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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by skatkat

  1. skatkat


    I'm having indigestion also... It sounds strange, but I think it happens when I drink water...and I can't take Nexium or other proton pump inhibitors-they seem to make it worse! any suggestions? I'm losing weight (good thing) but can't eat hardly a thing or drink...which isn't good. I've been banded a year and the indigestion has just come on within the past 5 or 6 weeks. I'm almost ready to go for an unfill which I hate to do because I've finally reached the level of restriction I need!!! Any suggestions? (besides eat slower-I know that)
  2. skatkat

    Had 3rd fill yesterday and area is bruised.

    I've had four fill's and for two I was bruised (one was pretty badly) and two I wasn't. I was sore with each one since they have to poke thru all my insulation to find the port...... I am guessing it's normal.
  3. skatkat

    It's Finally Over!!

    Whoooo......hooo.....!!!! I'm happy for ya sister! I too had to do the six month thing. (crazy insurance company! lol) This is an exciting time! Hang in there, enjoy that last cheeseburger, psyche yourself out in all the positive ways you can, and get ready to throw out all your clothes and have fun at the mall over the next couple of years!
  4. My doctor said sometimes all it takes is a few drops to make all the difference....... I'm almost a year out from surgery and haven't had near the success I would have liked...Why??? because I was too embarrassed to go to the doctor over and over to get my fill's correct. Don't do what I did. I finally have good restriction now... but it took me months and months.... (I had never had enough put in) My suggestion is to keep going back till you get it just right! Best of luck!
  5. skatkat

    does it hurt when any1 hiccups?

    THanks everyone for replying! I'm having hiccups too! I'll start paying attention to when........ One more reason to slow down!
  6. Hi Keleka...It's Skatkat aka Kathy from Martinsburg. I just saw you are nine days out...... Hope you're feeling good. It's all good... Please let me know if I can help in any way!

  7. skatkat

    September 07 Roll Call

    Hello Lisa...I know right where Berryville is....we have friends out there we visit. Just wondering...do you have a support group you attend? I'm really wanting to start hooking up with a group somewhere. Skatkat/Kathy
  8. Oh my gosh! and you're from McKinney......... I'm from Shepherd, which is south of Nacodoches by about 45 miles...NorthEast of Houston. Moved to West Virginia last summer....Miss Texas.
  9. Hi all.......I'm in Martinsburg, WV which is below Hagerstown by about 18 miles or so. I'm going to hop the border to the Maryland group...everyone else is doing it right? lol I'm 38 a mom of 4, married for 20 years to Scott......dog, cat, fish, hamsters. I'm an avid scrapbooker and consultant. I also do wedding flowers. Finally on my way with my band after the third fill....I feel like I have a band now! and the scale is moving again, slowly but surely. Curious how many people are still having a hard time getting on a schedule for eating and drinking? I believe if I would be more organized it would be so much easier.
  10. skatkat

    Anyone from WV???

    Hello all.......I'm in Martinsburg. Would love to meet with other bandsters in the area. I can't make it to Winchester for their Wednesday night meetings right now because of church. Maybe this summer. Please feel free to IM me or email.
  11. I reached a mini goal of gettin into the 320's.......so 29 more till the 200's. Wow......it's kind of unthinkable. I can see myself smaller, and I can remember being smaller. Getting back to the reality of numbers is cool...I was 310 in 1993 when I had a daughter and it's weird to feel like I'm going in reverse in a sense. Keeping my focus on my mini goals here. Way to go girls!
  12. skatkat

    my first fill- 6.5 CC'S

    I enjoyed reading everyones posts. It's good to hear some of the same concerns and why is it that we are all so funny??? Has to be some connection with a large size booty and large sense of humor... I was banded on Sept 25 and had my first fill Dec 3. My doctor made me wait all that time! I'm having typical restriction, but a hard time drinking Water. I LOVE water and think I'm giving myself a UTI with all this juice and stuff. I hate the aftertaste of splenda, any drink suggestions? I have Crystal Lite and a few other sugar free. I have to find some good tea that I will actually like without sugar. Is it just me? Or do people really drink tea with no sugar and LIKE it? (I've always wondered if they're faking it!)
  13. I am searching for ladies in my area to chat with...gain some support. Is this still a valid thread? Hope to hear from you...Kathy Skatkat
  14. skatkat

