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Posts posted by sandi2004

  1. I am married and a mother of 4. I have struggled with my weight since 1990. I am paying cash for this procedure because my insurance/company denied it even though it is medically necessary.

    I have to make this successful and need all the help and guidance I can get.

    Hi - I'll be happy to be there for you with any help I can provide. You can PM me at this site, or email me directly at sandi@bandedliving.com. I too had to pay privately because my insurance company did not cover and I understand botht he fear of failure and the frustration. You may find some useful information at my blog at Sandi's Banded Living — My Lapband Weight Loss Success Story

    I have my story up there along with tips and tools I've found useful on my journey.

    Good luck and please reach out with questions. You are not ALONE!

  2. wow, sandi you rule!

    i am just in the beginning of the banding process and i weigh a bit more than you did when you started, but ive had bouts of being a workout junky and i can talk about what i was doing then (and what i will be doing in the weeks to come so i can lose weight before surgery)

    i hate cardio, i do as little as i can get away with. generally i will do 30-45 minutes monday, wednesday, friday. then do weights tuesday, thursday, saturday...alternating upper body and lower body. that has worked extremely well for me in the past. for cardio i do the stationary bike or the treadmill. i hate them both, but cardio is necessary. sometimes i do aerobics classes (hip hop and kickboxing) and i really love jumping rope. i have a great jumprope that has weighted handles and helps to tone your arms and such...

    That sounds like quite a routine. I weighed 424 lbs when I started so I was not into doing anything that put more stress on my joints than my body weight was doing. Good luck to you, and remember to start slowly and do what you love so you will stay doing it!

  3. I was banced 3/5/10. I lost 15 lbs pre banding and only 4 post and nothing more. I have felt myself frustrated and slipping into bad habits. I have no fill yet and honestly I think I could eat just about anything - I feel no restriction. I step on the scale day after day with no change and am starting to feel like this won't work. Looking to support.:thumbup:

    I agree - put that scale away for right now. You have no restriction right now, and it should get better after your first fill. Also, take a look at what you are eating? Are you on regular foods yet? If so, you want them to be god, dense Proteins that will help you feel full longer like chicken or fish. If you're still on soft foods you may want to try getting some Fiber in your diet like with refried Beans. It helped me. If you are eating alot of carbs, or processed foods with sugars you are making your hunger worse "chemically" - sugar "high" then sugar "crash" - the crash is hunger. Make sure you are getting enought protei n in. What did your doctor recommend for Protein daily? Also, make sure you are getting enough Water. Another trick that works for me when I think I'm hungry is to have a cup of hot or iced tea that has a good flavor (whatever you personally like) and that is satisfying, especially if I was actually thristy. Please email me or send me PM- I'll be happy to help out. You can also read my story (how I dealth with hunger and the journey, etc) on my blog at Sandi's Banded Living — My Lapband Weight Loss Success Story

    I hope you find some useful tips there. Hang in, it will get better, and if I did it, anybody can!!!!

  4. Sandi did you just say that you used swimming to lose 250lbs??? I think I need to learn how to!!!

    Yup - at 56 years old, and weighing in at over 420 lbs when I started this journey, swimming laps was the first exercise routine I used to lose weight. It was perfect for me because:

    1. it didn't hurt my already stressed joints

    2. I could set my own pace in the pool and increase my time as m endurance built up

    3. it worked muscles all over my body, building muscle where there was only fat before and therefore speeding my metabolism to assist my weight loss

    4. Swimming laps moderately for an hour burned up to 800 calories an hour for me

    If you are interessted, check out my blog entry at Use It To Lose It!

    Let me know what you think!

  5. How long after banding did you wait to get cosmetic surgery.

    I am down about 80 pounds and am starting to think about cosmetic surgery for next year. I had my LAP-BAND® surgery on Nov. 18 so it has only been 4 months.

    I know this is still very early and I am not considering doing anything now. I am positive i am at least going to need the panniculectomy and probably abdominoplasty.

    I am thinking Feb. would be a good time, the kids will be off from school and it shouldn't be difficult for me to tke vacation from work.

    That would be a year and 3 months since banding. Does that sound about right?? What was the recovery like, for those that have had it?

