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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pnksteph

  1. We used to do these on the WW boards. First list what stage you are in (liquids, Mushies, Regular Food) and then list what you have ate for the day. We can use mine as a sample. Liquids B--whey Protein shake w/skim milk 8 oz. L--Cream of chicken Soup (1/2 cup) D--Isopure Protein Shake (and it was good!) 40 grams protein This helped us a lot with seeing what others are eating to give everyone ideas.
  2. Thanks for sharing that tip! I will keep it in mind when I get my first issue of being stuck.
  3. pnksteph

    Shoulder Pain?

    Thanks for the input everyone! I just starting feeling that pain today. I am going to try walking around more when I start to feel it followed by a heating pad.
  4. How soon did everyone go back to work after surgery? I know everyone heals differently, but I was feeling great--5 days post op when I went back to work today and it was awful. I did have a hernia fixed as well during the band procedure, but I was in pain today. I have a desk job, 8-5 and even went home for a nap at lunch, but it was a lot harder than I expected. I for sure have to go in tomorrow, so does anyone have any suggestions to help get through the day?
  5. Hey ladies! I am 4 days post-op and feeling a lot better. I do have some moments during the day when I am feeling a little achey and have some cravings, but I know I am not hungry yet. I havent moved past the liquid phase--my doc was adament about having me on liquids for 2 full weeks post-op and I am able to stick with it so far, but lets see how I am doing in 10 days. I hope that everyone else is recovering well. Has anyone else gone back to work? I go back tomorrow and I am kind of nervous. I have a desk job so I wont have to do too much strenous activity, but I plan to go home for a nap at lunch all next week to get some extra rest! Another question, have any of you guys weighed yourself yet? I am so afraid to see a number not budging so I am going to try to wait til Wednesday when I go back for follow up appt. Til then Happy Healing!
  6. I cheated on my pre-op but the anxiety I had prior to the surgery bc of the cheating was not worth it at all. I was really worried that I would not have surgery. Turns out everything was still okay, but not worth the worrying I did prior! I would really try to stick with it bc you dont want to have to worry that the surgery could be put off bc your liver was too fatty. Its not worth it looking back!
  7. pnksteph


    I have not felt that sensation either and I slept on my stomach the first night. Hope it gets better!
  8. What are some of your favorite work outs that you are able to do soon after post-op? Just want to get some new ideas!
  9. I was just banded today and I had a great experience so far. I did have a hiatal hernia removed at the same time. My question is about going back to working out (I am pretty active, despite being overweight). I normally do the tredclimber 2x a week, spin class 1x and also competitive volleyball once a week. I asked my doctor when I could go back to doing this and he said a week or two. I am completely baffled. I thought I would need some more time. Is there anyone out there that plays a team sport or that is pretty active and can let me know how long it took to get back on track? TIA
  10. pnksteph

    Working Out/Sports

    Thanks for the advice! I meet with my doc on Wednesday so I will go over it with him then.
  11. I went in at 7:00 a.m. and was out by 8:30ish. I also had a hernia repaired at the same time. I was released to go home by 9:15 a.m.
  12. Congrats! Keep it up!
  13. I was banded yesterday 8/6/09 and I am feeling a world's better than I did right after surgery. I would love to have a few band buddies to see how the progress is going with other people.
  14. I normally sleep on my stomach so its been hard to sleep on my back. I just had surgery today, but I was wondering if anyone has problems sleeping on their stomach.
  15. Thanks for the help! I think I will try in a couple of days. My port site is not sore, and I am feeling good.
  16. I started researching the procedure in late-April/May timeframe. I had my first one-on-one session on June 17th (I opted not to do the group session) and I just had my surgery today. Thats 50 days from first session til now. Its important to know that I paid for the procedure out of pocket--my insurance would not cover it.
  17. pnksteph

