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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by samsu88

  1. I sit here reading all of the blogs on here and all of the crazy medical crap people have to go through for their insurance to even consider them for bariatric surgery and I can only think that it is a complete waste of time! Save yourself time and money and just to go Tijuana and get banded by Dr. Pompa. I paid $5000 for a total package. I didn't have to screw with insurance crap, thousands of dollars worth of tests or all of the maybies that come with the insurance hassle. They were awesome over there. They treat you like royalty and the package includes everything including all of your fills. I hate reading the blogs of people who want and need the surgery so badly but their insurance treats them like someone trying to cheat the system. Do insurance companies not realize how much this surgery can save them in the long run?!?! This kind of crap is exactly what's wrong with our country right now. Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now but I wish I could find a way to help the people who are struggling so hard to get approved.

  2. After trying numerous times to fill my band the second time my dr decided it was twisted so I had to go in and have port revision surgery. It went pretty well except that they gave me some pain meds on an empty stomach so I threw up ALOT!! That sucked but after a few days of being extremely sore I was fine. Things are going much better now. I've lost another 10 pounds and am on my way! Thank goodness. The doctor said that the band was empty when he filled it during surgery. I have really noticed a difference in eating now! I can't eat very much at all now and I've learned what sliming is too...YUCK!! Oh well, I've started working out again and things are on the right track so I guess we'll see how it goes from now on...to be continued!

  3. The 2nd fill sucked worse than the first! My doctor couldn't get it so I have to go in and have port-revision surgery on Monday. That kinda sucks too but atleast my fills should be easier from now on. Wow...I'll be glad cuz I don't want to do the "search and not find" method again! I broke out in a cold sweat and almost fainted. Lyckydog, I know what you mean about stress. If I get too stressed I just can't eat very good. I noticed it when things got crazy at work. I could go the whole day and not eat anything, I wasn't even a little bit hungry. It's nuts, I don't remember being that way before being banded. The good news is that we adopted a dog. He's an adorable little black pug. He fits in like he's been here his whole life. I thought that since we adopted our boxer who passed away that we should adopt again in her honor. Roscoe deserved a good life. Now he's getting tons of love and everything a dog could want. We are still mourning our Zowie, but getting Roscoe was a blessing. I'll let you know how the revision goes...hopefully as smooth as silk!

  4. Well, I go in for my 2nd fill on Monday. I'm a little nervous since the 1st one was kinda hard. My port is crooked so the Dr had to go in at an angle to get it. It was quite painful. I hope this one is easier! I also hope I feel more restriction with this one. I've hit a plateau, darn it! Had a rough couple of weeks. The dog died, had a big fight with a family member and work sucked. Time to get back on track. Stress is still a kicker!

  5. I think it's normal. I was told they don't put anything in your band at first so it can heal. I had my first fill in November and it didn't make a lot of difference. I go back Monday and am getting another fill. Be patient, I know it's hard but the fills will help. Good luck!

  6. I too mourned food for awhile before surgery. Stick to your guns, it will be worth it after surgery. You will feel better if you strictly stick to the diet. My husband is a great guy but he usually isn't too interested in my diet plans. I'm not on here all the time but feel free to message me anytime. Good luck! Getting banded was the best decision I ever made for my health!

  7. Thanks for responding! I really appreciate it. You wouldn't think I would be nervous about the fill after having the surgery but I am. Did you all start out with anything in your band? When I contacted my doctor she said it has 2ccs. The max is 4, isn' it?

  8. Just a note of good news!!!! After going to the doctor and having labs done this last week I have been taken off of all diabetic medications and my cholesterol medication!!! YAY!!! I am sooooo excited! This was part of the reason I wanted to have the surgery done. Not only was I very over weight but I just hated being on meds and thinking I was going to be on them for the rest of my life. My doctor is thrilled with my weight loss (a little over 30 pounds) and with my lab results. Now I begin preparing for my first fill on Nov 9th! I can't wait since my appitite has been rather healthy. Thank goodness I am working out every other day. Maybe I should be working out more but time is a problem. I am a little nervous about the fill. Does it hurt?? My port site gets sore sometimes, especially when I wear jeans and they rub there. i have noticed that all my jeans are loose which helps but I'm hoping that place gets less sore over time. Does it?? Should I be on liquids only before the fill? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

  9. I was surprised when I got banded and felt really good afterwards. I too walked alot, even the next day. I really feel like that helped me to not have all the gas pains too. I am about a month and a half out and feel great. The only thing I would cautoin you about is doing too much too fast. Because I felt so good, there were times I did too much and was sore afterwards. You still have to be careful. Best wishes and I hope things continue to go well for you!

  10. I too had the last supper thing for a little while before I had surgery. I kept thinking I should eat tortilla chips since I would never be eatinig them again. I did finally get into a good routine and did the pre-op diet very well. It's a good thing too since it helps with post-op and the recovery period. Now I am pretty much able to eat anything, which is good and bad. The good is that I don't get bored with eating the same thing over and over. The bad is that I think I should be eating less. I'm ready for my first fill.

  11. I still have one stitch that hasn't dissolved completely. It's been 4 weeks and I was wondering if I should just try and pull it out?? It is very pokey. Also, my appitite has returned and I was wondering if any of you have taken an appitite suppresor to help with that? My first fill isn't until November and I want to make sure I am still losing weight. I have started exercising everyday and I know that will help. Any advise out there??

  12. I had my band placed on 9/11 and I have found that anytime I wear pants that rub on the port area I get sore. I have found that if I am going to wear pants that hit right in that spot that it works better if I put padding around the port area to help it be more cushioned. Mine has gotten less sore but it is still the spot that hurt the most.

  13. I am about 4 weeks out and I will have my first fill on November 9th. I too have a hard time with not drinking anything while eating. It's harder than I thought. I am finally just not getting anything to drink out at all until 30 minutes after eating. I find that I am thirstier then. I have noticed that my weight loss has slowed so I am looking forward to my first fill to help me not be able to eat as much. Good luck! Let me know how your fill goes so I can know what to expect. I am kinda nervous about it.

  14. I just wanted to let you all know I got banded on Sept. 11th. Everything went very well. I was amazed about how nice everything was in Tijuana. Dr. Pompa was great! The whole staff there was very nice and professional. When I was released, we went shopping at Revolutionary Blvd and then the next day we went to the beach at Rosalito. It was soooo beautiful there! It really was a good experience!:tt1:

  15. I am in the same boat right now too! I have been trying to prepare myself for everything but don't think there is anyway to really do that until it all happens. I just know that for me, there is NO going back. My life has to change! I do not want to live the rest of my days like this, NO WAY!! I'm just glad we have a support system like this site. Good luck to you.

  16. Wow. You really said alot of things very eloquently. I too have had trobles that have led me to where I am today. I can say for 100% that wrapping the food cushion around yourself is what I have done to myself as well. I think you have taken the ultimate "big step" in admitting it to yourself and outloud that that's what you have done as well. Good for you! For me, the fat isn't the only battle. I know all of the issues that led to being so overweight will surface as I go thriugh this process but I feel stronger today than I ever have. It is so nice to see I can be a part of a forum where there are people like you that know the true struggles that go with being over-weight. It isn't all about the food. Thanks for being here!

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