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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rimsla

  1. rimsla

    OMG, 213 lbs March-2009

    Bless your heart for putting it all out there. I saw all your photos. You look so good now!
  2. Amazing!!!!! I can see the excitement in your face. What a transformation!
  3. rimsla

    Jenny,Me, & Mom, Aug. 8, 2009

    When is your surgery? I bet you are so excited. I have 50 more pounds to go. I was banded March 2009. Good Luck!!!!
  4. rimsla

    At work bored.

    You look so good what an amazing collection of photos. Thanks for sharing. I was banded in March 2009. Best decision I ever made! I have about 50lbs to go. Its going slower than I'd like but I am happy every month I get on the scale.

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