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LAP-BAND Patients
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About 2betrim

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/04/1967
  1. Happy 46th Birthday 2betrim!

  2. Happy 45th Birthday 2betrim!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary 2betrim!

  4. Thank you so much.Congrats to you as well..

  5. Congrats to you. Fantastic goal. I wish you the best.

    I was banded on Aug3rd. I had back gas in my back. Other than that. Its really not bad. Get your rest and follow your died to t.



  6. 2betrim

    Finally my journey begins

    Do not let anyone trick you into eating what you can't eat. You are strong person. I have same problem with my family. I keep telling myself I have come this far. I'm not stopping. Work towards you goal. People seem to think that the band makes you loose weight, its only a tool. Stand strong keep working at you goal. Kel

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