Your right, I do need to get back to my previous levewl of dilligence. I will say that I hope after the fill I feel like I did for the first few months. I wasnt very hungry at all, and I was getting full off of very little food. I'm really hoping the fill wil help with hunger as that has been the biggest challenge lately. I have been eating more than the 1/2-3/4 cup, but not near what I unsed to in a sitting! The biggest frustration is the frequency of my hunger. I eat, two hours later im hungry, I eat, three hours later i'm hungry again!
I just want to get back to where this tool is helping me control my hunger, as the 87 lbs lost was due directly to its curing my portion control issues and curbing my hunger.
I really enjoyed those first few months. It was the first time in my life I felt like I had control of my hunger levels