    I think I am more nervous about this than the original surgery-i never thought I would consider cosmetic surgery but...

    already my lower belly is floppy and gross plus it is very red and iriitated. 3 LARGE kids really destroyed by body and of course all the extra weight just added to it.

    I was told to wait for plastic surgery until my weight was stable for at least six months. After losing 250 lobs I'm glad I did because you will not believe how much shifting around that loose skin does during that 6 months. You will be happier with your final results if you can have a little patience, although I really did get tired of "poutting" my skin into my clothes. You may find some useful information in an article I wrote about my experiences. You can find it at

    Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss Surgery - To Nip and Tuck Or Not to Nip and Tuck

    Let me know if the information was helpful.

    Great weoight loss ! Best of luck to you!

  6. Hey, I'm with you re: swimming. I find gym equipment boring but found that I love being the Water. I've been taking swimming lessons since Nov 2009 and haven't missed a class. Yes, I can swim now but continue the classes to build up my endurance and more importantly the great exercise. I'm in the pool every Tues, Thurs and Sun. I've recently added Fri, as one of my classmates meets me at the gym for 45 minutes of cardio then we head over to the pool for 20-30 minutes to brush up on what we learned during our classes.

    I found swimming to be the perfect excercise for me.

    Swimming is it- it tones every inch of your body without stressing your joints, allows you to build endurance, and is aerobic as long as you keep moving at a good pace. Kind of the perfect exercise....I used it to lose 250 lbs and still swim 4 days a week minimum. I solve all of the problems of the world during my laps and always come out of the pool energized and relaxed.

  7. OK, I've been to see the surgeon, been to see the Nurse Practitioner, have read the Sewell book on LAP-BAND®, and have hung around the forums for awhile. I"m looking at surgery in late May, early June 2010. I'm a busy guy during the long days I work (68 and still going strong) and I would like to ask this: How much is this band going to interfere with my daily chores? I mean, is it like a constant problem you're dealing with as far as overeating, vomiting, PBing etc., or does it eventually become a part of your everyday life that pretty much goes along without a lot of attention?

    No, the band will not interfere with your daily living. It will become part of it. You will make your decisions and food choices based on what you can and can not tolerate. Just don't try to eat something "new" when you're out and about. Introduce foods at home. You may get some benefit reading about my journey at my blog- perhaps information about how the process went for me will help you "settle in". You can find it at Sandi's Banded Living — My Lapband Weight Loss Success Story

    I was working from home 4 days after surgery and back int he office at a week. Ninety five percent of the time I have no problem with eating foods..The other 5% of the time it is usually my fault for not chewing horoughly, taking too big a bite, or "trying" to eat a food that I know doesn't work for me any more.

    Let me know what you think!

  8. Sandi, thanks for your inspiration! Lots of perspiration, too- what do they say, "10% inspiration, 90% perspiration"?

    I'm up to walking two miles a day, which is enough for now. Next will be joining a gym.

    Well done- the key seems to be each at our own pace.

  9. Wow first Sandi I have to say CONGRATULATIONS. You are an inspiration.

    As for my exercise this is what I did..

    After surgery I gradually started increasing my walking.

    6 weeks after surgery I started in the cardio lab walking on the treadmill, using the lifecycle and the other machines.

    Now I walk at least 4 miles (sometimes more) 3X a week. I go to the cardio lab 3-4x a week. I have increased my walking to an almost running pace. I also use the Wii Fit Plus at home and on my cable TV there are several exercise videos that I use. I have also incorporated weights into my workouts.

    Let me say the best place to start your walking if you don't want to do it outside is in a mall because there are plenty of places that you can sit and rest if need be. Just remember, listen to your body. It will tell you when it's time to rest. And don't push yourself.

    You are doing an awesome job. Thanks for pointing out 2 important componenets - starting slowly with places to rest, and listening to your body. For me, the band itself is a tool that has taught me to pay attention to, and listen very closely to my body. Exercise is no exception here.

    Anybody else want to share how they got started and what they did?