    September 07 Roll Call

    Kathy/Skatkat from Martinsburg, WV banded Sept 25, 07
  15. I just found out yesterday I have a haitel hernia. I don't know how bad yet, I only know I'm having a hard time swallowing. I go to the dr again soon, but am wondering if I can try to shoot for the surgical repair and have the band done at the same time. Does anyone have any advice here? I'm thinking that if I can get my gastrointerologist to refer me for surgery for the hernia then I can get the surgeon to throw in the lapband for a small fee. and will that hernia affect the band in a negative way? I sure don't want to live with chronic reflux from the hernia and the band putting pressure on it. thanks for any tips...Kathy
  16. Lana Jane, Thank you! I needed to hear that. I have already chickened out for a year. I wasted lots of time last year getting ready and on the phone and all sorts of stuff and just flat talked myself out of it. This January I got busy, here we are into the middleend of Feb and I'm still going to seminars!!! I keep hearing good things about Spivak, so I'm going to pray that he is the surgeon for me. I went to Dr Marvin and then to Dr Naaman and both of them really gave me the impression that they were bypass dr's all the way. I don't like that attitude because it makes me think they will not do as good of a job on the lapband as they could have and then chalk it off to "the band isn't as good or effective as the bypass, shouldda done a bypass" and I'm about up to my eyeballs in hearing that. I'm really scared to death and at this present time I'm trying to keep my thoughts from going crazy! I almost have myself convinced that I will go through with this and then not be able to lose any weight or I will just explode my stomach with a binge which is my weakness. Whew...you didn't ask for this therapy session did ya? lol But, thank you and if there is a meeting in March, maybe I'll be walking slowly after having had my band installed and celebrating with the rest of ya with my bottle of water in hand! whewhoo......I'm excited and nervous, but can't wait. Kathy :mad:
  17. I missed this,,,,,,,,but live north of Humble and am in process of getting surgery. Going to go to yet another seminar...I'll keep it up till I find a Dr that I feel comfortable with! So off to Spivac this week. Three is a charm right? Group would be nice. Email if you like. Kathy :nervous
  18. :help: My first seminar was dissapointing with the nurse really pushing the bypass. After choosing a different surgeon it sounds again like they will be pushing the bypass. I also have three boney skinny friends who have had the bypass and are pushing it for me. I'm feeling the pressure, but my heart still tells me that the Lapband is the safest. Please offer your own opinions of why you chose the band over the bypass. I keep getting tempted to go ahead an get the bypass, my insurance pays for it easier and I'm afraid I'm going to be one of the people who wreck the band with over eating.
  19. thank you to all who posted. I needed the confidence. Your opinions were great and honest.
  20. Ladies, I am lost on the different sizes and manufacturers. Please help. I thought I had researched all I could then found this post. I'm going for my second seminar Febuary 6 and want to make sure I get what I want...only I'm not sure what I want yet besides a band. Please elaborate on what the differences are. I'm 350, 5'8" and have a medium to large frame. I had heard someone say that a "large" band was best, but cannot find any evidence. Please send opinions, links, whatever resources! thanks...Kathy
  21. I didn't know that Australia had stopped doing RNY. Wow! I feel like I just got a whole country "on my side" It's always possible to find someone to tell you what you want to hear or to find someone who's opinions are the same... I feel like the band is safest long term. I weigh 350, no co-morbidities, am 5'8", age 37 and sick of letting my addiction to binge eating control my world and keep me this fat. My greatest fear is that I will end up one of the bandsters with chronic reflux from overeating and end up having to have the band removed as so many do. It's the smart ones who end up overcoming their food issues and making the band work for them from what I can tell. Any more opinions on the bypass verses the band? thanks! Kathy

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