at 5:30 am and was immediatley registered and directed up to the short procedure unit. I quess I was the first procedure of the day. I was a little alarmed because this was deffinatley not a short procedure. I was called five minutes after checking in and was led into the surgery prep area. I was told to wash my abdomen, legs and arms with these anticeptic wipes (they are sticky as hell). ofcourse my nerves were all over the place and I was anxious. The nurse came in and took my vitals, history and explained to my mother where she would have to go. He was not very personable, it almost seemed like he was reading from a script. That made me a little uncomfortable because I would have liked to trully feel cared for at that time. I mean this was a major surgery I was undergoing! I was escorted to the PACU and all sorts of things starting running through my mind, what if this wasn't for me, what if I should be getting the Rue en Y, what if my liver didnt shrink enough!!!!!! I sat there starring at all of the people in the room, not knowing what surgeries they were having and if any of them were here for the same thing.I was driving myself crazy!!!!! I was introduced to the nurse and the anesthesiologist, who were very nice and caring. A short while later I was visited by my surgeon who assured me that all would be well. After Slipping me a little cocktail to ease the nerves, I was completely oblivious to my surroundings. The escort arrived to take me down to the operating room, my heart was ready to jump out of my body!!! They rolled me into the operating room and I almost lost it! The medical team was very polite and helpful. They informed me of each step that they were taking. The last thing I remember was them telling me to breath in teh so-called oxygen they placed over my nose!!!! I woke up to people prodding and poking me all over. Apparently I was in my room, the medical staff tried to talk to me but all I wanted to do was sleep. The nursing staff was asking all kinds of questions that I was not interested in answering at that time! The nurse let me sleep for a while before making me get up and take a walk. She was surprised that I requested to go to the restroom and that I remembered her name because I was high as a kite...lol I wasn't in very much pain, mostly discomfort. I remember felling a lot of pressure on my chest from the anesthesia. The nurse karate chopped my back to break up the anesthesia from settling in my lungs. The most I ever felt was pressure from gas and trying to breath. They told me I was allowed to have 1 once of ice chips every two hours and boy was I thirsty!!! I couldn't wait to get out of there and to the comfort of my own home where i could sleep in peace. You would think that an ill person would be able to sleep in a hospital right? Wrong, they bother you all day and night taking vital signs, administering medications by IV and bugging you to walk. The next day I was sent downt o complete the barrium swallow that proved everything was well and placed on a liquid diet. I was given lunch and dinner and discharged with instruction that evening. All in all, this was a very painless surgery and I am happy with my decision to go on this journey. I am amazed as I sit here writing this from my office computer only three days later just how fast this process was. I would like to encourage all who have decided to partake in this major journey to change the outcome of your lives forever!!!! Best wished and Good luck!:w00t:
  7. Hey Everyone...jst wanted to update you on my progress. I was banded Aug 25, 09. Everything went well, and I was discharged 24 hours later. They surgery was 2 hours long without complications. I am not in much pain, just a state of discomfort. It is a little difficult to inhale, it sort of feels like pressure. I can feel when the liquids arrive at the band point. I feel a little pressure and discomfort but it only lasts about a minute. So far I am doing well. I haven't been taking the medication that much either, I don't feel that I really need it. The only problems now are the gas pains that I am getting. I have my first post-op appt with the surgeon on Sept 2nd, I will be sure to keep you posted. Anyone else with updates?
  8. I am 7 days into my 2 week pre op diet and have only lost 6 pounds! I don't know if this is considered good or bad. I was actually hoping to loose about 10 pounds in the first week. I still have a week to go, so hopefully I can knock off 10 lbs by then. I work am a front desk medical receptionist, so I don't really do much running around. I guess that may be the reason why. I also am not a liquid kinda gal, I know I deffinatley do not drink 8 glasses of water a day. I guess i have to start drinking more water. How much weight have you lost during the pre-op diet if your on all liquids?
  9. OK, so I am so upset with myself at this point! I totally relpased this weekend and had two short ribs and two snow crab clusters at a bar-b-que. I am disappointed because I really did well all week long. I just knew that the weekend was gonna be trouble. I locked myslef in the house on saturday as to avoid temptation but it was too nice on Sunday to be locked in again. I went to my parents for a mini bar-b-que and a swim in our inground pool. I don't know what came over me, I just had to have it. I was practically starving and it smelled so good. I have made a promise that there would be no food entering these lips on my last week of pre-op dieting. i am scheduled for surgery on Aug 25, 09 and am so excited. i just hope that I didn't do any major damage. I really want to be able to have this surgery and hope my liver has shrinked a little. I plan on making it throught this week. I am even thinking about taking a laxative to help clean me out so that I can start over. Has anyone else gone through a tough weekend?
  10. Ok, so things didnt go very well for me this weeknd. I stayed in on Sat after being invited to 3 bar-b-ques. However, on sunday I did have food at my mothers bar-b-que. I had 2 short ribs and 2 snow crab clusters. I feel horrible!!!! I know that I should not have eaten those things. I am going to be very strict on myself for the next week. My surgery is on aug 25th. wish me luck!!!!

