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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DawnC

  1. I was told not to drink 30 min before and 30 mins after. I'm okay before the meals but it is hard - hard - hard to wait 30 min after. How do I dela with this?
  2. DawnC

    2nd fill

    I got my first fill this past Monday. 4cc's in a 10 cc. Was told that will be the largest fill I receive. I can pretty much eat anything as long as I chew it good. I have gotten stuck a couple of times and that is PAINFULL!! I still get hungry every 2-3 hours. I was told to be patient so I am trying. I have lost 15 lbs since surgery and didn't gain that two weeks I was starving after the swelling in my stomach went away so as long as I don't gain - I'm cool for now. No telling what it's gonna take to get me to my sweet spot but I am ready to be there!
  3. I think I have only burped a couple of times since surgery. I wish it would come out as a burp rather than the other. I bought the Gas X strips the nigh I posted the original message and took 3 of them. They really worked. Box says you can take 2-4 but no more than 8 in 24 hrs.
  4. I had my first bowel movement almost a week after surgery. I am now a month out and have bowel movements every couple of days but the gas I have is CRAZY!! Is this normal? Can I take anything to reduce it? It almost seems constant. Luckily I have not had any embarassing moments yet but if this continues - I know it is coming!! What should I do?
  5. I went through the same thing! Felt like I couldn't make any plans with my life until I had the surgery. Took me a total of 7 months to get approved but I did and as long as your doc sends it all in - you will be in good shape. I called the insurance company to check on mine nd they said they had requested something from the doc so I called the doc and they said NO - it was all sent. A few days later...I had my approval but the doc wouldn't ive me a date until they had the approval in writing from the insurance co. It is VERY hard to be patient but you have been going through the process a long time. When you started the 6 months - didn't it seem like that would be forever? Did for me so when it came time to submit to insurance I was sooooo happy. Still had the wait but I knew I was really in the home stretch and so are you!!
  6. I am 3 weeks and 1 day post op. I have zero restriction. I still drink a lot of liquids but I can eat solids with no problem. I have eaten chicken and fish with ease. You and I are currently in "Bandster Hell". It is hard to not eat things I shouldn't but I don't. Typical day for me is 2-3 protein shakes (usually 2), oatmeal, few crackers with peanut butter and Grits for dinner. Pre-op, all of the would have been before 10 am!! I am working inside my own head to do this. I am looking VERY forward to my first fill but in the meantime, it is up to us!!
  7. DawnC


    One of my approved drinks on my liquid only diet after surgery was coffee. I do add some sweet n low and fat free creamer. Would not be able to function without it. After 10 years of drinking about 80 oz of Diet Mtn Dew everyday and going cold turkey off those - no way am I giving up the coffee!! :confused:
  8. My doc told me last Friday to try Slim Fast Low Carb. 20 grams of protein. Could not find them in the store so ordered from Amazon. I like the taste of Alim Fast waaaay more than some of the other drinks.
  9. I am 2 weeks post op today. I can't feel my port at all. The doc showed me where it is but said there is alot of swelling and fluid in there so I prob won't feel it for a while. Sorry I can't help....
  10. I feel ya - today is 2 weeks for me and I am feeling like it's about that time!!
  11. I was banded on 11/3. My first bowel movement was on 11/9. Since then, I have been having bowel movements a couple time a day (even when I really don't want to - or - especially when I don't want to) and it is 95% liquid. Anyone else dealing with this? Do you take anything for it. I finally took an Imodium this morning. I go to the doc this morning for my post op check up and will ask what to do then. Just wondering if this is normal.
  12. I would let her know you can lose the weight but she can't lose stupidity. When all is said and done - you will be thin but she will still be stupid!
  13. I have been drinking the Slim Fast Optima but it was suggested to me to try the EAS Myoplex Lite. Going to try and get some today.
  14. DawnC

    hungry or full?

    Popsicles do that to me too - feel like my stomach is going to pop open. Very uncomfortable feeling. It passes though. You insides are swollen so there is your restriction. There is a video on you tube of the surgery. watch that and you will see the trama your stomach went thru and you will understand why it takes so long to heal. It will also help you understand why you should not cheat. part of your stomach is stiched around the band, eating something your shouldnt too soon can break those and cause the band to slip. Thinking about that keeps my food choices in tact. It is going to take time for you to understand the new language of your body. Listen to it - just the last week with the band has made me pay way more attention to what is going on inside me.
  15. DawnC

    hungry or full?

    I have been drinking the Slim Fast Optima shakes. They are 180 calories with 10 gm of protein. I went with those because all I have to do is pop open a can. Do you mix yours? I know I need more protein. I feel ok during the day but get tired and weak at night. The broth at night is great! I get tired of the sweet taste fromthe shakes and yogurt.. I need to make a trip to GNC and see what I can come up with.
  16. DawnC

    hungry or full?