  10. Thanks, Sandi-- I have been following your blog posts and have enjoyed reading about your inspirational journey!!

    I was pretty lucky coming into my LAP-BAND® journey-- I was already an exerciser-- after having lost 100 pounds with diet and exercise, I continued to run, lift weights, do group exercise, etc. When I gained half of that back again (despite the high exercise) I got my LAP-BAND®.

    So now, I'm four weeks out from surgery and was ok'd to exercise at 2 weeks out. I started by trying to get in 10,000 steps on my pedometer a day the first week, then the following week (this week) started on the Couch to 5K program (running/walking) 3 days a week. I also just got some Zumba DVDs that I've started using at home 2 days a week. Finally, I'm using some lighter weights to start lifting again (also 2 days a week).

    So my hope is that the weight will come back off again, and with the LAP-BAND® it will STAY off this time and forever!!

    Thanks for sharing. You now have the tool that, with your planning and your choices will help you get the weight off again - you obviously know how to get the weight off like so many of us do, and, with this tool keep it off like we have not previously been able to do. I lost 100 pounds so many times it was ridiculous. Now, with my band, and my choices, I am maintaining my 250 pound weight loss for 4 years now. I wake up every morning truly grateful for my band.

  11. Because I have 2 different kinds of arthritis, my joints give me Hell, fat or thin! I found that using a pair of Nordic Walking Poles allows me to walk further and faster , so i use them every day. They live in my car, and when I go somewhere I can use them, out they come.

    I also like to swim and walk lengths in my local pools which are thermally heated, but I prefer the Water really hot because of my joint issues, so I am waiting for the winter season to start, sometime next month.

    On Monday I begin a weight lifting regime at the gym.I really need that to begin to firm up the flabby parts of me that are now even flabbier- yikes!

    Maybe the most consistent exercise I do is Leslie Sansone's Walk At Home series of dvds. They are fabulous and I like to do 3 miles a day if I can, either in front of my computer or in the lounge in front of the tv.

    I know when I am not seeing any movement on the scales, that I need to step up the exercise...:)

    great ideas - thanks for sharing - anybody else?

  12. I have just gotten started in this whole thing.I have at least 6 months of dieting supervised by a doctor before the insurance will ok anything. I started out with the seminar where they discussed banding, sleeve, rou- en-y and gb. I decided to go for the banding and made my first appointment. Then I was told that at my size, 330 and 5'2" with a bmi of 60 that with banding you onlly lose about 100 lbs and since that would leave me still classified as morbidely obese he wouldnt do it.(this was his assistant) then he tells me that its a bad choice for me and that I need the rou-en-y procedure. was anyone else told that you wouldnt lose over 100lbs with banding?

    I wasn't told that I would only lose 100 pounds, but I was told that with ALL of the weight Ineeded to lose a gastric byass would probably be the better choice for me. I was pretty adamant that I wanted a band and my doctor clearly went over all of the pluses and minuses of all of the surgeries in my first pre-op visit and told me, if knowing that I would need to change my lifestyle immediately I still wanted a band that he would support my decision. You can read my story of how I lost 250 pounds with a band if you think it would help you. You can find it at Sandi's Banded Living — My Lapband Weight Loss Success Story

    If you like, please PM me or email me directly.I know you have lots of information to process right now and I'd be willing to try to help you sort through it all.

    Good luck on your journey.

  13. So I'm six years post op, 250 lbs down, 61 years old and in the best shape of my adult life. I'm at the gym 5-7 days a week. I swim laps 4 days, do cardio and weights 2 days and on the 7th day I either bicycle or walk on the beach. When I started my journey I was 424 lbs and exercise for me was getting out of bed in the morning. I just did a blog post about how I got started exercising - you can read it if you like at Use It To Lose It!

    and realized that I really didn't know how to get started exercising and there may be many more like me out there. I thought I could use this forum for all of us who currently have some sort of exercise regimen to let those who don't, or those who want to, or those who are interested, or those who may want to change it up know what they are doing and how they got started so-

    How do you get your exercise?

    When did you start? (how soon after banding)

    How did you start?

    I started by just walking around more in stores, etc. Then I took up swimming laps, starting at 300 lbs and swimming for 5 minutes 3 x per week, working it up to 1 hour per day.

