I received my Lap Band on July 22. Talk about surgery scheduling. I was scheduled for 4pm, but didn't actually go in until 7:45pm. I had been fasting since 8:30pm the night before, I was so thirsty, although one nurse snuck me about 1/2 cup Water.
My doctor gave me an onQ pump. Saved my sanity! It administered a local anesthetic around the incision areas which kept my tummy numb. It ran out on Saturday, when I removed the catheter I never did experience any pain.
My worst side effect was gas, oh my! Walking was the only thing that could cure it. Now, I am just hungry all the time. My post-op appointment is on Monday, so I am hoping for good news. Tomorrow I have my first support group meeting and I am looking forward to that, getting to meet locals who are going through this too.