    I was banded a week ago yesterday. I feel hungry sometimes but it is a different kind of hunger. When I feel like I am hungry and it has been a while, I drink a slim fast shake. Knocks the hunger right out. I am on liquids only for 2 weeks but it does include SF pudding, jello, and low fat yogurt. I don't get oatmeal till next week. I do know when I have drank to much though - start feeling it in my chest and it is uncomfortable. My head hunger is there too - I really miss food. Never noticed how many commercials there were for food or how much people eat in movies and tv shows. I have not cheated which I am very proud of myself for. It is not easy at all. Yesterday my consumption consisted of 3 slim fast shakes, 2 low fat yogurts and a can of chicken broth. 2 weeks ago - that wouldn't have gotten me thru to noon! I still haven't figured out what all the feelings my body is having are but I know what I am supposed to do and what I am not supposed to do so I am sticking with that.
  17. DawnC

    smoking and the band

    I was told not to smoke after midnight the day of surgery and I didn't. Smoked on the way home from surgery. I have not had any problems. I became a bandster one week ago today.
  18. Jess, I had to do 6 months supervised diet. They just told me how to eat correctly - they didn't put me on a specific diet. It was purely for insurance and honestly, I ate like crazy the last 6 months. Gained at least one pound every month. My isurance just does it to see if you are serious. 6 months of all kinds of stuff including what you eat everyday for 6 months (mine was a total fabrication). My BMI is 36. I have read the higher the BMI - the more weight the doc wants you to lose before surgery. I would find out if this is a insurance requirement or a doctor requirement,
  19. I have a question for you HH. This is a "lapband" website as indicated by the site name "lapband talk". Since you love the GB and have nothing good to say about the LB - why don't you spew your thoroughly investigated knowledge on a GB site??? At this time next week I will have been banded. I read posts on this "lapband" site to familarize myself with the after surgery surprises. I investigated GB and LB. I chose LB - that is why I chose this site. I am sure the subscribers on a GB site would appreciate your rhetoric more than bandsters!
  20. DawnC

    New from Georgia

    TJ, my insurance required that I go thru 6 months of jumping thru hoops. This almost made me decide not to have the band but my husband said he thought I should do it. So - I set my mind to it and now I am one week away. However, I can tell my hubby is a little nervous. He made the comment one night "Better to have a fat wife than a skinny ex-wife". I have a friend who had GB years ago, got skinny and started cheating on her husband. He thinks once my self esteem gets better, I might wise up to all his issues and leave him. We have been together almost 15 years - he's nuts if he thinks there is something about him I don't know! Anyway, I think people let themselves get into a comfort zone and the prospect of change scares them. A part of my job is implementing new policies and procedures and people do not like change!! The band is slower weight loss than GB and I hope that helps my hubby with adjusting along the way...same for me. I have been reading posts on this site for months. It provides alot of great info and you will ALWAYS be able to find at least one person going thru the same things you are. Best of luck to you - and me!!
  21. DawnC

    New from Georgia

    I am using Dr. Hart too. Surgery will be done at Perimeter. Met Dr. Hart last Tuesday and surgery is scheduled one week from today. My insurance had 6 months of requirements so I have been going to the office on Peachtree-Dunwoody. I live in Griffin but work in Conley. Kinda cool to see someone on here so close.
  22. DawnC

    Smoking and the Bandit

    I am using True Results also. The PA told me to quit 2 weeks before surgery. I met with the doc last week and he didn't say anything about it. When they gave me the pre-op instructions - it says don't smoke or use any tobacco products after midnight day of surgery. I want to quit and need to quit - just not sure if I can give up two of my favorite things at the same time.
  23. I just got my date and it is Nov 3 too! Yeah - I'm doin the happy dance!!
  24. DawnC

    Not happy!

    My first visit was in Feb. Because my BMI was below 40, I had to have a co-morbidity. It took me a while to decide if I wanted to wait the six months but I did decide to so I had a sleep apnea test done and sure enough - I have it. I then scheduled an appt with the doc and that started my 6 months. I couldn't go back from Feb because I needed the co-morbidity to start the process. Also, from Feb to Apr had a gap in the 6 months and I needed them to be 6 months in a row. This is what I did: Feb - met with surgeon (actually PA) March - sleep apnea test Apr - met with surgeon (actually PA) May - met with psychologist and surgeon (actually PA) June - Had upper GI done and met with actual surgeon July - Met with nutritionise and PA Aug - Got medical clearance from primary family MD Sept - met with PA - Insurance submitted 09/28/09. Oct - Received authorization in less than a week. Went last week for clearance from cardiologist and had echo done. All I am waiting on is the clearance from cardio doc. HOPEFULLY will get today. Remember - write down everything you eat daily and what excercise you do - a must have for 6 months.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