    How about you?

  14. So I'm six years post op, 250 lbs down, 61 years old and in the best shape of my adult life. I'm at the gym 5-7 days a week. I swim laps 4 days, do cardio and weights 2 days and on the 7th day I either bicycle or walk on the beach. When I started my journey I was 424 lbs and exercise for me was getting out of bed in the morning. I just did a blog post about how I got started exercising - you can read it if you like at Use It To Lose It!

    and realized that I really didn't know how to get started exercising and there may be many more like me out there. I thought I could use this forum for all of us who currently have some sort of exercise regimen to let those who don't, or those who want to, or those who are interested, or those who may want to change it up know what they are doing and how they got started so-

    How do you get your exercise?

    When did you start? (how soon after banding)

    How did you start?

    I started by just walking around more in stores, etc. Then I took up swimming laps, starting at 300 lbs and swimming for 5 minutes 3 x per week, working it up to 1 hour per day.

    How about you?

  15. So I'm six years post op, 250 lbs down, 61 years old and in the best shape of my adult life. I'm at the gym 5-7 days a week. I swim laps 4 days, do cardio and weights 2 days and on the 7th day I either bicycle or walk on the beach. When I started my journey I was 424 lbs and exercise for me was getting out of bed in the morning. I just did a blog post about how I got started exercising - you can read it if you like at Use It To Lose It!

    and realized that I really didn't know how to get started exercising and there may be many more like me out there. I thought I could use this forum for all of us who currently have some sort of exercise regimen to let those who don't, or those who want to, or those who are interested, or those who may want to change it up know what they are doing and how they got started so-

    How do you get your exercise?

    When did you start? (how soon after banding)

    How did you start?

    I started by just walking around more in stores, etc. Then I took up swimming laps, starting at 300 lbs and swimming for 5 minutes 3 x per week, working it up to 1 hour per day.

    How about you?


  16. So I'm siz years post op, 250 lbs down, 61 years old and in the best shape of my adult life. I'm at the gym 5-7 days a week. I swim laps 4 days, do cardio and weights 2 days and on the 7th day I either bicycle or walk on the beach. When I started my journey I was 424 lbs and exercise for me was getting out of bed in the morning. I just did a blog post about how I got started exercising - you can read it if you like at Use It To Lose It! and realized that I really didn't know how to get started exercising and there may be many more like me out there. I thought I could use this forum for all of us who currently have some sort of exercise regimen to let those who don't, or those who want to, or those who are interested, or those who may want to change it up know what they are doing and how they got started so-

    How do you get your exercise?

    When did you start? (how soon after banding)

    How did you start?

    I started by just walking around more in stores, etc. Then I took up swimming laps, starting at 300 lbs and swimming for 5 minutes 3 x per week, working it up to 1 hour per day.

    How about you?

  17. So, Itsforlife, today is March 25... presuming you had your surgery yesterday? Let us know how you're doing!

    I was banded Feb 18 and had my first fill March 18. I have restriction but will go for another fill in late May. I have not had any difficulties at all - no BP, no sliming, no reflux, nuthin. I am eating 800-900 cals a day and rarely feel hunger. Last I looked I was down 26 lbs since my consult on Jan. 22, but I have vowed to only weigh myself once a month, so don't know (and almost don't care) what I've lost. I only know that I AM losing (I can feel it in my clothes), I am eating more healthfully than I have in decades, and have the hope and confidence to change my life once and for all. Is it worth it?? YES! I am self-pay and would do it again in a heartbeat. I wish you every success in what's to come!

    Ditto for me. I am just shy of 6 years post- op, I lost 250 pounds, and at 61 years old am in the best shape of my adult life. I also was self pay and my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner!

    Yes, it's worth it. The journey is incredible and my life is filled with blessings every day.

  18. I was banded 1/14/10 and have been doing well, except for the last few weeks. I got a bad cold and stopped exercising, and ever since then it has been very hard to get myself back on track.

    I'm eating the wrong things and feeling really badly about that. I haven't been able to get back to exercise. I am also under stress and working 7 days a week on a special project, which I think I've used as a reason to relax the diet.

