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Everything posted by samsu88

  1. My surgery is scheduled for Sept. 11th. I'm getting very excited.

  2. samsu88

    Anyone Dealing with haters?

    If they are haters...why are you hanging out with them?? The one thing I try and remember when people ask me questions I don't want to answer is to ask them, "Why do you want to know?". It usually stops them everytime. Good luck!
  3. samsu88

    Finally..Im scared.

    I am in the same boat right now too! I have been trying to prepare myself for everything but don't think there is anyway to really do that until it all happens. I just know that for me, there is NO going back. My life has to change! I do not want to live the rest of my days like this, NO WAY!! I'm just glad we have a support system like this site. Good luck to you.
  4. samsu88

    Unwrapping the Mummy

    Wow. You really said alot of things very eloquently. I too have had trobles that have led me to where I am today. I can say for 100% that wrapping the food cushion around yourself is what I have done to myself as well. I think you have taken the ultimate "big step" in admitting it to yourself and outloud that that's what you have done as well. Good for you! For me, the fat isn't the only battle. I know all of the issues that led to being so overweight will surface as I go thriugh this process but I feel stronger today than I ever have. It is so nice to see I can be a part of a forum where there are people like you that know the true struggles that go with being over-weight. It isn't all about the food. Thanks for being here!
  5. samsu88

    TJ Doctor

    I am having my surgery done Sept 11th by Dr. Liza Maria Pompa Gonzales. Have any of you heard anything about her?
  6. samsu88

    TJ Doctor

    I am having my surgery done Sept 11th by Dr. Liza Maria Pompa Gonzales. Have any of you heard anything about her?
  7. samsu88


    I am going to Tijuana to Dr. Liza Maria Pompa Gonzales. Everyone there seems very nice and have been very helpful and informative. I have asked them a slew of questions. Does anyone else know anythiing about her?

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