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Everything posted by delray

  1. has anyone gotten pregnant after they got their insurance approval but before their surgery? what happens to your approval? how long is it good for? can you have it extended till after you give birth or did you have to start from scratch with all pre testing and 6mo wait period?
  2. has anyone gotten pregnant right before their surgery? what happens with your insurance approval? how soon after you gave birth could you go through with your surgery?
  3. has anyone gotten pregnant right before their surgery? what happens with your insurance approval? how soon after you gave birth could you go through with your surgery?
  4. i guess i should of worded my question differently. i wanted to know what happens if you already have your insurance approval (but have not has surgery yet) but found out you were pregnant...what happens to your insurance approval? can it be pushed off and for how long? or do you have start from scratch with the 6 months and all the testing?

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