    I have a 10 cc band with my current (and first) fill of 3 cc's. I am scheduled to get another in the first week of April, and I'm not looking forward to the visit because I haven't done well.

    If anyone could offer me support I would really appreciate it.

    Remember this - bad habits are difficult to change. It takes quite a while (could be years) for new habits (the good ones) to become standard operating procedure. When you got your cold you probably did what most of us do- went to comfort food to see you through it. then the special project just gave you an excuse to continue. Remember, it's all about choices. You get to choose out of that behavior now, and try to remember why you are doing this- for your health and well being. If YOU don't take care of YOU nobody else will. One thing, please definitely GO to that doctor appointment no matter how badly you're doing. They may help you redirect yourself. Now take a second an dread my blog entry on how I got myself back on track and see if something there might help you. It's at Maintaining #001: December 26, 2009 or Making It Through My 6th year of Holidays After Lap Band® Surgery

    Then take a deep breath and list 5 things you will do for yourself today to get yourself back on track. Write them down and set times for them to occur. and email me or send me a pM and let's talk more. I'm here to help.

  19. Thanks Sandi,

    Appreciate your words of encouragement and you were right, I am in Bakersfield, but I'd prefer Ventura myself... lol..

    My folks lived there for a while, definitely better weather! And civilization too!

    I have to say that all the port and tubing issues got me a bit freaked out, as I hadn't really considered that aspect prior but I will check out your site for support and curious to see how you've been doing. I'd love some mentoring and will be in touch for sure...Going over to Santa Barbara, Sunday for a 6 am check in on Monday at Cottage Hospital w/Dr. Thoman who is suppose to be one of the best. Doing last minute Protein powder orders, making home made chicken broth and getting myself geared up for when I come home.. Wish me luck!

    Thanks again

    Colleen -guitarmama54 :Banane20:

    Good luck and this is probably one of the best decision s you've ever made. Please email me directly at sandi@bandedliving.com and let me know how you are doing. I've heard good things about your doctor so don't worry a bit. Stay in touch.

  20. :thumbup: Hi,

    I'm having my Band on Monday, March 29th in Santa Barbara, CA and traveling 2.5 hours to be there as there is no Center of Excellence in my hometown. Starting to worry about port issues, tubing leaks that I've been reading about and it seems all too common. Hadn't thought about it before while being so busy getting pre op testings/approvals for the surgery. Could use some moral support and encouragement to help me on my way.. Thanks!

    Colleen -Guitarmama54

    Hi Colleen- being scared right before surgery is normal. Port problems, while they do occur are not as prevalent as you seem to think. I'm in Ventura, so not far from you. Fortunately for me,my doc is in Ventura too.I understand your concern about having to drive (sounds like Bakersfield to me) 2 1/2 hours to the doctor, that's a bummer. You may get some calming by reading my blog about my pre surgery and day of surgery feelings. You can find it at Sandi's Banded Living — My Lapband Weight Loss Success Story

    Please feel free to reach out to me by email or PM with any of your questions or concerns. I'm here to help!

  21. Hi there. My name is Linda, and I hope to be banded in May of 2010. I am finishing up the last 6 weeks of my 6 month mandatory supervised diet for insurance purposes, and I am struggling. I really hoped to lose about 20 lbs while on this diet, but I have only been able to lose and regain the same 5 lbs. I feel like such a failure.

    I am an almost 40-year old wife and mother of 2. I work full-time as a middle school teacher. My life is very full, but I have always been held back because of my struggle with my weight.

    I am very hopeful after spending the past few days reading all of the success stories on this website. It is so reassuring to hear of people feeling just like I do.

    I have several friends/family members who have had gastric bypass, but I know of no one who has had the band. I have a million questions and would love to have a buddy to help me through the highs and lows of the coming months. No one knows what it is like unless they have walked in the same shoes.

