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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by micnat

  1. micnat

    First Fill Experiences

    So I can definitely tell now that I need to slow down while eating! Even the liquid/cottage cheese gets hung up in my chest! So glad I have my restriction now. I am eating graham cracker submersed in milk right now. I have taken 3 bites and my tummy is making really loud creaking noises. Anyone know what that is about? It doesn't hurt, it is just loud!
  2. At what point in your weight loss did people start noticing your body changing? I know it depends on your weight and height but I am curious!
  3. micnat

    First Fill Experiences

    I had my first fill this morning..they filled me with 3cc's, not sure how much I had to begin with though. It was a pretty simple process, in and out in 10 min :mad: Problem is, that was at 9am. By 10:30 I was pretty hungry and sipped all of my slimfast. Now it's 12:30 and I am hungry again! Do you think I need more in my band or should I give it some time?
  4. micnat

    5 weeks post op

    Try putting benefiber in your drinks. It dissolves easily and is tasteless! It helps me "do the deed" :mad: I am 5 -6 weeks post op and stalled at about 18 pounds. Now I keep losing and gaining the same 2 pounds. I had my first fill this morning. They numbed me and didn't have any problems. I am hoping this will kick start me again as before the fill I felt absolutely no restriction. I was lucky in that I never had any negative effects from surgery..no throwing up or naseousness.
  5. I was banded a month ago. I am now experiencing the heaviest period I have had in YEARS! It is also going for longer (going on 5th day instead of my normal 2-3 day periods). I have PCOS so I am not sure if that has anything to do with it as it has and still is controlled by BC. I just wanted to see if this is due from the surgery or the weight loss? I have lost 20 pounds so far. I am 29 so menopause isn't the culprit. Not a big issue but just curious as to why the sudden change.
  6. I am still on mushy/all liquid diet and I go to real foods on Thursday. Did y'all transition slowly to real foods and how? Or did you just start eating normal? I am a bit nervous as I haven't received my first fill yet (Sept 8th) and am getting increasingly hungry. I want to be careful not to have a free for all when Thursday comes! What were your experiences like?
  7. Great to hear promising stories! I was diagnosed with PCOS when we couldn't get pregnant. I was never in any pain or felt the cysts but periods were extremely irregular and i gained a TON of weight when I was 19. We were able to get pregnant with the help of a fertility specialist (she is 2 now!). I was just banded last month and am hoping to lose enough weight where getting pregnant without help is possible!
  8. micnat

    Freedom Fighters Weekly Weigh In

    I'm a little early in my weigh in but not sure if I'll be around Monday. Preop: 217 Current: 199 (I don't see a "2" anymore!!!!!!) Goal: 140 Pounds lost: 18
  9. :frown:So today I had a whole small Wendy's Frosty and a package of Twix! I am still on full liquids so not sure why in the world I did it but, alas, I did. After eating all that you would think I would be sick, nauseated or feeling the full pressure but I'm not! Anyone know why?!? I have never felt nauseous or sick since having the surgery. Is that normal as well? I had surgery 07/30/09.
  10. Thanks everyone! I did GREAT today! I think I just needed to realize that I need to take it day by day or else I will get overwhelmed. I am/was a very emotional eater and yesterday was the first day I really caved. I always knew that this surgery was a tool for weight loss, not a fix and yesterday proved that!!!
  11. Mine were glued as well. It took about a week for them to start peeling off and I definitely helped with that :sad: I still had a few strays after 2 weeks but nothing I couldn't pick off. I don't have pics though! I have 3 incisions and 2 holes.
  12. Thank you everyone for your responses! Last night I had a heart to heart with myself and while it was a stupid thing to do, It's not going to stop me. I worked too hard to get approved for this surgery and I am GOING to make it work! I have had such an easy time with it so far so why sabatoge it now?! Today is a new day and I am treating it as such. I am being extra careful and weighing the right amounts of liquid out and sticking to my guns! Thanks again!
  13. micnat

