Im not sure if politics should be discussed here. But in response to your post, I was born in Cuba and "escaped" at the age of eight. Castro had been in power for five years, during that time my father, grandfather and uncles were sent to prison, each between 5-9 years. My uncle was a catholic priest and was forced to leave Cuba. Castro order the murders of thousands and thousands of Cubans, and that was only one of many atrocities he committed.
As soon as I turned 18, I became a American Citizen, when my father came to this country he always dreamed of becomming a citizen, and did so, like many Cubans who had too fled Castros regime.
All the Cubans that I personally know love this country and are forever greatful for all the opportunities she has given them.
I woud love one day to go to Cuba, many of us regardless where we were born or where our parents were born yearn to visit those places. I plan to go back to visit, and I hope my children and my husband who were all born in this country will join me to go so I can share things about my cuban culture. But yes the US has been my home for all of my adult life and this is where I, and I belief many will stay.
The older generation, who were in their 20-40's when Castro came into power were uprooted from their homes living everything behind,(many left with just the clothes they were wearing) they all thought it was temporary that one day very soon they would return to Cuba. My father is 80 same age as Castro, I hope one day he can go and visit Cuba.