Good Morning Ladies~
I'm in a typing mood and boss is off today so I'm gonna take advantage of this "free time" and give you a quick update..
Well last summer I was on a TAE-BO hype! (Still am but.. life happens and times change) I dropped down to about 165 lbs and I started veering to the thought of NOT getting any surgery at all.. since I was doing so great with my work-out and eating habits..
BUT.. Life happens, and my schedule changed, Did I mention I'm at the final stages of my divorce? Well, yes my divorce!! That also took time and an emotional toll on me as well.. My ex-husband took me to court and tried to get Custody of my kids.. BUT Well.. God is good.. and I was granted full legal and physcial custody!!
But going thru the motions of my kids having to talk about the abuse we all suffred and what they saw, What I went thru.. We had to go thru a whole process of mediation, and investigation.. we had to pretty much re-live and talk about everything we went thru.. And this.. triggered alot of emotional pain that was.. Bulit up in me..I packed on weight instantly.. I didn't have the energy mentally and physcially. I shot back up to 190 within 3 months?... I felt totally disgusted of myself...
So I called Dr. Park or actually emailed her and asked if I could still have my surgery done.. and of course she said yes just as long as i'm under my surgery goal weight and I would have to go thru Liz again for another evaluation..
So I did it.. and had the VSG done. My surgery date was on Feb. 15th. I weighed in that morning at 182 lbs two days later when I got home I weiged in at 176. A week and a half after that I dropped down to 168.
I weighed myself last week and i'm now at 155-156lbs. Can I just say.. I HAVE NOT WEIGHED this much since I was in the 4th grade!!?!!! I've been a FAT kid my WHOLE life.. so weighing in at 156.. AND haven't weighed this much since I was a kid is a total SHOCKER for me!
How is it having the VSG? - Its great as LONG AS YOU FOLLOW the rules.. Its also a trial and Error type of learning thing as well.
I watch my family eat and I feel disgusted now with all the big bites and large portions everyone takes. Well compared to me... there are times when my EYES are hungrier than my stomach.. and thats a big NO NO..
FOOD to me is not the same.
I used to be SOO in love with the taste, the smell, and the comfort that food gave me... NOW..
Food is just something to give me energy and to survive.
I do have mind hunger.. like when I see a big Juicy burger AND FRIES.. My mind wants it.. but my stomach is screaming NO!!
One of the biggest things I am having a problem is.. eating too fast.
I forget sometimes that I really need to take my time and eat slow... Not only so I can digest my food easier but to also enjoy the small portion I have....I eat soo fast that within 2 minutes.. my meal is done..
So this is something I'm really working on.. taking slower longer bites and trying not to scarff things down so fast (another one of my bad fat eating habits)
I did go thru a "dumping syndrome" and I think it was good that I went thru it.. cuz bet your bottom dollar I WILL NOT EAT anything LIKE THAT AGAIN!!
My "dumping syndrome" SUCKS!
It was weeks back and I ate something sugary.. can't remember what it was but I know it was like a dessert cake or pie.. it was a "small" piece...
But as soon as it went down.. I felt like I was intoxicated and had no control. I wanted to throw up but only clear fluids kept on comming out.. The only thing that stops this.. is time.. and IT SUCKS!!!
So yea.. after experiencing that.. I STAY CLEAR away from sugary foods...
My energy levels has balanced out (at least I think it has) so for right now.. I'm just walking... (like forrest gump!) EVERYWHERE..
I'm planning to go to tae-bo class sometime this week. And of course I still do Hula. So my workout is good for now..
Well ok I just wanted to give you ladies an update.. I seriously thought about all of you before and after my surgery.. I wanted to write in the VSG talk but it just isn't the same...
I feel like "family" here... and plus I missed ya guys Well happy tuesday!