    Hi - I'm Sandi and was banded almost 6 years ago. I lost 250 pounds and have been maintaining it for 4 years. I'd be glad to offer any help I can to you on your journey. don't worry about your 6 months pre surgery diet. It's after you're banded that is important. That's when you will have the tool that will assist you in your weight loss and new life. Please feel free to PM or email me. You may find some useful information on my blog. You may want to check it out at

    Sandi's Banded Living — My Lapband Weight Loss Success Story

    Let me know

  22. Hi my name is Alli, and I was banded on 4/10/2008. This April will mark my two year bandaversary. At this point I have lost 141 pounds. I have hit the wall though for many reasons. Last July I left my entire family and social network in Virginia and moved to San Diego, Ca. Needless to say the change has been very hard on me in so many ways. Ive lost about 20 pounds since we moved here in July 09, but since then I have been yo-yoing up and down with 5-10 pounds. I think my band is pretty well adjusted, I get full easily and I stay satisfied the normal amount of time.

    I think the real reason I am here is because I am alone. I feel like I dont have any support anymore. I dont work out like I was and I have been eating no no foods. I know everything I am supposed to be doing but I have fallen into such a deep depression about leaving what was my entire world. I need some guidance, a friend, someone to help me get back to losing weight. I wsnt to lose about another 80 pounds. Is there someone out there who can help me? I need and angel.

    Alli, hi, I'm Sandi and I was banded in May of 2004. I really understand where you are at right now and would be willing to do whatever I can to hlp you. It is quicker and easier to communicate by PM or email - sandi@banded living.com. I lost 250 lbs and have had to kickstart myself many times in the past year or so to keep from totally falling ff the wagon. I am up in Ventura so we are almost "neighbors". Let me know what you think.

  23. 270 days---8 months & 25 days---38 weeks

    That is how long it has been since my surgery. I have only lost 32.5lbs. I have fallen off the bandwagon for sure. I have been so depressed about it that I have not even been to see my doctor since December B/C I know he will be fussing at me.

    I work 2 jobs and I have 4 kids at home. I can barely find time to go to the Gym. I find myself eating on the go, not eating the right things, and eating way too much. I have a 9cc band and I am at 7.5 ccs. Even after my fills, I still felt hungry. I have just became very frustrated and angry over the whole thing.:o

    I need some help but not interested in going to see the doctor until I know what to say. My doctor is nice, don't get me wrong. He is just the kind of doc that doesn't accept any excuses.

    I'll be happy to try to help you. First of all, congratulate yourself for the wieght you have lost and kept off! No, now REALLY do it!!!!

    OK, now you have given me all of the information we need to help get you back on track. If you are going to commit to it, why don't you make an appointment to see your doctor in a month, when you will have been back on track for a little bit? This will up the ante and also demonstrate to yourself your level of committment. Just a thought...you do what feels right to you.

    Next, you are super busy- I get it. There are ways to set up your food schedule so that it works into your hectic daily schedule. Again, another commitment required on your part- you need to plan....Your choice, remember, it's all about choices. Take a look at your kids.....now take a really good look at them...do they want their mom to be healthy and happy and able to keep up with them? I bet they do. ou had the surgery to help yourself so now you have to help yourself....Don't worry about the gym to start with. If you put too much more on your plate you will not have the mpotivatio n to do anything. You will be overwhelmed- which is exactly where you are. Work on one step at a time...let's look at food...do you make your kidslunches to take to school? Do you make them Breakfast? Do you make them dinner? You may want to take the next step and figure out what you can eat that is high Protein, low fat and low carb that would fit into those on the go meals..Send me your ideas..You are reaching out for help, are very frustrated and have alot on your plate, alot of stresses in your life that get used for permissions to self sabotage. what was your plan when you started? You can get back to it. I'll help you. Let's do one little thing at a time. My daughter is a single parent of 4 kids so I truly empathize with the 2 jobs, 4 kids, hectic, never ending stress. You can PM me or email directly. If you can find the time, take a look at the latest post on my blog about planning food...Agreed it's easier for me, I was only dealing with one persn's eating habits, but you may get some ideas on how to start planning. You can find it at Adjusting My food Choices – Breakfast With Gloria

    Hang in there. You can do this!

  24. well done Old One! Glad it all went so well. You'll be feeling great in no time. It took me about 6-10 months to drop all of my medications and now, every day older I get, the better I feel. Welcome to the rest of your life!

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