    Introduction--Fears & Hopes

    I guess I view this blog as my confessional. I am hoping there is no one out there that will judge too harshly. On my wedding day, of all days, I felt like I was a complete failure. I had tried so hard to lose 50 lbs for the wedding and although I lost around 25 lbs I knew that the minute I got out of my dress that I would start eating up a storm. I remember sitting in church and being completely uncomfortable in my dress. Why couldn't I have worked harder to lose more weight? What was wrong with me? And it happened, the morning after the wedding when we got back to our house I ate the biggest breakfast ever. Then I ate the largest lunch you've ever seen. By dinner time, a family member commented that they couldn't believe I was eating so much. I thought nothing of it. I had starved myself for months and now I deserved to eat. Over the next four months, I gained a whopping 30 lbs. It feels unreal. I knew I would be getting questions soon about being pregnant since I gained so much weight, but thankfully, none of my friends or family said anything. But my husband did. He was worried that I had already taken things too far. That's when I started looking into the lapband. The purpose of this blog is to express that I am truly upset that I let myself go this far and the time lost is just that...lost. I know I cant make up for that time, but I certainly can make the future better for myself, my husband, family and friends by being healthier and ultimately happier with myself. Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, and I am sitting here with apprehension reading these posts about slippage, slime and not so stellar results. What happens if this doesnt work? What will become of my life then? I need confidence, when a shadowing doubt has loomed over me for so long. I guess positive thinking and support will be the driving force behind my weight loss journey. My story begins today, not tomorrow when I have the surgery, simply because the past is what makes us who we are today. Today I am an unhealthy, overweight and unhappy individual who wants to change. Tomorrow is my chance. Maybe I have wrote this just to get it out of me. Maybe I cant say these things to my skinny friends. My hopes are that this works.
  18. I accidentally posted this on the welcome board, but I guess this question should go here. I have not lost as much pre-operatively as I have expected. Only about 3 lbs. My doctor did not give me a specific amount to lose but I am worried about any complications and such because of this. I am only two days away from surgery--August 6th. Any suggestions or thoughts? TIA
  19. pnksteph

    Introduction--Fears & Hopes

    I guess I view this blog as my confessional. I am hoping there is no one out there that will judge too harshly. On my wedding day, of all days, I felt like I was a complete failure. I had tried so hard to lose 50 lbs for the wedding and although I lost around 25 lbs I knew that the minute I got out of my dress that I would start eating up a storm. I remember sitting in church and being completely uncomfortable in my dress. Why couldn't I have worked harder to lose more weight? What was wrong with me? And it happened, the morning after the wedding when we got back to our house I ate the biggest breakfast ever. Then I ate the largest lunch you've ever seen. By dinner time, a family member commented that they couldn't believe I was eating so much. I thought nothing of it. I had starved myself for months and now I deserved to eat. Over the next four months, I gained a whopping 30 lbs. It feels unreal. I knew I would be getting questions soon about being pregnant since I gained so much weight, but thankfully, none of my friends or family said anything. But my husband did. He was worried that I had already taken things too far. That's when I started looking into the lapband. The purpose of this blog is to express that I am truly upset that I let myself go this far and the time lost is just that...lost. I know I cant make up for that time, but I certainly can make the future better for myself, my husband, family and friends by being healthier and ultimately happier with myself. Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, and I am sitting here with apprehension reading these posts about slippage, slime and not so stellar results. What happens if this doesnt work? What will become of my life then? I need confidence, when a shadowing doubt has loomed over me for so long. I guess positive thinking and support will be the driving force behind my weight loss journey. My story begins today, not tomorrow when I have the surgery, simply because the past is what makes us who we are today. Today I am an unhealthy, overweight and unhappy individual who wants to change. Tomorrow is my chance. Maybe I have wrote this just to get it out of me. Maybe I cant say these things to my skinny friends. My hopes are that this works.
  20. I have surgery tomorrow! It kind of feels like a whirlwind of a process. Maybe because I am paying for it out of pocket, but it has gone by really quickly.
  21. pnksteph

    Discouraged - aftercare?

    I have not had the surgery yet--scheduled for tomorrow!--but I met with my nutritionist a couple weeks back and she went over everything in great detail. The nutritionist that I went to actually had the bypass surgery, but she mentioned that our eating habits should be similar. She said the thing that has helped her the most is to eat your Protein first, then veggies and if needed have a bite of your starch. She also said the most important thing is not to drink with your meal because it will push the food down. She has lost over 140 lbs with it, so I plan to take her advice. Hope this helps!
  22. pnksteph

    Weight Loss Pre-Op

    I havent stuck to the diet as strictly as I should--I went on vacation last weekend and it was soooooo hard! I am going to eat very light today in hopes of a non-fatty liver tomorrow. I did well yesterday too. Cross your fingers for me!
  23. I haven't loss as much as I have expected pre-operatively. I only lost like 3 lbs and it has been hard to say no to foods that I feel I wont have for a long time. My doctor did not give me a specific amount to lose, but I am worried about complications. My surgery is on August 8th--thats just two days away. Any suggestions or thoughts? TIA
  24. pnksteph

    Pre-Op Weight Loss

    Yikes, I meant to say the surgery is on August 6th.

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