Hello all!
I am 29 years old and 342lbs, BMI of 46.2 or so. I have elevated blood pressure (not diagnosed as high yet), no other co-morbidities (cholesterol is excellent, glucose above average according to fasting tests), and have been at a BMI over 40 for about 8 years now (overweight since 8). I don't eat fast food, junk food, sweets, sodas, ice creams, sugar-free stuff, any of that...think of my diet as a clinically approved food pyramid about 3 miles tall. I eat all the right stuff, I just eat way too much of it.
I'm self-employed and can't get healthcare (denied by every carrier known to the state of VA due to my weight), but my wife just got a job about 4 months ago and we got BCBS NC in June. Additionally, her employer pays for the Bariatric Surgery Rider and a bunch of preventative stuff to boot.
I have my 1-on-1 and preliminary health screening coming up on the 20th with my psychiatric visit and dietician visit to follow.
Based on the knowledge and experience of you folks here...do I stand a chance? Does my BMI, elevated blood pressure, and the presense of the rider make this a done deal? Can they call this a pre-existing condition since I didn't have healthcare coverage before this one?
I'd appreciate any advice you can give me, and any opinions whether good or bad!