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About readytogo

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/03/1960
  1. Happy 53rd Birthday readytogo!

  2. Happy 52nd Birthday readytogo!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary readytogo!

  4. readytogo

    5 days post port pain admitted to hospital

    Maybe i did not make it clear. The surgeon was suggesting to do the surgery but it was up to me, his associate not assistant was suggesting to wait which only made things more difficeult for me. I can deal with the pain for now as long as I know it wont be forever. I postponed starting a new job for one more week, so time is of concern. I was not on pain med, but just started which eases the pain but its hard to function
  5. I had my surgery 8-11. Discharged two days later. Everything went well but the port pain was intense I called my Dr. office and they told me to come in, the Dr. started pressing around the port so hard I was out of breath, he became concern that there was something wrong with the port and perhaps a clot from my short of breath. I was in hospital 5 days just discharged 8-17, they did not find anything wrong with the port, the surgeon sugested that maybe he would move the port up a little and take the pressure off the muscles (the port is 2 inches up and 2 inches left of my belly button. He said this would be a simple procedure. They had me tentatively schedule for 7pm surgery on friday. When his assistant came to see me to make the final call he said I should just put up with the pain, why open me up again and start from step one. I agreed. It is sunday and i am still in pain, I go to Dr. monday for a follow up. Any ideas on this.
  6. I was banded 8-11, and I was not prepared for this kind of port pain. I was given Prescription for pain med but did not fill it, because I was told most likely will not need it. It hurts to sit, stand, lay down, walk, just about anything I do. Is this normal? I have had 10 surgeries in past including 3 knee surgeries and 2 hand surgeries, I thought I had a high tolerance for pain, but I guess not. Any suggestions?
  7. readytogo

    Observations on Castro and Cuban-Americans

    I have not had a chance to post since my previous one, due to a last minute medical complication which may mean cancelling my surgery for friday. I will be having an angiogram tomorrow morning, and God willing everything will be allright. Elena, I agree with your statements. Tired Old Man: Elena is 42, and you 61, Im 46 and yes I do think we know Cuba better than you. The things that she and I experience can never be completly understod by reading books or watching documentaries. As we speak there are many children and young adults living in places that are being torn apart by wars and by horrible governments. When I am 61 and these young people are 42, I know that I wont ever be able to know more than they do about their birthplace or its government.
  8. readytogo

    Observations on Castro and Cuban-Americans

    Im not sure if politics should be discussed here. But in response to your post, I was born in Cuba and "escaped" at the age of eight. Castro had been in power for five years, during that time my father, grandfather and uncles were sent to prison, each between 5-9 years. My uncle was a catholic priest and was forced to leave Cuba. Castro order the murders of thousands and thousands of Cubans, and that was only one of many atrocities he committed. As soon as I turned 18, I became a American Citizen, when my father came to this country he always dreamed of becomming a citizen, and did so, like many Cubans who had too fled Castros regime. All the Cubans that I personally know love this country and are forever greatful for all the opportunities she has given them. I woud love one day to go to Cuba, many of us regardless where we were born or where our parents were born yearn to visit those places. I plan to go back to visit, and I hope my children and my husband who were all born in this country will join me to go so I can share things about my cuban culture. But yes the US has been my home for all of my adult life and this is where I, and I belief many will stay. The older generation, who were in their 20-40's when Castro came into power were uprooted from their homes living everything behind,(many left with just the clothes they were wearing) they all thought it was temporary that one day very soon they would return to Cuba. My father is 80 same age as Castro, I hope one day he can go and visit Cuba.
  9. Hi everyone, I have been reading many of the posts and it has been a tremendous help. I am 3 days into pre-op diet and doing better than I had expected to. I'm not worried about the actual procedure, or being able to handle the liquid stage even though I know it will be challenging. What I am scared of is PB'n and the slimming you talk about. A week after surgery I will be starting a new job, as well as a new career that I am very excited about. But I am so petrified of having these episodes at work. Should I plan on lunch eating what I already know will be O.K.? Althought I have read that what works today may not work tomorrow. Any ideas? Thanks so much, Mercedes

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