I chose to sever ties with my best friend of 7 years.
She is diabetic, will not take care of herself, and can't stop eating or drinking alcohol, I had tried to help her on numerous occasions, I told her please don't end up like an ex of mine that almost died from diabetes because he would not take care of himself, I also asked her to please stop drinking, for her own health, and I told her that she was seriously hurting herself.
At the end of our relationship, she was the biggest I had ever seen her, seriously, she was bigger then me.
After my lap band, our relationship changed a lot, It seemed like her whole LIFE was centered around getting food, eating food, or securing food for later.
I couldn't eat much of anything after my surgery, and at restaurants when I would go to eat with her, she would try to make me eat.
She was trying to sabotage me, and I actually let her one time. I was so angry that I let her make me feel that bad, that I ended our friendship.
If she wants to be fat and unhappy, let her be, sometimes you cannot help people help themselves.