Hi folks,
Just looking for some advice from all you experienced banders out there. I was banded on 28th July and have an appointment on 3rd Septemebr for my first fill. At first, I was confident that this date was okay as some days I was finding I was really hungry and could eat more than I wanted to. However, over the past 5-6 days, I am finding that I have good restriction and struggle to finish my meals. For example, tonight for dinner I could only eat one tablespoon of pureed cauliflower cheese, about 1/2 a tablespoon of mashed potato and 1 tablespoon of mashed carrot and suede. I was stuffed for hours after this. I also find that drinking liquids makes me feel stuffed too.
So what do you think guys? Is 3rd September too soon for my next fill or should I wait a few weeks to see how I feel then? I have read on this forum that the need for a fill can come on very quickly, sometimes in 2 to 3 days. I should also mention that although I have lost weight in inches and my clothes are much bigger, I have lost only 1 pound on the scales since my op. I must also confess that I'm scared to have my first fill as I don't want it to be too tight and make this whole experience a thoroughly torturous and unpleasant one:eek:. I still want to enjoy food but just much smaller amounts of it! Any advice would be much appreciated,
thanks in advance
Louise a.k.a skinny minny xx