    Any Challenge Ideas

    Agreed! A water, protein or exercise challenge sounds great!
  14. micnat

    July 2009 Dates

    my surgery date was 07/30
  15. micnat

    Freedom Fighters Weekly Weigh In

    2nd week for my weigh in's. Preop - 217.0 07/30/09 - 214.0 08/03/09 - 208.0 08/11/09 - 205.0 Lost 3 pounds last week.
  16. micnat

    2 Days post-op

    Haha that is what I get for trying to read posts at 1:30 in the am! Maybe when I get done with mushies and am not starving anymore, I will have a different prespective on it!
  17. micnat

    Me and PCOS

    Keep us updated on how everything goes! It is hard to find a Dr. that knows a lot about PCOS. I have the same problem. And tell your friend congrats! I too am banded to get healthy with problems associated with PCOS such as high bp. I had to take fertility drugs to have my 2 year old daughter and luckily it only took a few tries of doing the IUI procedure. I am hoping after losing weight for a year I can become pregnant again more easily! Thanks for the post op diet tips. I am 1 week out and was wondering if my diet should be a little different.
  18. micnat

    2 Days post-op

    Agree with Restless Monkey. I personally don't think with liquids it makes a difference as long as you aren't chugging it and drinking it, however, My Dr. said 2 ounces every hour but water is limitless...if you drink and not chug like she said. I would call your Dr. to find out what he recommends..Every surgeon is different. RM - I completely agree with it being cruel not to add any saline during surgery. I had mine a week ago and am starting to be STARVING. 2 ounces 3 times a day for meals and 2 ounces every hour of protein shakes just aren't doing the trick anymore!
  19. I was banded 07/30. I am on the mushie stage and have felt great! Recovery was nice and easy. I am supposed to drink 2 ounces of Protein shake every hour and have 3 mushie meals a day...2 ounces each. It has been great up to this point but today I am STARVING! Why the sudden change? I ate Breakfast 2 hours ago and am keeping up on the Protein Shake..I am also drinking my Water. I am not supposed to snack in between meals but the protein shake is not doing it for me this morning. Any ideas on why this is happening or what I can do?
  20. micnat

    Yay! They Fit! :)

    Congrats!!!! That is great!!!:sneaky:
  21. micnat

    Check In!

    Sounds like everyone is doing great! As for the psychological part, I guess that will be there for us forever...It was part of being overweight with me too so I guess if I have the choice...skinny it is! I was banded July 30th. Recovery has been great, just some soreness and discomfort but no pain and no huge gas issues. I lost 4 pounds pre-op and 8 pounds post op. I am sure most of that is just Water though. I am now on mushie foods. Living on oatmeal, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese and pudding. TRying to make sure I get all my water and Protein shake in.. I am doing some walking at night with my toddler. If any of you have young kids, how do you keep from picking them up? My DH has been awesome but I feel so helpless not being able to pick her up to put her in her highchair, etc.
  22. micnat

    Reporting from the Hospital

    Wonderful view! My view consisted of an air conditioner unit
  23. micnat

    I'll be glad when I can........

    paint my own toes! get off BP meds
  24. micnat

    Freedom Fighters Weekly Weigh In

    Can I get in on this? Great for the accountability! Starting weight: 217 Post OP Weight: 215 Weight right now: 208 Lost 9 pounds Banded 07/30/09
  25. micnat

    Mushy Suggestions?

    oh the salsa/sour cream was one of my fav's pre-op (with chips of course)! Can't wait to nix the chips and add FF refried beans!!!!!!!!! I was logging in as well to find more recipes so thanks for posting! I have been on mushies for 2 days and all I've eaten is pudding, oatmeal and Soup. My MIL has been banded so knew what to make me..She cooked me instant mashed potato soup :smile2:. She made it with sour cream and chive instant mashed potatoes so it was extra yummy!!

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