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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lily7

  1. Hope the surgery went well. How has your recovery been?

  2. lily7

    Setpember 2010. 132.

    Thank you.
  3. It is now 9/24/10 and it has been a year since I was banned. I have lost over 100 pounds and I am excited and proud of my self. When I first was banned I never imanged I would get down to 132 and a size 2. All I can say is WOW.

  4. lily7

    The New Me

  5. lily7

    Help I'm scared

    I was scared as my surgery date got closer. I am so glad i went though with it. I have lost 100 pounds in the last 9 months and i go out to dinner all time. It just last me a few days, so I have it for lunch and dinner again until i get tired got eating at it. The only issuse I have when I go out to eat is them asking me if I want water 5 times and I have to keep telling them no no no. Yeah I was so scared I started to have anxity attacks and I had to take some of my mom's Xanx.
  6. lily7

    Chewable (yummy) Calcium!

    I found a liquid calicum at rite aid. it makes taking you calicum fast and easy. it is kind of pricey. i switch between the chewable and the liq.
  7. :thumbup:I was banded 9/4/09 and am down 60 pounds. I average about 1/2 pund a day. :thumbup:
  8. As of 1/27/10 I am 173.

  9. about 241 pounds
  10. lily7

    Goal Weight Too Thin?!

    They have tables/charts that use ur height to determine who much you should weigh. I guess you can go by that if you feel confortable with it. My dr says I will get down to about 130-140. I think this may be to small although if i use the table/chart that is about the weight i should be. If you dont have health problems then i guess you should go by what you like and this may chnge as you loss more weight.
  11. I was banded on 9/4/09.

    Starting weight was 230. As of 12/24/09 I am 181.

  12. lily7

    How do you feel after your fills?

    I was thought something was wrong with me. My 1st fill (5cc) was normal. After the 2nd fill (2cc) I had gas bad and had to go home from work one day and take a lot of Gas X. Good to know this is common.
  13. lily7

    Clothing Advice!!!

    Walmart does have plus size and is not to expensive which will be helpful because you will need to but clothes often as you lose more and more weight.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