  11. Twnkl2os

    OMG I?m Starving

    I am too, I am 4 days in on my liquid diet. I have been keeping busy with SF ice pops and SF jello to snack on. it is really hard. I am drinking the required 3 a day protein shakes too. They help to a certain point. They really don't keep you that satisfied and I find myself drinking water or chomping on SF ice pops. I also purchased these SF flavor packets from 4c, they are really good. They help flavor the water and they taste great. Shop around for anything SF with low calories and in liguid form, you shoudl be fine.
  12. Twnkl2os

    Which shakes are the best?

    I taste tested plenty of protein drinks and my favorite is EAS advantEDGE shakes. They taste like nesquick, especially in strawberry and chocolate flavors. They come in four different flavors including a caffee latte flavor. They are around $7 for a four pack. I purchased them from Acme Supermarket. On average I am spending $40 a week on shakes, which isn't all that bad considering the amount I would be spending on solid foods. I also didn't mind the Atkins shakes in french vanilla. I have been on my liquid diet for 4 days now and so far so good. I was interested in the powder, but wasn't interested in making the drinks on my own. The EAS shakes have 150 calories and 17 grams of protein which is acceptable. Look into them, you might actually like them.
  13. Twnkl2os

    My stomach hates me!!

    Dreamalways07, I have been having the same issues lately. I am on day 4 of my liquid diet and am trying to keep myself from eating solids. It really does suck!!!! I have been keeping myself busy with SF ice pops and so far it seems to be working. The only problem is that I have 2 or 3 at one time. I dont mind the SF jello either, it's actually pretty good and comes in a lot of flavors. Luckily I found a protein shake that I actually like, it sort of tastes like nesquik. I am fearful for the weekend though, don't know how I am gonna handle it. At least at work I can keep myself occupied. I plan on doing some "Spring Cleaning" to keep my mind off of all the things I can't have. I look at it this way, my health is more important than me risking complications during band placement just for a moment of satisfaction. You should be okay, it's really not that bad. Remember....mind over matter!:thumbup:
  14. I am on day 3 of my liquid diet. I will be banded on Aug 25th. My Doc requires a 2 week liquid diet before surgery. I wish he only required a 3 day diet like some people on this board. I am surviving on EAS strawberry protein drink, sugar free jello, sugar free ice pops, chicken broth and lots and lots of water. The EAS drink tastes just like strawberry quick. I purchased those 4c individual packets to add flavor to the water and it has been working so far. I even freeze them to make a nice slushie drink. I do get hungry from time to time but I try not to think about food. I just think about the danger I can put myself into by not allowing my liver to shrink, and thats enough for me. I wish you the best of luck hopefully we will be able to survive this.
  15. I am getting banded on Aug 25th as well at Thomas Jefferson Univesity in Philadelphia, PA. I am super excited as well. I just had all of my pre op testing and my pre op appointment with the DOC yesterday. Everything went well. I started my liquid diet on Tuesday and so far so good. I do get a little hungry throughout the day but I just drink water or a protein shake to get over it. I must warn you to take a shake or jello with you to pre testing. I had no idea I would be there for 3 1/2 hours. I just took a shake to drink for breakfast and ended up starving. I must admit I was tempted to go to Wendys which is across the street from my surgeons, I just didn't have the heart to do it. Hopefully it will be a little easier post op. I wish you all the best. We can keep each other posted with our success.
  16. My first appointment was 04/08/09 and I recieved my surgery date on 08/03/09. I have BXBS PPO,it only took a little longer because I work in a hospital and opted to schedule all the testing there. My surgeon preferred me to use his shrink in the city but I was able to schedule the rest on my own. All my physician was waiting on was the clearance from the shrink. I had my date three days after the shrink eval was in. I actually did my sleep study last night, which was a complete mess. I looked like an alien with all those leads drooping from my head! It was very hard to sleep and they wake you up at the crack of dawn! I guess it really depends on your insurance company. some require you to wait at least 6 months. Good luck!
  17. I am on day 1 of my 2 week pre op liquid dieting and I hate it!!!! I am starving, literally. I am drinking tow different type of protein drinks and am still hungry. It took me almost all day to drink 1 16 ounce cup of water. I had a shake for breakfast, another for lunch along with a lipton cup-a-soup (which is broth only) and a sugar free jello. i am having difficulty drinking the protein shake, although the ones I have are very tasty. I'm just not a milk-shaky kinda gal. I am trying the EAS advantedge strawberry, shake which tastes like strawberry quick, and Atkins french vanilla. I found some recipes online for smoothies that I am gonna attempt to make over the weekend. I will post a comment on how all of that went. I only wish that I had to do 3 days of this. I think these two weeks will be hell for me, I'll keep you posted.
  18. My Surgery date is Aug 25th, they moved me up a week. I just had my sleep study dien last nite, how irrritating! I have my pre-op bloodwork drawn on the 12th, hopefully all is well. I just started my 2 week pre-op dieting and am hungry as hell! Hopefully I can make it the next to weeks on all liquids. I am gonna try really hard not to cheat so my liver shrinks and the surgery does not have to be pushed back. Starting weight: 254 Goal weight: 160 Surgery Date: 08/25/09 Surgeon: Dr. David Tichansky (Thmas Jefferson Uni):w00t:

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