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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bigreddog

  1. Hi All Been a loooooong time since I was on here. I got banded Sept 06, and I've lost 30kg (probably more since I've been strength training a lot as well) Been about 3 months since I was last filled, and just recently I've been: a. throwing up quite regulalry b. not losing weight To help me get back on track, can anyone help remind me what a good days food should look like at this stage? Best BRD
  2. bigreddog

    Just over a year - daily food ideas?

    Thank you - maybe I need to focus on smaller bites
  3. bigreddog

    Just over a year - daily food ideas?

    Exercise - plenty Throwing up is odd - sometimes I'm fine then other days it's horrible - and I can't seem to find a particular food that is a problem. But really I'm just looking for advice/motivation/reminder about what a day of food should be like
  4. bigreddog

    To fill or not to fill....

    My doctor recommends a week on liquids post fill - probably excessive, but it gets the weight loss happening again, and better safe than sorry
  5. bigreddog

    To fill or not to fill....

    Bread is always a problem for me, and I feel the same - I am due a fill on Saturday and don't want to do it! But although I feel much better having lost weight I am well short of my target, so I need to knuckle down and do it. The best advice I ever had was to point out that you can still eat anything - it's just sometimes it is only a tiny nibble.
  6. bigreddog

    Anyone Banded In Belgium W/dr Dillemans?

    I was banded in September 2006 by Dr Dillmans. All went fine (had a discussion about a RNY, I declined, gone ahead w/ lap band). I've had one fill in London, 2nd fill due on Saturday). I'd lost 20kg by Easter, been stable since and have been travelling with work so resisted fill (throwing up on aeroplanes is seriously unfunny). For the money, it seemed great, hospital was good. I went by myself and was VERY bored in the hotel but otherwise it was fine.
  7. OK, odd question! I got banded 8 weeks ago, all going well, and I've got back into kickboxing for exercise. But a good friend has just started a grappling class, and is raving about it. I'd love to take part, but I'm worried about the port - namely if there is 'grinding' contact, can that cause problems? There is a lot of force involved when I grapple with 'the big guys' and I worry about the port getting shifted about a bit So has anyone gone back to wrestling/judo/bjj post op?
  8. bigreddog

    'Normal' diet

    Banded 2 weeks ago, starting to introduce new foods. Does anyone have recommendations for a style of eating long term - the band handles volume control, but should I eat high Protein or low fat or what long term?
  9. bigreddog

    Shoulder pain

    I'm one week post band, and generally fine EXCEPT I keep getting terrible pain in my left shoulder. I've been told this is referred pain (from gas trapped under the diagaphram during the op). Anybody else get this? Anything help shift it? It hurts a lot, and only lying down helps it pass
  10. bigreddog

    Shoulder pain

    Thanks for the input guys - I'm 10 days post surgery now, and the pain is better - still there but not nearly as unpleasant as it was - I hope by Weds (2 wks post surgery) that it will be gone. And as of yesterday I am 20lbs (9 kilos) lighter. Just another 50kg to go!
  11. bigreddog

    Got my date

    Eeeek! (sorry, not very manly!) September 6th, Belgium. Very excited. Very nervous.
  12. bigreddog

    Got my date

    Thanks guys. A stone = 14lbs = ~6.2 kg
  13. bigreddog

    Got my date

    Thanks. Good to see another Brit! (And well done on your weight loss)
  14. Hi All I'm 34, 396lbs, father of a 3 yr old living in the UK. I really need help to get myweight down to a point where I can start running around with my little boy, and generally being well again. A friend reconmmended lap banding to me, and I've been looking at it. My only concern is that the weight loss looks quite slow, and that it may not get me down low enough. Also, I enjoy the martial arts, and I worry about contact sports. Anybody got any advice, encouragement/discouragement, tips or useful experiences for me. There's lots of good stuff on these forums, but I guess I want someone to help me say 'Do it - it'll transform your life' Thanks in advance BRD
  15. bigreddog

    Help - advice and opinions

    Thanks boys and girls. Just sent in my application form (gulps nervously!), so I guess I'll hear in the next couple of days about my date and stuff. That'll be another post then.....
  16. bigreddog

    Help - advice and opinions

    OK, so that's all positive. Thank you. So can anyone suggest any reason NOT to go this route? I think I've made my decision, but I need to explain it to my nearest and dearest, some of whom I know are going to be opposed to it (we've mentioned it in passing). So what views can you expect people to throw at you - and how do you counter them?
  17. bigreddog

    Help - advice and opinions

    Spot on - newsho, it's the contact that concerns me - I know I'd be better lighter. I don't want the band ruptured ot the port tearing lose if I take a shot.

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