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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by nurse09

  1. Well thanks for the welcome! I don't really know how to use this stuff yet, but i am sure i will get the hang of it. So how long has it been for you post op? Or have you had the surgery yet? I had mine on 3-11-08 and i am doing ok. i have kind of fell off the wagon, but i am ready to get back on and do what i wanted to do when i had the surgery. That is to get to a healthy weight and stay there. So let me know all about your experiences and i will do the same. hope to hear from you soon.

  2. Well this is my second day on this site and so far i have enjoyed the feedback i have recieved. i found this site through google, because i am at the point that i know i need support of others. i have always tried to just face things alone, but i now know it takes a village to raise a child. so i went looking for others like myself that have had the lapband surgery and i hope we all can help one another in this lifelong battle. Feel free to leave me messages or add me to your friends list. You can never have too much support and i welcome all of you to join me in my battle as i will yours. thanks in advance for your support!

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